Sleeping with pot


Well-Known Member
So, I know that every pot head has fallen asleep stoned way too many times to count.

The dreams I have when I am high, are so vivid, clear, and alot more linear.

I know I have had some fun times in dreamland, I was wondering if any one would like to share there dreams while stoned.


Well-Known Member
every night i go to sleep and before i do, i hit a few bowls off my bong, it helps ease my mind and body and set my asleep
the dreams i experience are trippy, crazy, euphoric and just out of this world, literally
most of these dreams i have while high i remember vividly, just like i do my daydreams (most of which for i am also high cuz im in my classes at school)
theres times when im in my city, or somewhere else in the world but something is always off and i pick it out and dissect it, explore it, but not just what is visible, i see deeper...another dimension, subatomic, i dont know, im just dreaming it, but in my dream i know
i am leading the largest, strongest rebellion against the government mankind ever saw. standing out for whats right getting things done that should have been done such a long time ago, and seeing what this world can really be. its always so amassing, beautiful, but it always seems that just when everything is perfect i wake up back into this shithole
i also dream about leaving this universe, finding other galaxies, planets, usually they are uninhabited by anything that resembles humans, just creatures living with nature in harmony
in most of my dreams ill spend some time stopping to smoke a blunt, most of my dreams i smoke cuban sized blunts rolled perfectly with the best weed

now these are my DREAMS, ok, so i dont wanna hear anyone saying shit like im pretending to be king of the world, WEL NO SHIT...its my dream!!! in yours, your the fuking king, lol

im really baked rite now so ill stop tying and let you guys read
chill out, smoke out, pass out

The Banterer

Active Member
I find that whenever I go to sleep stoned, I just sleep really hard and wake up feeling refreshed. That's probably the biggest reason I became a regular patient of Dr. Ganj, is that I used to have a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Nothing that a bowl or two can't help.


Well-Known Member
my stoned dreams dont really make a lot of sense at all, and they usually loop and i wake up bored just wanting to think of something different!!


Well-Known Member
I find that whenever I go to sleep stoned, I just sleep really hard and wake up feeling refreshed. That's probably the biggest reason I became a regular patient of Dr. Ganj, is that I used to have a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Nothing that a bowl or two can't help.
the main reason i started smoking pot was i had a lot of trouble getting to sleep at night


Well-Known Member
No kidding. Nothing helps me get to sleep (with or without morning grogginess) like pot. Makes me feel a lot better in the mornings.
ya, i used sleeping pills for a while and had problems sleeping through the alarms and being groggy as shit

i have the same bong as you have in your pic but mine is a bit bigger

The Banterer

Active Member
ya, i used sleeping pills for a while and had problems sleeping through the alarms and being groggy as shit

i have the same bong as you have in your pic but mine is a bit bigger
I got to the point where taking a normal dosage of sleeping pills didn't help me get to sleep at all (almost made it worse because I would constantly think about getting to sleep), and taking any more made me feel terrible. If I ever live in an MMJ state, I think I have a fairly legit reason for a license, right? :lol:

I thought about getting the bigger version of that bong (IIRC they had them in a bunch of different sizes in purple and red) but decided for the smaller one for economic reasons. Plus, it's my first bong, so I figure I should start simple in case I don't like (as if that's possible).


Well-Known Member
I got to the point where taking a normal dosage of sleeping pills didn't help me get to sleep at all (almost made it worse because I would constantly think about getting to sleep), and taking any more made me feel terrible. If I ever live in an MMJ state, I think I have a fairly legit reason for a license, right? :lol:

I thought about getting the bigger version of that bong (IIRC they had them in a bunch of different sizes in purple and red) but decided for the smaller one for economic reasons. Plus, it's my first bong, so I figure I should start simple in case I don't like (as if that's possible).

Yeah, I am in the same boat. I have a terrible time getting to sleep, and Mary Jane is the only one that can put me to rest.

While, it has been a while since I was blazzed in bed, most of my dreams consist of me with special abilities, like flying, telepathy, or super strength lol. :lol:.

I think that tonight will be a night for me to get down right happy, and see what happens next :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
stoned or sober, i never remember my dreams. i dont even know if i dream lol
well you definitely dream. your body wouldn't function right if you couldn't.

basically, dreams happen every time we sleep, but at the last stages of REM(rapid eye movement) it erases your short term memory. so you don't remember your dreams unless you just naturally remember htem somehow, or you wake up before your REM cycle erases your short-term memory.

I haven't been remembering my dreams at all lately. I've found that when I stop smoking weed for a while I find that I have a harder time sleeping and my dreams are more intense.


Well-Known Member
Wow you have no idea what ive been through with my dreams. It started prob 15 years ago when i would have crazy dreams and wake up with this sense of excitement that i usually wouldnt experience while awake. But i had a hard time remembering them. Over time i taught myself to remember my night and day dreams. Ive noticed i have better dreams when i am high or if i get alot of REM sleep. i really should start a dream book or something but im lazy and i just lay there awake marveling at what i was just experiencing.

..Ill try to record a dream this week, ill let you all know