Notre Dame and the right wing beliefs..


Well-Known Member
I'm watching it now on CNN how the Catholic Notre Dame Unv. is having petitions about Obama coming there because of his stem cell and right to chose beliefs..
I love the religious RT's hypocrisy.. especially the church..Jesus laid with the lepers and prostitutes and he preached forgiveness and acceptance of all.. yet these guys will support gun makers who're responsible for more innocent deaths then all abortions ever done.... and yet not support a sitting President trying to find a means to heal the sick...
I wonder if they were all stricken by some genetic illness (God forbid) that they'd be so anti fix me at any cost....

I'm no fan of hookers/anyone getting multi abs. but in the case of rape and risk to health, or the fact that the child will suffer through poverty..that sometimes the means/ends are justified....

Remember torture.... they (rebpub.) managed to justify that, in their words sometimes terrible things must be done for the betterment of others.. but only if the rt thinks so...

And where are all those anti abortionists who talk some poor mother into keeping a baby when they know the mother has no money and the baby will starve and live in squalor .. they or their help to the woman/child are long gone after the cameras are off.. and the child grows up suffering..... but hey.... the church is much too important to care about people you don't throw money into the collection plate..

Its easy to tell someone to have their baby... especially where theirs is well feed, clothed and schooled.. but not all are so lucky and the pro lifers wouldn't soil their hands to help them... what being sinners and all.. I guess Jesus wore rubber gloves while dealing with the rabble & scum of the earth.....
"we're much to important to help and get dirty darling".....
It is a shame though.....

If there is a day of reckoning after the killers it'll be those hypocrite church people who excluded and dismissed the poorest & sickest of society, while throwing their arms out patting themselves on the back.... :-|


Well-Known Member
with obama doing away with tax deductions for charitable contibutions( alot of notre dames funds come from charitable contributions from alumni,
fuck obama that communist dick sucking fag.


Well-Known Member
Let the church's pay taxes and raise their own money or stay out of politics.. thats the law...... separation of church and state.. ever hear of it.... whats next Crusades.... burning at that stake... Does that DICK SUCKING FAG quote you so eloquently phrased apply the all the churches hidden "short eyes".... or are priest kiddie diddlers above the deemed moral high of the catholics...


Well-Known Member
congress shall make no law concerning a establishment of a religion or free exercise there of.
do you know where i heard that one from?
that means any law made in contrary to that law is a law that is null and void..
you cant tax church's or regulate church's . if you do away with tax deductions to these charitys and no one gives money to supply food banks with food who do you think is going to donate the money to feed the poor and hungry? the government?
you have to be a complete moron.
i think everyone should get a rev license off of the internet declare their homes their church that way they dont have to pay property tax ..all of their bills will be non taxable no sales tax. all of their income will be non taxable.
if everyone done them that way they would have almost no income and go down in flames. the only way they could avoid it is to change the constitution . something not easily done.


Well-Known Member
There will always be mentally deficient people who cling to their imaginary friends with their imaginary rules. The best you can do is wave to them as society passes these dinosaurs by.


Well-Known Member
Twisty the fact is that Notre Dam is a private entity and can protest whatever the fuck they want, also the different churches are private enteties that can do it. The church by protesting this speech are in no way getting involved in politics they are getting involved in their school. so that little seperation of church and state quote is null in void here. also, all those gun makers who are responsible for so many deaths, well, i own many guns and have yet to see one of them hurt anyone. I can load my Glock 20, put a round in the chamber and set it down and no matter how hard i try it wont hurt anyone i promise you. People kill people not inanimate objects.
Also they are protesting because Obama has 3 times voted in favor of infanticide(that's where you can kill a born baby so long as the ambilical chord is still attached)


Well-Known Member
May all be true..:roll:
just as they condemn mothers for aborting while protecting those who rape the children... clean your own house before you condemn others...
How many priest were turned in to the police 0.... they were sent to other churches instead woo hoo new hunting grounds... great bunch to take moral teachings from.....
BBC NEWS | Americas | Timeline: US Church sex scandal

7 Sep 2007 ... The main events in the ongoing sex abuse scandal involving the US Roman Catholic Church and in particular the Boston Archdiocese, ...

Boston Globe / Spotlight / Abuse in the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church and the Scandal of Sex Abuse by Priests


New Member
Let the church's pay taxes and raise their own money or stay out of politics..
Yes Twisty ... I remember quite clearly that you said the exact same thing about Obama's buddy Reverend Wright during the presidential campaign.

Uhhhh ... that WAS you, wasn't it? :blsmoke:


PS: You may want to open your mind a little, Twisty. In order to do that, I respectfully suggest that you do a Goggle search on the amount of charity that is given world-wide by the Catholic Church.


Well-Known Member
Well the church makes its money through donations and bake sales and shit. If the Government wants to be the new church perhaps they should do the same. Before they tell me what I can put in my body or if I can or can't visit a hooker Fuck them they ain't my God. I owe them shit.


Well-Known Member
congress shall make no law concerning a establishment of a religion or free exercise there of.
do you know where i heard that one from?
that means any law made in contrary to that law is a law that is null and void..
you cant tax church's or regulate church's . if you do away with tax deductions to these charitys and no one gives money to supply food banks with food who do you think is going to donate the money to feed the poor and hungry? the government?
you have to be a complete moron.
i think everyone should get a rev license off of the internet declare their homes their church that way they dont have to pay property tax ..all of their bills will be non taxable no sales tax. all of their income will be non taxable.
if everyone done them that way they would have almost no income and go down in flames. the only way they could avoid it is to change the constitution . something not easily done.
Actually the 503(c) status of the churches is a new thing, and I for one don't see anything wrong with the Churches having that status yanked. I could careless if the church has to pay the taxes on the donations.

What I do have a problem with is the plans to make the donations non-tax-deductible on my end. People are no longer reaping any benefit from the income when they give it away and thus should not be taxed on it.

As far as the 503(c) status. If the churches were no longer able to apply for it, then they would have to stop acting like pansified little girls and actually start getting politically involved again. Removing 503(c) status would unmuzzle the churches and let them get involved in Politics again, a move that the Democrats would not likely be able to survive.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you mean by "a new thing". Churches were added to section 501(c)3 of the tax code in 1954.

Churches have no legal obligation to organize themselves as a 501(c)3 - if they want to speak out and "destroy the Democrats" they are free to do so this very afternoon.

You and I both know that Churches would never do that though. Money is more important that actually having a voice in politics. MUCH more important by a long shot. If churches are "muzzled" then they have only themselves to blame.

Actually the 503(c) status of the churches is a new thing, and I for one don't see anything wrong with the Churches having that status yanked. I could careless if the church has to pay the taxes on the donations.

What I do have a problem with is the plans to make the donations non-tax-deductible on my end. People are no longer reaping any benefit from the income when they give it away and thus should not be taxed on it.

As far as the 503(c) status. If the churches were no longer able to apply for it, then they would have to stop acting like pansified little girls and actually start getting politically involved again. Removing 503(c) status would unmuzzle the churches and let them get involved in Politics again, a move that the Democrats would not likely be able to survive.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you mean by "a new thing". Churches were added to section 501(c)3 of the tax code in 1954.

Churches have no legal obligation to organize themselves as a 501(c)3 - if they want to speak out and "destroy the Democrats" they are free to do so this very afternoon.

You and I both know that Churches would never do that though. Money is more important that actually having a voice in politics. MUCH more important by a long shot. If churches are "muzzled" then they have only themselves to blame.
Yeah, seems ironic that the Church is more concerned with gathering wealth here than worrying about its duty...

:: shrugs ::

Not that it matters to me. I don't need the church to believe in God...

The Church on the other hand seems to need people like me to believe in God...


Well-Known Member
you ever seen the TV preacher pastor hagee? i dont think anyone has muzzled that dude..him and pat robertson speak out against the government all the do alot of other preachers.
but since they supported the republicans who have been as bad as the dems in many cases..and everyone knows it.
its kind of hard to point the finger and say..LOOK he farted...when you smell like shit
the replicrats are about two sides of the same coin.
one is socialist light and the other communist hard. fuck them ALL.