3 pot perpetual!


Well-Known Member
Welcome :-)

Wanted to do a thread that was slightly 'different'. As the title says, 3 pots turning over sufficient MJ to keep me smoking the amount I like to smoke each day using revegging method for 3/4 run throughs :eyesmoke:, plus seeds planted 2 to a pot!

This grow breaks a lot of canna grow rules but it works for me, what I smoke is nice clean cannabis that tastes nice and givse me the kind of 'stone' I enjoy :eyesmoke:

I'll try to keep it short and sweet so you can take a look at the pics: Busted last year, wife agrees I can grow again but it has to be very small, 3 small plants "just in case". I respect her word as I have done since I met her 28years ago.... so 3 it is then.

Lets start with a few pics just taken.

My 2 strains are:

Bubba o Kush & 'Needles 47'. The Kush I love and have done for years. The Needles is more recent but I fell for its deep purple tints and strong high. The Kush beats it on taste, often I chop buds of the two together for balance in my smoke :eyesmoke:

Pics show my Needles reveg. She now 17 days into 12/12 for a second time. Reveg period was 3 weeks until I saw 3 blders again.

Plant with my hand in shot is the Kush, shes also revegging and at day 21, you can see how fast and furiously she has returned to veg mode. Shes also ready to back in for a second run of 12/12.

As you see also, I'm one of those crazy people who likes to use CFL's!

Any questions please ask, I know its a bit brief!



Well-Known Member
To re-veg do you simply put them back in 18/6? Im thinking of using my best plant of the current crop as a mother.

My grow is linked in my signature...


Well-Known Member
To re-veg do you simply put them back in 18/6? Im thinking of using my best plant of the current crop as a mother.

My grow is linked in my signature...

I meant to explain that! Certainly you can put them back under 18/6, I always did that when I had 2 cabinets, put them back in with the vegging plants, takes about 3 weeks average, twisty non serrated leaves begin then 3 bladers.

What I now do is simple: Lights out at 8pm, the reveggers come out and stand in the bathroom under a normal 20 watt 2700 CFL. Next morning she goes back, easy 24/0....just part of the daily routine! I need to keep things simple.

I'll take a look at your grow littlewhitewhore

This pic shows right: the Kush at day 21 revegging and left: Needles at day 17 flowering again. Any old buds left on will simply start to spit new foxtails everywhere while new buds form on the new stems.



Well-Known Member
A shot of my small cabinet and what it produces for me. YOu can see I have just added the '2 in one pot'! Kush again, if both are femail I'll just let them grow together and train them heavily.



Well-Known Member
Does Re-vegging work 100% of the time?

What's the minimum you can leave on a plant and still get it to come back? Two or three small buds and a couple of fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
you wouldnt leave buds, i dnt think"!
When you harvest you just need a very amount of the lower 'popcorn' buds on there, from these will come the fresh shoots and new growth in about 2/3 weeks. What you see in a reveg is a much faster rate of flowering, you dont wait 2 weeks for preflowers,as they never stop producing preflowers! Its hard to describe. I know a guy who has just 2 plants both 5 + years old. Those same 2 plants have kept him smoking for over 5 years.


Well-Known Member
I have revegged flowering plants that I transplanted from outside in late Nov.
Made them into mothers that grow like crazy now.
Plants can take alot.


Well-Known Member
Does Re-vegging work 100% of the time?

What's the minimum you can leave on a plant and still get it to come back? Two or three small buds and a couple of fan leaves?
I'd say 95% plus, reveg works. Failure is normally due to extremely late harvest or a plant with serious root issues. Most will simply respond to the changing light cycles as nature intended :-)

No need to leave any fans on! She will grow new fans. Just leave those lower tiny leaves on, and a few small buds, they will just ripen off and then foxtail...... deterioration of THC?.... well they still get me stoned nicely :eyesmoke:so you need to be your own judge of that.

Give it a try.


Well-Known Member
I have revegged flowering plants that I transplanted from outside in late Nov.
Made them into mothers that grow like crazy now.
Plants can take alot.
Hi Greengold,

You are right! Few years ago I kept reading that cannabis could not be revegged, only an annual, not possible, but its been done for years, perfectly good plants dumped!

Its the best way to select your mothers because you will already have harvested and smoked the goods. No way could I let that Kush go after smoking her buds.


Well-Known Member
Welcome :-)

Wanted to do a thread that was slightly 'different'. As the title says, 3 pots turning over sufficient MJ to keep me smoking the amount I like to smoke each day using revegging method for 3/4 run throughs :eyesmoke:, plus seeds planted 2 to a pot!

This grow breaks a lot of canna grow rules but it works for me, what I smoke is nice clean cannabis that tastes nice and givse me the kind of 'stone' I enjoy :eyesmoke:

I'll try to keep it short and sweet so you can take a look at the pics: Busted last year, wife agrees I can grow again but it has to be very small, 3 small plants "just in case". I respect her word as I have done since I met her 28years ago.... so 3 it is then.

Lets start with a few pics just taken.

My 2 strains are:

Bubba o Kush & 'Needles 47'. The Kush I love and have done for years. The Needles is more recent but I fell for its deep purple tints and strong high. The Kush beats it on taste, often I chop buds of the two together for balance in my smoke :eyesmoke:

Pics show my Needles reveg. She now 17 days into 12/12 for a second time. Reveg period was 3 weeks until I saw 3 blders again.

Plant with my hand in shot is the Kush, shes also revegging and at day 21, you can see how fast and furiously she has returned to veg mode. Shes also ready to back in for a second run of 12/12.

As you see also, I'm one of those crazy people who likes to use CFL's!

Any questions please ask, I know its a bit brief!
Busted? How??
How did you keep a strain?
Hopefully you only got a slap on the wrists,
I dont think I could comment a 2nd offense


Well-Known Member
Busted? How??
How did you keep a strain?
Hopefully you only got a slap on the wrists,
I dont think I could comment a 2nd offense
Cautioned, first time offence in over 50 years! Thats the reason I stick with these 3 pots max. But I believe passionately in the right of the individual to grow a herbal plant for self use and its a harmless hobby that I love.

Anyway, heres a couple of shots of the reflowering Needles, just under 3 weeks 12/12 for the second time round. You can see the beautiful tints of red in her, thats why I keep her :-) The old bits of bud left on from first time wil begin to swell and foxtail again.

The Kush is now also just back into 12/12, day 2 and exploding with fresh growth, I hope to take a couple of cuttings in the next week or so. In the other pot are 2 more Kush on 12/12 from seeds (Bubba O Kush), hoping for one female and will chop the other, if both are female I'll just train them together! Will add pics soon.



Well-Known Member
wow they look nice:)
I know for a fact that revegging a plant works well, but in the month your waiting for it to happen, IMHO, you could have plants the same size but healthier from seed or clone.
Revegging does take some energy from the plant.
Wouldnt it be more beneficial for you if you keep one mother in veg and 2 of her clones in flower?
I would
think it would be easier atleast:)?


Well-Known Member
wow they look nice:)
Wouldnt it be more beneficial for you if you keep one mother in veg and 2 of her clones in flower?
I would
think it would be easier atleast:)?
Hi GreenGold,
You are right and thats what I'm working towards again....gradually! I lost all my genetics, mothers the lot, watched em chopped and bagged up.

The Kush will give me her first cuts in about 7 to 10 days time, I plan to keep 1 as a mother, but in a 4" pot, bonsai style. Eventually I want a mother of the 'Needles' too. I always grew from clone by choice and with a small set up like this I can't be arsing around with seeds to be honest :-P

By summer I hope to be back growing from cuttings again. Meantime this is keeping me smoking nicely.


Well-Known Member
nice little grow man. .

Thanks polishfalcon :-)

Couple of pics of the Kush. She was a beauty first time round, I'm smoking her buds now! Shes had just 23 days in 20/4 before just going back into 12/12 yesterday, you can see how fast she responded to the changing light cycle and developed new vegetative growth. I can see some nice cuts on there coming on, about another week and I'll take the clones, let her flower and harvest then maybe I'll take her out and guerrilla plant her somewhere :-) She could certainly do a third harvest outdoors this year.



Well-Known Member
3 quick new pics just taken. Been a lovely day here, sun shining and warm, had the flowering plant in the sun today :-)

Gave the Kush her trim up before she sets into flowering again. Removed all the old original 'popcorn' bits that have now swollen to nice sparkly buds :-) I enjoy this sort of 'intermediate' harvest of the reveg.

Kush now looks like a regular plant ready to flower again :-)



Well-Known Member
New pics taken today showing the 3 pots.

"Needles" is showing strong red tints again. Day 22 flowering.

Bubba O Kush in her new SCROG frame. Day 6 flowering, another week should fill the screen as theres lots of new shoots coming through.

The 2 little Kush plants starting thier 12/12 from seed in a single pot!

Breaking a few rules but it works for me :-)

Watering every 4th/5th day. PH 6.4. Feeding organic, seaweed/fishy teas bubbbled with an air pump.

350watts of CFL's plus plenty of natural sunlight on good days here.

