Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
yea greenhouse will be tight, i have heard of some not so good phenos coming up from trainwreck. but everythiung else is guaranteed to be good shit, i was thinking about buying the diff indica mix but ended up going with big bang.


Well-Known Member
sounds like some good strains.. i want to get like 8 diff funky ones next time too! do u get urs per seed? thats awesome. i never heard of it .. i will deff go thru that company again! . they had every thing! .. i wnt to get NYC deisel from soma seeds. he got some other funkies to!

but Tatan they are looking well!! nevr thought flours could do that!!
Im getting them from this place called attitude seeds, some people here recomended. Not exactly getting them by the seed.... Im getting a Green House seeds mix that has those 5 different feminized strains, and then since I really wanted to grow some cheese those other 2 cheese seeds are single yeah... but I figure im ok cause they are feminized.:bigjoint:

And yeah, for my current grow im going CFL, I´m also curious how it turns out.:leaf:

Also Thanks Mr. Bitti and Mammath, I´m very new at growing and just wanted to check... so ill be placing my new order in the next couple of days.. hehehe


Well-Known Member

Veg Closet :
Mazar and bagseed clone.
Both Widows are in the flower closet now. The Mazar is starting to grow nicely again. I´m also not too upset that she is a little behind since im hoping she is a female, it will give her more room once the bagseed plant is chopped.

Flower Closet:
Bagseed Day 50
Mystery Plant Day 21
Tall widow day 7, but male
Bushy Widow Day 1

I´m pretty sure that the tall widow is male... but im giving the plant one more day.
The big news is how much the mystery plant has grown ! When Mr. West suggested I take her out to flower, I was a little reluctant cause she was only 9 inches tall. This is my first real plant, so I was expecting it to get to 16 to 20 inches. As I had read that plants could double in height and sometimees triple its height. But the mystery plant is at 32 inches tall now and its still growing, I´m getting a little worried. I have 6 42W CFL on top of her plus the side ones. She is starting to get little buds everywhere, I´m happy, but how much taller can this plant get ?? it is already more than tripled its height ! Can anybody tell if this plant looks more sativa or indica ?
I would really appreciate the help, I´m really confused.
I have also noticed that a lot of its pistils are redish instead of yellow if that helps any.

Picture from up top now

Now here are 2 pics of the buds of the bagseed, the bigger main bud has new stems of flowers.

And here is the top one with all the new growth


Well-Known Member
She looks indica dom' to me with those shape leaves. Some strains just stretch more than others.
Looks like she's got some good bud sights forming so she should start to slow down vertically.
If she's getting to tall you can always tie her down, she's lanky enough to handle some LST.
You'll be able to cover her better with those candles as well if she's tied out more horizontal.
Tie her down and rearrange your lights accordingly.
This will help with the 2 small plants you've just put in there as well.
They are miles from those lights so they will stretch heaps too if you don't rearrange things in there.
I'm sure you can make things a lot better in there and cover the plants better and get those lights closer.


Well-Known Member
She looks indica dom' to me with those shape leaves. Some strains just stretch more than others.
Looks like she's got some good bud sights forming so she should start to slow down vertically.
If she's getting to tall you can always tie her down, she's lanky enough to handle some LST.
You'll be able to cover her better with those candles as well if she's tied out more horizontal.
Tie her down and rearrange your lights accordingly.
This will help with the 2 small plants you've just put in there as well.
They are miles from those lights so they will stretch heaps too if you don't rearrange things in there.
I'm sure you can make things a lot better in there and cover the plants better and get those lights closer.
Yup I agree, I´m going to to tie her down sown some.

But actually the 2 new plants are ok ... 1 is really far away from the lights cause im 99.99 % its a male, and the other widow is right under a side lamp... so she is good until she sexes.

Basically I have been rearrainging the lights on a daily basis due to mystery plant growing so much. I hope she gives some decent buds...

But the important thing is that im down to 1 white widow and 1 Mazar, I´m hoping I get just 1 female out of those... I would like to get at least 1 "good seed" plant after ordering and all.

Worst case scenario.. my sister took 4 of my white widow seeds and she got them all to germ, she will give me a female if I dont get any ... but I´m still really hoping that the bushy widow is a female.


Well-Known Member
Let me know if you go down the LST route Tatan as this is something I'm considering and reading up on at the moment for my CFL grow. You are well ahead of me grow wise so would be useful to see how you get on if you don;t mind sharing the knowledge. Will keep looking in and best of luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
Let me know if you go down the LST route Tatan as this is something I'm considering and reading up on at the moment for my CFL grow. You are well ahead of me grow wise so would be useful to see how you get on if you don;t mind sharing the knowledge. Will keep looking in and best of luck!!!!

Yeah Dafoe, no problem I´m keeping tabs on your grow as well.

I bent the stems of the top 2 stems all the way to do damage and then put them back up. I also bent them at the bottom and used some wire to keep them in shape.

I also did my daily rearranging of the lights. I have high hopes for this plant.

Should be some improvement on the next update.

Now I´m just hoping that bushy white widow is female :bigjoint:

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
more often the shorter bushy plants tend to be female than male so im hoping you get 2 females!! anyway bagseed looks good, calyxes shooting out laterally thats a sing of good metabolism towards end of life


Well-Known Member
more often the shorter bushy plants tend to be female than male so im hoping you get 2 females!! anyway bagseed looks good, calyxes shooting out laterally thats a sing of good metabolism towards end of life
Man... I hope you are right ... she has been in flowering for 5 days, no signs of sex yet.. so I guess I shouldn´t be calling her a she yet. I´m keeping my fingers crossed it´s my only widow left:o.

Now for an Update With Lots Of Pics:

Veg Closet:
Not much to report here and wanted to save the space for the flower closet. Mazar is still growing slow, I have the male widow here in case I decide to get some widow pollen and a clone of the Bagseed and one of the Mystery plant.

Flower Closet:
Bagseed Day 54
Mystery plant Day 25
Bushy widow Day 5, still no sign of sex

I followed Mammath´s advice. I bent the 2 main stems of the Mystery plant all the way until they cracked to slow growth, and it allowed for the others to have caught up a bit. I also tied 2 od the stems, and have kept moving the lights around the plants.
She has little buds foming all along the stems. The 2 tallest stems are 33 inches tall.

As a first time grower, its really cool for me to see differences in the plants. Mystery plant has really developed cool pink pistils compared to Bagseed which always had yellow pistils until she started maturing. Here is a pic of one of the taller stems. I hope I get some decent buds out of it...:weed:

Bagseed is still getting a little fatter, and has some new growth, especially the top bud, its day 54 now, so I´m going to chop her soon.

Here is a pic of a side bud, as you can see, there is still a little new growth and about half the pistils are brown.

Here is the top bud, the very top developed a few new stems that have shot up in the past 10 days.

And finally the same bud under different lighting.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
have you checked trichomes??? that bagseed looks like it wants to go more than a week my man, let me know what u think. i always think more mature is better but someppl prefer the earlier harvest. I would just start giving it molasses at 2 table spoons per gallon untill the last week then plain water, that should be a good way to bulk her up. or if you got a finisher you can use it now, this will be my first time using a finisher and im undecided between koolbloom powder and gravity. I know gravity is the more risky but probably works better. Flower finishers tell plants the end is near and they abandon maintanance and put all energy into flowers. Ove read very good results, and have heard of ppl overdoing it and loosing a harvest. But since i have 4 plants im thinking of using probably koolbloom powder on 2 of them and the other 2 not touch untill a week after and i know it is safe! i realize im typing a shitload but yea it looks good and id say 2 more weeks man let us know!

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
and your mystery plant looks like a fast flowering strain, thats probably done pretty soon. I bet we will be harvesting within a week of each other, pink is always nice i wonder what the end product will look like


Well-Known Member
have you checked trichomes??? that bagseed looks like it wants to go more than a week my man, let me know what u think. i always think more mature is better but someppl prefer the earlier harvest. I would just start giving it molasses at 2 table spoons per gallon untill the last week then plain water, that should be a good way to bulk her up. or if you got a finisher you can use it now, this will be my first time using a finisher and im undecided between koolbloom powder and gravity. I know gravity is the more risky but probably works better. Flower finishers tell plants the end is near and they abandon maintanance and put all energy into flowers. Ove read very good results, and have heard of ppl overdoing it and loosing a harvest. But since i have 4 plants im thinking of using probably koolbloom powder on 2 of them and the other 2 not touch untill a week after and i know it is safe! i realize im typing a shitload but yea it looks good and id say 2 more weeks man let us know!
Yeah... I was planning on leaving her another 2-3 weeks depending, but I was also planning on start harvesting in about a week. It´s my first plant and I wanted to check out different levels of maturity to see what I really like best, and then try to harvest mystery plant at that stage.
About the trichs.. no I havent even looked yet ... I was planning on getting a magnifying glass before starting to chop make sure most of them are cloudy.
I am also only using flowering nutes (8-14-9)... and those in small doses. This is my first grow and Im paranoid ill burn the plants.

Also your idea sounds good... since you have more plants .. you can use the finishers on only 2 of them and start in smaller doses as well... just a thought :weed:


Well-Known Member
I followed Mammath´s advice. I bent the 2 main stems of the Mystery plant all the way until they cracked to slow growth, and it allowed for the others to have caught up a bit. I also tied 2 od the stems, and have kept moving the lights around the plants.
Shit man :shock: I said to tie them over so they grow more horizintal, not put a super crop bend in them! :lol:
Did you really bend them until they creased - cracked?
I'm not saying what you did was a bad thing, that will certainly slow their vertical growth down. I'm just surprised you were comfortable doing that.
That sort of stress training isn't usually undertaken by the new grower. Good on ya for having the balls to do such a thing. Your a freak!
She looks damn good too ;-) Well done, let the budding begin.


Well-Known Member
Shit man :shock: I said to tie them over so they grow more horizintal, not put a super crop bend in them! :lol:
Did you really bend them until they creased - cracked?
I'm not saying what you did was a bad thing, that will certainly slow their vertical growth down. I'm just surprised you were comfortable doing that.
That sort of stress training isn't usually undertaken by the new grower. Good on ya for having the balls to do such a thing. Your a freak!
She looks damn good too ;-) Well done, let the budding begin.
The thing is that I had to get the lights closer to the plant. The way I saw it, I could tie and bend the 2 taller stems to get them more horizontal, and closer in height to the rest, or option 2 was to supercrop to slow growth and let the shorter stems catch up. It wasnt that balsy, cause Bagseed plant lost one of its main stems when a light fell on it, and a surviving little branch did quite well and it was almost severed at the time. And actually the one stem I did tie was a shorter one to make it more vertical and closer to the taller stems.

Here is a pic of the damage in one of the 2 main stems.

And here is the damage on the other one. Bud formation above the damage seems to be doing well:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: