That reply left more confusion LOL.
Hortilux bulbs are made by a company well respected for their research and development. These aren't bulbs tossed together from parts nor are they rebranded street lamps. They are expensive for several reasons. R&D, European made, advertising, quality parts, quality end result. I have used their bulbs as well as others. I find through personal experience they make bulbs that perform as promised. Cheaper, Chinese bulbs are flooding the market. They will grow a respectable crop. The difference in cost is equal to about 1/8-1/4 of highgrade per bulb. I really couldn't tell you if the yield using Hortilux vs Plantmax will offer this trade off. I do know the Hortilux bulbs are made using less waste, less dangerous elements, and to a better standard. I also know the company has an impeccable reputaion amongst aquarium hobbyists for consistent color temps. The same can not be said of ANY Chinese bulbs available as of 1 year ago. Their Blue model MH is hands down the bee's knees at vegging indoors. The lush, squat, vigorous growth must be seen to be believed. Since I use 600 w hps on electronic ballasts, Hortilux no longer fits my needs. I still chose to go with a top name euro brand which is specced for high frequency operation. LD