The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

awesome input guys. but lets remember to keep it clean and not too disrespectfull. if it gets ugly WE WILL GET SHUT DOWN. this obviously has the potential for greatness.
I'm not looking for them, but there were two... Can I piss on my plant.... and then everyones favorite.... can I shit on my plants........ and dude was serious........

Hey I read that you add 3% H2O2 (3 oz per gallon) So I added 30 oz to my 30 gallon rez today to ease the plants into the new additive. And within minutes my tallest best plants started drooping and the stem was even laying over at a 90 degree angle. Is this normal? I hope I didn't kill them and they come back to standing strt up!

did you seriously put 3oz per gallon of h2o2 in your res?!?!

thats amazing....i put 1ml of 3% per gallon when i use it.

if you used that much your plants are probably dead, you just completely fried thier root system.

where did you hear to use that much?

30oz? Oh yeah ...your plant is dead.
I cant find the thread, but there was thread made in january with this guy sayin that he got higher smoking males pollen sacs than smoking female buds :o... and the guy threatened my life, said he would come find me and all this other dumb shit... good stuff lol :clap:
I cant find the thread, but there was thread made in january with this guy sayin that he got higher smoking males pollen sacs than smoking female buds :o... and the guy threatened my life, said he would come find me and all this other dumb shit... good stuff lol :clap:

i love internet tough guys...they definetly have a place here.
this bitch pulled my girls but a couple of em she tried to pull the hole thing out soil and all in a perfect 5 gal bucket shape andput it outsie i got home like 5 mins later and fuckin snapped just cuz i woodnt give her anymore money i put it back in the bucket it seems to look ok but i noticed a couple fan leaves were broke its 6 weeks into veging u think shewill make it

this is more directed at dudes girlfriend.:cuss:
From the thread: "Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof"

So I have been doing quite a bit of research into stashing a little weed onto the airplane. Now Im headed to mexico and I have some dank nug that I wanna bring for our trip. Here's my setup. Under armor boxers, a 2 liter soda bottle tube before expansion (photo), and ground coffee.

So Im want to bring about an 1/8th or so. we tried this domestically no problem but internationally? drug dogs?
You freeze the tube the night before (1/8th of an inch thick plastic - these are the same bottles that hold pressurized CO2 for soda purposes) then before we leave ill put the nugs in my air tight baggie, and surround it in coffee grounds. We wont be bringing it back with us, just into mexico. Take the tube and stick it in the underarmor on the inside of your thigh.

Give me some feedback

*the point of the soda bottle is to keep the smell in, Plastic airtight tube>Coffee>plastic baggie>bud
Ill probs wrap it in electrical tape too or something

The max amount of time between stashing it in the tube/my pants until we board the plain will be approx 2 hours.

Before I bothered to read the hilarious nonsense in this post, I first looked at the picture. I figured he was just going to put that dildo-looking bottle in his butt.
The thread is great. There's a good mix of people arguing how "fool proof" this idea is and people clowning on the op.
that t@intshredder, is a straight up asshole. Every post I've seen that fuck make is solely to argue, must have a big e-cock.

Sorry to go off track.
that t@intshredder, is a straight up asshole. Every post I've seen that fuck make is solely to argue, must have a big e-cock.

Sorry to go off track.

I disagree. My e-cock is very average.
You saw my last post in this thread, I assume.
How is that argumentative? I think you have me confused with someone else, shepj.
i was just looking and cant find it about a studio apartment and two thousand plants the guy was going to be new york's new supplier
"Originally Posted by t@intshredder
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Putting weed in a bottle, then that bottle into a bag full of coffee is FOOL PROOF."

"Handler: "What's that boy? You smell drugs? But all I smell is coffee let's just call off the whole search."
Yeah that's a likely scenario. I would "look it up" but I googled "idiot drug dog handler" and didn't get a whole lot of results."

"I saw this in a movie once it's FOOL PROOF!
When the dogs are about to sniff on you, just take a steak out of your steak pocket and throw it several yards.
The dog will be so distracted it will run several yards away and the handler will likely call of the search."

pretty much everything you say, in retrospect, has zero educational value, nor does it benefit anyone on this site. You are full of snide remarks that do nothing to show your intellegence, or as far as my assumptions go, lack there of.
"Originally Posted by t@intshredder
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Putting weed in a bottle, then that bottle into a bag full of coffee is FOOL PROOF."

"Handler: "What's that boy? You smell drugs? But all I smell is coffee let's just call off the whole search."
Yeah that's a likely scenario. I would "look it up" but I googled "idiot drug dog handler" and didn't get a whole lot of results."

"I saw this in a movie once it's FOOL PROOF!
When the dogs are about to sniff on you, just take a steak out of your steak pocket and throw it several yards.
The dog will be so distracted it will run several yards away and the handler will likely call of the search."

pretty much everything you say, in retrospect, has zero educational value, nor does it benefit anyone on this site. You are full of snide remarks that do nothing to show your intellegence, or as far as my assumptions go, lack there of.

Haha! Relax, big boy. Do people spend a lot of time on this site trying to "show their intellegence"? :lol:
Don't deal in sarcasm or poorly attempted comedy much, do you? Sorry if I offended you delicate sensibilities. :rolleyes:
And I know I don't bring a lot to this site ...but I do have as much rep as you and only a third the posts so I must be doing something right. :)