

Well-Known Member
my plants are getting pretty big now..a bit too busy for all 4 of them to be in the same little closet at this point. luckily im going to flower relatively soon and kill off the males so therell be more space.

but until then, is it okay to trim the tips off of leaves that are pressing against the walls of the closet? will this put much stress on the plants or not? or should i just leave the leaves be even if they are pressing against the walls

thanks. hope you all can help me out with this


"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
i trim my bigger water leaf off through veg and i didnt do it my first grow and my current grow i did and she is way more busher. some say it good to some say its not. i havent had not problems since i did.


Well-Known Member
[quote="let it burn";2260765]i trim my bigger water leaf off through veg and i didnt do it my first grow and my current grow i did and she is way more busher. some say it good to some say its not. i havent had not problems since i did.[/quote]

ok its good to hear that it hasnt seemed to stunt the growth of your plants..

any other opinions/comments?



if you have to trim your plants because the light wont penatrate the foliage then do so. only if you have to though!! i trimmed like 75 percent of my leaves not too long ago due to the fact i stated above


Well-Known Member
yeah well i wasnt trimming entire leaves. i was cutting pieces off of certain leaves because they were pressing up against the wall of the closet and no light wouldve got to that part of the leaf anyways

i doubt it would cause that much shock to the plant. i bet cutting entire leaves off causes alot more shock than just a piece off of the end of a leaf


Well-Known Member
yeah well i wasnt trimming entire leaves. i was cutting pieces off of certain leaves because they were pressing up against the wall of the closet and no light wouldve got to that part of the leaf anyways

i doubt it would cause that much shock to the plant. i bet cutting entire leaves off causes alot more shock than just a piece off of the end of a leaf
any agreements/disagreements with this?

ive got the plants divided into 2 levels now less trimming will be required. put another shelf halfway up the closet so 2 are on the top and 2 are on the bottom. it seems to be working better

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
i have trimmed my plant two times now and she comes back more busher and looks alot healthier. i have not seen it sock my plant and cause any problems. i am two weeks in flower and still cut them off and have no problems


Well-Known Member
From what I've read you should never cut off fan leaves unless they're dead.

What's wrong with the leaf touching the wall?

Of course the plant will grow more leaves if you cut them off - they desperately need those leaves so the plant can make food.
When you cut off those leaves, the energy that would be going to flowers, now has to go into creating more leaves.
A leaf doesn't sap energy from the plant - it creates energy for the plant!


Well-Known Member
my plants are still growing great..ive been continuing to trim little ends off leaves that get too close to the wall. it definitely hasnt been affecting my grow much at all, if at all. theyre looking very healthy and i'll be flowering at the end of this week.

mismos - yeah i know how it works. leaves are the photosynthetic tool the plant uses. thats why i was worried about cutting ends off of them..i thought it might stress the plant. but i think ive proven to myself that what ive done does little to nothing to affect the growth and health of the plants. anyways thanks for the help guys. this thread is closed


Well-Known Member
pruning will cause no major issues in my experience. Although I'm quite suprised no one has metioned tying said leaves out of the way.


Well-Known Member
"but until then, is it okay to trim the tips off of leaves that are pressing against the walls of the closet? will this put much stress on the plants or not? or should i just leave the leaves be even if they are pressing against the walls"

Me: "What's wrong with the leaf touching the wall?"

I've never heard of this being an issue - mine touch my wall and I can conceive of no reason to cut my plant.

Of course it won't be detrimental to your plants, but "Why do it in the first place"? Best case scenario is it only delays harvest by a few days (it still has to divert energy from making flowers to repair what you did).

I'm just looking to understand why you're doing this? Maybe I'll learn something!


Well-Known Member
From what I've read you should never cut off fan leaves unless they're dead.

What's wrong with the leaf touching the wall?

Of course the plant will grow more leaves if you cut them off - they desperately need those leaves so the plant can make food.
When you cut off those leaves, the energy that would be going to flowers, now has to go into creating more leaves.
A leaf doesn't sap energy from the plant - it creates energy for the plant!

correct and to the point.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what about if the leaves are flat against the wall, then they're gonna have a pretty rough time growing into said wall, and recieving light from said wall.

or will the HID penetration be sufficient on these?


Well-Known Member
what about if the leaves are flat against the wall, then they're gonna have a pretty rough time growing into said wall, and recieving light from said wall.

or will the HID penetration be sufficient on these?

can you see the leaves in question? actually see them when you open your eyes and point your head in thier direction? yes? then light is hitting them and its getting absorbed. why would you injure the plant and force it to repair itself when no harm is being done?

my god, if i cut off all the leaves that are touching a wall or another leaf id be cutting off a quarter of my foliage.


Well-Known Member
try this if it really bothers you. when your leaves grow against the wall, lift them up so instead of the top of the leaf touching the wall the bottom is touching it and the top is getting better light.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
try this if it really bothers you. when your leaves grow against the wall, lift them up so instead of the top of the leaf touching the wall the bottom is touching it and the top is getting better light.
that;s what i nwas trying to say :) if you've got the top of the leaf on the wall, then is the light hitting the bottom of the leaf of any use?

i don't really like the idea of trimming, the plant probably knows how it best wants to live. just wondering abouit the top v bottom of leaf thing

grow space

Well-Known Member
yea-i dont understand to, why should anyone cutt of of a part of the leaves that are touching the wall??thats stupid and unnecesary stress-like skilwill said-LIFT THEM UP MANNN!!!!!!