2 weeks in; CFL 300 watt


Active Member
I usally just get some of those seedling pucks that you add water too, snip a lower branch for a clone.
you can fit 10 or more clones depending in a wide tupperware container, drill/proke a couple small holes the a second tupperware container for the lid. 2 or 3 weeks under 2 or 3 vegging CFL's and you can put them in to bud with the mommies. you could fit that in a box for the 2 weeks it takes to root them...
tansplant in some dicksy cups and voila.
just a suggestion.
i have gotten many nice budsicles this way :)


Well-Known Member
how you liking that 300 watt cfl? Are you using the same one for the flowering period?

I just bought a 250 watt cfl and haven't hooked it up yet its a beast. Where did you get yours?


Active Member
Thanks for the comments guys, its week 12 now and week five of flowering have posted some photos of the buds forming :weed: . One of the ladys is a little behind the other two and seems to have slowed down slightly. At this stage they are geting tall and bushy and fighting for the light under the one CFL, I could see how side lights would be handy now at this time particularly to get the lower down buds that are hidden by the leaves.

tomthebomb45 thanks for the suggestion on the clones but as this is my first grow am going to consentrate on the main plants and might try and do some clones next time around. This grow is for me and a small yield will keep me happy, am just buzzin getting to this stage and the actual growing is good fun.

CaptainCanabis I have two 300 watt cfls one is a blue 6700 I used for the veg cycle and the other is 2700 red am using for the flower cycle. I have only three plants and its perfect for them if I have any more plants I would need more lights I already thinking about side lights. I got them in basement lighting in the UK and a reflector hood. From reading on RIU its best to have the 2700 for the flower 12/12 stage and the 6700 blue for the 18/6 veg stage

dafoe23- thanks for checking out my grow the best of luck with your venture, dont worry too much about the light burn they are strong wee plants and hopfully it will recover.

:joint: Steady as she goes dudes




Well-Known Member
looking great zebedee, doesnt look like you need any help. you're right about the side lights being good, the cfl light wont penetrate far enough to get to the bottom of the plant so well. but i dont worry about it, as the colas nearer the lights make up for it!


Well-Known Member
Hey Zebedee, will be watching this journal as our grows are very similar in terms of CFL's and just realised we are both based in UK. I had a look at the lighting basement web site but managed to get my kit from home bargains (found them on ebay) at almost a tenner per item less (Eco/Enviro bulbs) and the full kit for about £20 cheaper - just wanted to point you in the way of a bargain if you are thinking of buying more, etc. Best of luck with the rest of the grow and you have convinced me to upgrade my 250w veg to a 300w when I start to flower rather than just another 250w red. Laters.


Active Member
nice grow man, but those should be lookin a tad bit better, Spread your light get a bat wing are some side lighting, jus my opinion.........


Active Member
nice grow man, but those should be lookin a tad bit better, Spread your light get a bat wing are some side lighting, jus my opinion.........
Hi Guys here's an update on my grow week 15 now and 8 weeks into flower, Progress seems to have slowed down again. I checked the buds with my microscope and the trichomes are still very clear.

I think you are right raggamuffin if I had some side lights it would help progress, but am not interested a a big yeild but enough to smoke not and again:bigjoint:

So any idea when I should just go back to water and stop the nutes?


