250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
looking good tom, i had a few yellowing leaves in my 3rd week of flowering, i just gave them a weak feeding of a fert high in nitrogen. greened them right back up.


Well-Known Member
i only used epsons salts once, a one time deal i mixed a teaspoon in with a gallon of water. i used it when my stems started turning purple late in flower.


Well-Known Member
Did you use just a home depot brand or something?? What kind of numbers we talking here?? 30-10-10 at 50%-25%???

looking good tom, i had a few yellowing leaves in my 3rd week of flowering, i just gave them a weak feeding of a fert high in nitrogen. Greened them right back up.


Well-Known Member
I can definitely see a need for some Mg by the look of those leaves with the lightish edges. Epsom will fix that.
That red/purple action on those other leaves could also be signs of some P def'. It could also just be the what they do as they're getting used up.
What is the Phosphorus count in your nutes Tom?
With the tips curling down a bit I don't think she needs any more nutes, just a better blend of nutes higher in P.

The buds look great, and you'll get away with doing nothing but as growers it's OK to strive for full plant health till harvest.
Most of my plants will carry healthy leaves until harvest, it's the sign of a good bloom nute.


Well-Known Member
I am using Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for flowering at the scheduled strength. Big Bloom is rated at 0.01-0.3-0.7 and the Tiger Bloom is rated 2-8-4. Those are the only nutes that I have used during flowering except for a little bit of grow big during the beginning which is rated 3-2-6. I also started using molasses last week. Thanks for all the comments and help you guys. My plants are thanking you a whole lot more than I am haha. I hope everybody has a good weekend, I just picked up a quarter so I know I will :weed:


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie Yeah, cool breeze. Have a great weekend yourself, I am too.
Just having a little puff of the new harvest. Just tiny popcorns that are dry enough to blaze. This is gonna be some good shit.
Those nutes are good nutes with plenty of Phos'. Damn good blend of everything actually. Don't know what's goin on there with that purple/red action.
I guess she's just doing what she does at this stage in flower. Buds are looking sweet though mate, that's the main thing.
Trusting these babies are gonna finish off nicely. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I just got done transplanting plant #3A. I also tied it down some more to further the LST. It's good to know that she is 100% female so it allows me to mess around and try new things on her. She is looking great, lots of tops starting come in. I topped her quite a few times and with the LST I know she will be quite bushy when flowering comes. Here's some pics for you guys, you can really see how her main trunk is almost horizontal to the top of the soil:




Well-Known Member
bongsmilie Yeah, cool breeze. Have a great weekend yourself, I am too.
Just having a little puff of the new harvest. Just tiny popcorns that are dry enough to blaze. This is gonna be some good shit.
Those nutes are good nutes with plenty of Phos'. Damn good blend of everything actually. Don't know what's goin on there with that purple/red action.
I guess she's just doing what she does at this stage in flower. Buds are looking sweet though mate, that's the main thing.
Trusting these babies are gonna finish off nicely. :peace:
I just got done transplanting plant #3A. I also tied it down some more to further the LST. It's good to know that she is 100% female so it allows me to mess around and try new things on her. She is looking great, lots of tops starting come in. I topped her quite a few times and with the LST I know she will be quite bushy when flowering comes. Here's some pics for you guys, you can really see how her main trunk is almost horizontal to the top of the soil:

I think you are totally fine Tom, my girl lucy from my last grow had purple stems like that, since seedling, and she ended up giving me the most weight and some good nuggs. Some plants just do this sometimes


Well-Known Member
get a few bottles of formula 420 or something like that those inner chambers get funky and it takes a.lot to get them clean... i squirt 1/2 a bottle through the slide tube and blow it up through the other chambers with air then shake:)


Well-Known Member
Today my seeds arrived from Attitude seedbank, placed the order on the 23rd and arrived today the 30th. They are the best seed bank out there. I have started germing "The Church" :hump: I also picked up some cal mag plus and made a diy carbon filter. I'll get some pics up later of everything.


Well-Known Member
Here's the seeds I ordered along with the freebie thai super skunk. They got here in 7 days total, excellent service. I have started germing the church and it will prob be showing a tap root later tonight or early tomorrow. She will be planted in a 7 inch square pot once the tap root shows.

This next picture shows the right half of my flowering box. The 12/12 from seed DWC is on the right. She was given half strength nutes last night. To the left of her is three plants lined up vertically. The plant in the front is plant #4B, she is 5 days into flowering today. The plant above her in the middle is plant #3A. She is a clone from plant #3. SHe has been heavely tied down and is showing a considerable number of tops. Today is her 1st day of flower. The plant above her at the top of the picture is plant #4A. She is of the same strain as plant #4B. Today is her 6th day of flower.

In this last picture you can see all of the plants. The strawberries are sitting between the big plants to the left and the cantaloupes are behind them against the left wall. The cantaloupe is showing flowers all over and the strawberry is working on two strawberris. I gave the big plants some cal mag plus yesterday and they seem to have liked it. Hope you all enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
I meant to take a shot of my homemade carbon filter and the roots of the DWC plant but I totally forgot LOL. The roots of the DWC plant just started poking through the net cup last night. The roots are nice and white and I hope that she takes off now that her legs are in the bubbly nutrient water. The carbon filter was made out of a 4 inch coffee can, some thin clothed towels, activated carbon filter bags, electrical tape, 4 inch duct clamp, and some twist ties. It is attached to my 4 inch in line duct fan. I haven't noticed any smell since I added it which is good.




Well-Known Member
Well the smell wasn't too bad but with the addition of four plants I figured when they are fully budding we might have a problem. I just wanted to get the filter stuff taken care of before the smell got too much to handle. The filter is working great and it was simple to build. It doesn't seem to be constricting any airflow which is something I was worried about. When I need to get new carbon all I have to do is remove the duct clamp and put in three of these carbon bags... here's a link: http://www.petco.com/product/13584/Hagen-AquaClear-Activated-Carbon-Filter-Inserts.aspx?CoreCat=OnSiteSearch


Well-Known Member
can i use a mh or hps with a mercury box
Hey bro, this is actually Tom's Personal Grow Journal. If you want to ask questions you should 'start thread' under one of the appropriate subject boards. not trying to be a jerk, but you'll get more help that way.

also google really helps. Enter - site:rollitup.org "mercury box"

good luck