Well-Known Member
ok im gunna make this quick. me and my gf were having a convorsation about how her friends and all they do is smoke weed and dont do shit with there lives and wtvr. and idk how but she directed her anger towards me. and was like "Canna, you say that ur never gunna stop smoking weed and u act like weed is your god and i cant do this anymore. i thought that maybe u would change, but everyday your on that messageboard(RIU) and everything is about weed with you, i dont get it? why dont you just get over this faze and grow up? I juat cant be with you anymore because we both grew up diffriently and i realize that ur not what im looking for." im like woah!!!! WTF!? where is this comming from? first off you knew how much i loved weed when u met me. was i not high when we first met? was i not smoking back to back blunts with everybody at that party? and i was like u dont try to change somebody if you love them. in fact u love them BECAUSE of the way that they are. and i was like honestly im never gunna stop smokin weed. when im 80 years old im gunna be smoking weed, thats me. and even if it becomes a health issue ill just eat it or vape it. i dont smoke weed just to have a party or wtvr its not a party drug to me. and honestly if u dont like me to smoke weed then idk what the fuck to tell u cuz im not changin that part of my life for nobody. then we argued some more then she said she was sorry and that she was fustrated and that she loves me.............