Free Outdoor


Active Member
Alright, im going to plant some plants randomly in this patch of forest close to my house, the forsest is right next to a lake. dnt worry its not a populated lake spot...but wheres the thing

Im not going back until harvest. I will visit maybe once or twice. im planting close-ish to lake to so i dnt need to worry about water. as the plant gets older tho i will visit less, as it is young i will visit more often especially to kill males.

the season is young spring right now. and going into sumer

heres my question. will it produce anything worth keepin? is it even worth doing it? should i do it or not??

im visiting the site today...




Well-Known Member
well you should visit more than once or twice... i'd visit every 3 weeks to a month.. and buy some time relese fert to spread around.. dig your holes and have good soil and all that stuff but you'd wat to visit more often when flowering starts to pick out the males and to keep the remaining females happy with some woodash and other nutes.. then the last week before harvest drench the soil with water.. and let it dry up.. then harvest at peak ripeness


Active Member
No i think u miss understood. im only visiting once or twice a week every week. lol

and is it the right season? or time?


Well-Known Member
where do you live?

if it is over about 55 degrees you should be fine to start just make sure there arnt going to be anymore morning frosts


Active Member
ok i will probably plant one today and 1 a week from now for 15 weeks.

the nights get cold to like 45 that ok?


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like you want a "fire and forget" system. Here's the news...It takes alot of work to grow a good plant. Especially in the outdoors next to or even near a lake. Guess what seeks out water? Yup everything that munches on plants :hump:

You will either get lucky and end up with something or you will lose everything.

Plan on checking on it at least once a week. 45 degrees is too cold.....especially for a seedling


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like you want a "fire and forget" system. Here's the news...It takes alot of work to grow a good plant. Especially in the outdoors next to or even near a lake. Guess what seeks out water? Yup everything that munches on plants :hump:

You will either get lucky and end up with something or you will lose everything.

Plan on checking on it at least once a week. 45 degrees is too cold.....especially for a seedling
True that. Even if you end up with something, it wont be killer chronic.


Active Member
baiscally "fire and forget" lol
i plan on checking it once a week.

Hmm ok well there are sprays and creams for the bugs which i have...

im growin a super lemon haze in side soon. i know how to grow plants in side but dnt know shit about