Holy Shit The FBI stopped by!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's right the FBI showed up right across the street. Turns out that we had a bank robber that was hiding out in a duplex right across from me. I was really freaked out. And get this it was a woman. I had seen her on the news earlier in the week. Turns out that she robbed 6 different bank in the past month. I had no idea why they were there till a news lady rang my doorbell and asked me what happened and what I had seen. She asked me "So what did you think when you heard that you were living next to a bank robber." I played it off like Oh I was shocked. Then she asked me what I thought about her robbing the banks. I told her, " Hell with this economy I can see why she may have wanted to rob all those banks. Although I don't condone what she did."All the while I was thinking well shit wish she would have shared. LOL Quite a day is was. :clap:


New Member
ye lol pretty shocking. ;)

i woulda been a smart ass to her and. i woulda give her a story to tell the news allright ) then i woulda moon the camera


New Member
I was investigated by the FBI for a security clearance at a GE plant which worked on nukes. 6 month investigation. The guy introduces himself at my door, he was pretty cool. So I was like how much are you going to dig up? He just smiled, I'll be able to tell you the name of the girlfriend you can't remember. :lol: woah...

Later on, he comes back (unannounced) and as we are sitting on the couch talking I look down and there is a pack of papers under the coffee table. I know he saw it. He didn't even mention it, but in ANOTHER interview he asked me if i smoke weed. I said yes. He said, good answer. I got my clearance. Saw some scary stuff in that place too. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So does mean that if a fed was to read this post they might have a good idea where they could find a possible grow, HA! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Yea the clearance thing is a trip, worked on a homeland security contract that plotted points of interest, they really just want to see if your trust worthly, they dont care if you smoke as long as your honest, the biggest thing that they check and stress is your credit report, if you dont pay your bills your more likely to steal information and sell it so they say, some of the guys with masters and phds in geo etc were more crooks then us little guys with bachs


Well-Known Member
Holy fucking crap! FBI >_> <_< I would've been scared shitless hiding in the closet with my tree's. xD
If she was hot you should've asked her dude. She might've said yes, good chance. Plus.. if she smoked weed? DUDE. .-.


Well-Known Member
The FBI aint the ones you wanna watch out for... When the CIA knocks because of subversive net comments that could be interpreted as conspiracy to whatever lol.

Watch the X-files lol, The FBI aint too bad. Your country does have some fucked up administrations and secretrs though. Like what happened to tesla and his free energy invention? Or the aurora, anyone heard of it? You basically have all these organisations to control your masses so that the country as a whole can work on shit that is almost supervillain, comic-book status! I mean, weather control?! pfft lol.

Im by no means anti american, i have a penchant for many of the things encapsulated in the american dream and Hunter.S.Thompson is my hero but i just find it hard to swallow that the rest of the world lets your leaders get away with this crazy shit! I mean we didnt with the nazis! We KNEW that they were working on rocket technology and atomic science, and we stopped them!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Yeah that's right the FBI showed up right across the street. Turns out that we had a bank robber that was hiding out in a duplex right across from me. I was really freaked out. And get this it was a woman. I had seen her on the news earlier in the week. Turns out that she robbed 6 different bank in the past month. I had no idea why they were there till a news lady rang my doorbell and asked me what happened and what I had seen. She asked me "So what did you think when you heard that you were living next to a bank robber." I played it off like Oh I was shocked. Then she asked me what I thought about her robbing the banks. I told her, " Hell with this economy I can see why she may have wanted to rob all those banks. Although I don't condone what she did."All the while I was thinking well shit wish she would have shared. LOL Quite a day is was. :clap:
did you clean the poo poo out your pants. LOL:hump:


Well-Known Member
Holly shit thats really fuckin scary man but, all said and done kinda funny you gotta admit it. Glad it wasnt you they were there to get but it would be DEA anyways right not the FBI?


New Member
Yea the clearance thing is a trip, worked on a homeland security contract that plotted points of interest, they really just want to see if your trust worthly, they dont care if you smoke as long as your honest, the biggest thing that they check and stress is your credit report, if you dont pay your bills your more likely to steal information and sell it so they say, some of the guys with masters and phds in geo etc were more crooks then us little guys with bachs
Exactly, the FBI and the Govt. didn't care I smoked weed. They damn sure cared if I was a liar and a person of low moral character. During a 6 month investigation, not much gets by them. They were extremely professional (FBI).

GE was another matter :lol:. During a shutdown, we had access to all sorts of top secret stuff, but all covered up with an guard equipped with an M16 as an escort. The dude (Gary) would even walk you to the bathroom....

I've worked at a lot of military installations in my younger days and it was always the same. Seen some amazing things. One day I was just delivering parts and supplies to our guys and walked into the hangar at MacDill AFB in Tampa. SAC command base, very serious place. At the time the new F16's were just arriving. I pulled up to the hangar but none of my guys were around. No one was around and there she was, a brand spanking new F16. I climbed up next to the cockpit and took a gander inside. About 10 seconds later I was JERKED off of the ladder and interrogated for about 30 minutes. As soon as they found out I had pretty high clearance (more than the guys questioning me), I was let go with apologies (sort of :lol:). I apologized to them as well, my mistake...curiosity can get the cat killed.

Lots of stories from those days...

out. :blsmoke: