Cali's Rotating ladies.


Well-Known Member
Those BigGurls and GrapePurpleCindys may have to go on the floor, mine are too tall. lol VV
Thanks VV ya they are pretty tall and actually are on the floor, I have 7'6" space and I think the pot is about about 2 feet tall with the pot in pot

pics, pics pics!

OK OK Bleezy Ill get em soon I had some problems today got really hot in there like over 100 and the flower side looked bad I was told they perked up ok but havent seen them and wont for a few more hours. had company over and against my advice the a/c was shut off and well ya we will see...


Well-Known Member
Boo hoo lol neo I was posting some lastnite and timed out on my session cuz i smoked forgot about it and started to do something else and then came back and notice I had a post half done. so needless to say I will be posting pics tomorrow cuz im a lazy and stoned right now but ladies are looking nice starting to get hairy!

hey hun! so...lets see some pics? cya boo!


Well-Known Member
Lights just came on so I got some pics of them on day 16 and day 21 of flowering. I have a little of each strain in there so should have a nice selection when ready. And lil goat is doing great with her one horn :)



Well-Known Member
Looks great Cali. Little goat sure looks alot happier then last time we saw her!! The plants are looking great, I can't wait to start seein some buds on my plants.


Well-Known Member
beautiful. Your last pics are about where I'm at in flower, almost finishing my 3 week mark. Come check it out you look like someone who knows whats up.


Well-Known Member
haha YES!!!!!!! i need more cow bell, or goat! aw look at his little one horn, a unihorn hahaha. the ladies are lookin lovely, i seen in one pic tho, the top leaves on one plant looked really thin, whats that from? other than tha, damn good job u savage beast!

haha im not even high and i had to spell check this shyt like 5 times. lmao


Well-Known Member
w000t Cali! ;) they looking better and better :D :joint::joint::joint:
Thanks Reap... now dont make me have to drag ur ass in here! lol

now we're getting somewhere. :clap:

wish i could have a goat.
aww... well Ill share :)

Little goat is gonna be a unicorn.

What is the tall plant in the back ?

Hey earl thanks for checking in.. thats a BigGurl that I tossed into flower, wanna sample her :)
Looks great Cali. Little goat sure looks alot happier then last time we saw her!! The plants are looking great, I can't wait to start seein some buds on my plants.

Thanks TC for stopping by, ya shes alot happier now all back to normal.. Ive been neglecting the ladies but this week gonna show em a lil tlc :)

beautiful. Your last pics are about where I'm at in flower, almost finishing my 3 week mark. Come check it out you look like someone who knows whats up.

Thanks Rev for stopping by Im at about day 22 or 23.. is that ur current grow in ur sig.. Ill check it out some time here.. stick around things are gonna get nice in a another couple weeks.

haha YES!!!!!!! i need more cow bell, or goat! aw look at his little one horn, a unihorn hahaha. the ladies are lookin lovely, i seen in one pic tho, the top leaves on one plant looked really thin, whats that from? other than tha, damn good job u savage beast!

haha im not even high and i had to spell check this shyt like 5 times. lmao
hahaha Damn Neo maybe u should have smoked :D the ones that look thinner are a different strain, thats JF its more sprawly looking..

hey ya all Ill have some more pics later this week so dont go anywhere :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Perfect. Today was day 22 for ours. Lights came on at ten o'clock here. This will be good we can compare growth since we're at the same stage. I need to go through to see what food and soil you've been using. For my soil I've got black gold with all fox farm ferts and for the hydro it's all DWC 'cept the one drip fed and we're feeding them the dutchmaster line.


Well-Known Member
I mix my own soil, 50 50 canadian peat moss and perlite. I used fox farms til I ran out but have switched to botanicare nutes. lol my lights came on at 10

Perfect. Today was day 22 for ours. Lights came on at ten o'clock here. This will be good we can compare growth since we're at the same stage. I need to go through to see what food and soil you've been using. For my soil I've got black gold with all fox farm ferts and for the hydro it's all DWC 'cept the one drip fed and we're feeding them the dutchmaster line.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow and grow room. I'll have to go back and read the whole thing. Thanks for a nice journal with nice pics.


Well-Known Member
Ahaha! Great minds think alike.. I have high hopes for these little buds
:) well good luck with em! only get better the more experience you gain

You bet !

Looks like that will be a nice plant.

Is it for sure a girl,
or are ya still waiting to find out ?

thanks earl naw I took some clones from her actually a few weeks before I tossed her into flower. I popped 3 of those beans and all three where female good luck huh...

Oh ya Vic, Road trip! :mrgreen:
Sound like you would have to visit Arizona then Earl?? VV

Bryant thanks for stopping by stay tuned more pics of the flower room to come!
Nice looking grow and grow room. I'll have to go back and read the whole thing. Thanks for a nice journal with nice pics.


Well-Known Member
Ok well since I dont keep a calander, aside from the GJ here, I believe Im about a month into flowering.. here are some updated pics. I also tossed another BG into flower today, I have one held back for clones.

good news my clonning box works great everyone took and have been vegging the last week or so,Ill give em another week or two before I toss them into flower as well.

