cloning questions


New Member
Im trying to learn to take clones quickly and efficiantlly for sog. style growing. I use rootone. I have taken clones dipped the cut ends in a bath of water (so the powder will stick) and applied rootone, I put the cut clones into soil at the proper depth of about an inch. as I understand i am supposed to keep the soil the clones are rooting in basically soaking wet for 1 week then after that water like normal plants. am i correct in doing so?
I may be i just didnt wanna pull the buggers up to see if they have roots. any way i can check without pullin em up, or is it cool to pull em up to check? (id be willing to bet not)

also i have made several bubbler dwc setups, with 2-3 airpumps for fish aquariums on each one. how is it possible to root clones in those as well?
I have heard that dwc roots clones the fastest only second to an airponic system........


New Member
I would recommend Rapid Rooter for soil

Rapid Rooter Plant Starter

You need to keep the clones in a humid enviornment, I wouldn't exactly soak the soil either. I use Rapid Rooters and I swear by them...just my 2 cents
i may try it later on but right now i have a big bottle of rootone that I might as well get some good clones out of. so just keep the soil good n damp, gotcha. anyone got any info on cloning using dwc????


Just some idiot
i may try it later on but right now i have a big bottle of rootone that I might as well get some good clones out of. so just keep the soil good n damp, gotcha. anyone got any info on cloning using dwc????
You can use this with roottone the rooters are just a medium. If you order the tray it works out great, you get a tray and a humidity dome, when you see roots just transplant...The rooters fit into the tray perfectly too, it's easy to pull them out and see roots too.



Active Member
Here in Oz we use Clonex gel and put the clones in small blocks of rock wool, then into a "clone chamber,which consists of a polystyrene box with a heat mat for the clones to sit on, covered with clear glass with light provided by nutra-gro fluro's.
I found it is essential to use sterile equipment and have all things at hand when taking the clones.
Dont make the mistake of being stingy when selecting the piece for a clone. I take a nice bushy piece around 5-6inches high with a stem the thickness of a pencil, cut on a 45deg angle with a new razor blade, dip into cloning gel then straight into the rock wool. They are left in the cloning chamber with daily spraying of water until the roots become evident at the lower section of rock wool.
I have never had a failure using this method.
Hope it helps \, herbgrinder zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
I think on my next go round with cloning...since I still have rockwool cubes...Im going to cut the cubes in half horizontally. The cube will be 1/2 the height. That should allow the roots to show alot faster....allowing me to plant them a few days sooner too.


Active Member
I have cloned with root powder, straight into potting mix. i did pull up to check for roots and the cuttings slid straight out. i left and checked a few days later, roots had formed and if trying to pull out gently will feel the resistance of the roots. be careful to not damage if checking them. good luck!!!


New Member
thanks for the advice. I found a tray to cultivate them her at my local redneck dollar store. had trays in it like those that come with small tomatoes plants or small flowers. it has a cheap thin plastic dome but I believe that it is going to work. I can even lay my florescent under-cabinet grow lights over the lop for a light source.
total cost= 3 usd :)


Just some idiot
thanks for the advice. I found a tray to cultivate them her at my local redneck dollar store. had trays in it like those that come with small tomatoes plants or small flowers. it has a cheap thin plastic dome but I believe that it is going to work. I can even lay my florescent under-cabinet grow lights over the lop for a light source.
total cost= 3 usd :)

That should be a good start, they love humidity. Good luck and let us know if you need more help. Cloning is pretty easy it just takes practice and patience. And remember some strains are easier than others.


New Member
im trying an experiment as well. got some foam cubes and put cuts in them inserted cuttings and lots of rootone into cuts. submerged in water up to the bottoms of cuttings in a Tupperware dish and put an air stone under that bubbling. gonna see if it will do anything this way. interested to see the results myself. will post back on this. if it works i will make a diy on it and try to improve it a little.


Well-Known Member
I experimented the other day, so I thought I would share...I have a EZ Cloner, and ended up having some spare went with out on the cloning gel...Just dropped a cutting into the neoprene disk and waited a few days before checking in on them...And....They rooted like MAD! So, I am trying to root about 8 more with out any hormones. I will post back here if anyone has interest on this experiment...


Well-Known Member
Im trying to learn to take clones quickly and efficiantlly for sog. style growing. I use rootone. I have taken clones dipped the cut ends in a bath of water (so the powder will stick) and applied rootone, I put the cut clones into soil at the proper depth of about an inch. as I understand i am supposed to keep the soil the clones are rooting in basically soaking wet for 1 week then after that water like normal plants. am i correct in doing so?
this is wrong, who told you that and who let you get away with it. Those clones don't have any roots to take up that water. YOU HAVE TO MIST THE PLANTS, not drown them. The roots when they form will need to have some oxygen available. The water they have been sitting in for a week won't have any and they could be dead by then. VV


Active Member
QUESTION!!! Do the clones need to be put under a clear plasitc lid 100% ?? Can they root without it and breathe as the mother would? Or do they really need that extra humidity?>


Well-Known Member
They dont need the dome, but it would help them out a lot.
When Cloned without one, it took the damn think 2 weeks to root. And I lost a clone. 50% sucess

With the dome it takes a little more than a week and have never had one die on me.


Well-Known Member
I use a humidity dome with a aquarium heat mat under it with a Repisun 10.0 2' floro. I used TakeRoot and put them in rockwool soaked in my nutes and mist them a few times aday. (This is my first time taking clones, but so far,so good.) I took five 5 clones 4 days ago and they are doing good...I lost one becuse i droped it when i was looking at it and ruined it...

4 day old clones


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know a good rule of thumb for how many clones I can take from a mother? I just want to figure out how many mothers I will need to produce roughly 24 clones each grow phase.