• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

H.r. 1388 - g.i.v.e


Well-Known Member
Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act

Passed by the House, heading to the Senate.

Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act or the GIVE Act - Amends the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (NSCA) and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (DVSA) to revise the programs under such Acts and reauthorize appropriations for such programs through FY2014.
Revises under NSCA: (1) the School-Based and Community-Based Service-Learning programs and Higher Education Innovative Programs for Community Service (Learn and Serve programs); (2) National Service Trust programs (AmeriCorps); (3) the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC); and (4) the Investment for Quality and Innovation program.
Eliminates the current Community-Based Learn and Serve programs.
Establishes two new Learn and Serve programs: (1) Campuses of Service, which provides funds to institutions of higher education to develop or disseminate exemplary service-learning programs that assist their students' pursuit of public service careers; and (2) Innovative Service-Learning Programs and Research, which funds community service-learning opportunities for elementary and secondary, college, and graduate students as well as research into service-learning.
Includes among eligible AmeriCorps programs: (1) an Education Corps to address unmet educational needs; (2) a Healthy Futures Corps to address unmet health needs; (3) a Clean Energy Corps to address unmet environmental needs; and (4) a Veterans Corps to address the unmet needs of veterans and their families.
Creates AmeriCorps Opportunity Corps programs that include certain existing programs and new programs to: (1) increase community access to technology; (2) engage citizens in public safety, health, and emergency preparedness services; (3) mentor youth; (4) reduce recidivism by re-engaging court-involved youth; and (5) support the needs of veterans or active duty service members and their families.
Establishes an Education Awards Only program authorizing the Corporation for National and Community Service (Corporation) to provide fixed-amount grants to programs that have approved national service positions, but no AmeriCorps funding.
Sets the National Service educational awards for full-time AmeriCorps, NCCC, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) participants at a level equal to the maximum available Pell Grant available to students under the Higher Education Act of 1965.
Includes among needs to be met under the NCCC program, disaster relief, infrastructure improvement, environmental and energy conservation, and urban and rural development.
Requires states to develop comprehensive plans for volunteer and paid service by Baby Boomers and older adults.
Directs the Corporation to plan pilot programs to: (1) better target and serve displaced workers; and (2) establish a centralized electronic citizenship verification system which would allow the Corporation to share employment eligibility information with the Department of Education.
Authorizes the Corporation to treat September 11th annually as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
Establishes within the Investment for Quality and Innovation program: (1) a ServeAmerica Fellowships program providing fellowships to individuals chosen by states to participate in service projects addressing certain areas of national need; (2) a Silver Scholarship Grant Program providing scholarships to individuals age 55 or older who complete at least 500 hours of service in a year in an area of national need; and (3) an Encore Fellowships program providing one-year fellowships to individuals age 55 or older who serve in areas of national need and receive training to transition to public service employment. Makes ServeAmerica fellows eligible for national service educational awards.
Authorizes the Corporation to provide grants to innovative and model service programs, including those for disadvantaged youth, youth under age 17, and potential recidivists.
Eliminates federal funding for the Points of Light Foundation.
Revises under DVSA: (1) the VISTA program; and (2) the Senior Corps, including the Retired and Senior Volunteer program (RSVP), the Foster Grandparent program, and the Senior Companion program.
Gives priority in VISTA participant selection to disadvantaged youth and retired adults of any profession.
Authorizes new VISTA grant programs of national significance that provide poor and rural communities with: (1) services reintegrating formerly incarcerated individuals into society; (2) financial literacy and planning; (3) before-school and after-school services; (4) community economic development initiatives; (5) assistance to veterans and their families; and (6) health and wellness services. Eliminates the VISTA Literacy Corps, University Year for VISTA, and Literacy Challenge Grant programs.
Raises the minimum and maximum stipend provided to VISTA participants.
Prioritizes RSVP projects in specified areas.
Makes anyone 55 years of age or older eligible as Senior Corps volunteers.
Provides, under the Senior Corps demonstration program, incentive matching grants to Senior Corps programs that exceed specified performance measures, enroll most of their volunteers in outcome-based service programs, and increase their enrollment of Baby Boomer volunteers.
Expresses the sense of the Congress that the number of AmeriCorps, VISTA, and NCCC participants should reach 250,000 by 2014.
Congressional Commission on Civic Service Act - Establishes a Congressional Commission on Civic Service to provide recommendations to Congress on improving opportunities for individuals to volunteer or perform national service.

Full text of bill -

Okay I haven't read through this yet, but apparently this bad boy forces young people from 16-24? to serve the country and attend "learn and serve" programs, and military training from the ages of 18-24. So it's like a massive draft? For national service?

Not sure if this is mandatory, I've heard that it will be. But it's probably one of those things that isn't explained properly. I'll read as much as I can when I have time... this shit is massive and complex as always.


Well-Known Member
Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act

Passed by the House, heading to the Senate.

Okay I haven't read through this yet, but apparently this bad boy forces young people from 16-24? to serve the country and attend "learn and serve" programs, and military training from the ages of 18-24. So it's like a massive draft? For national service?

Not sure if this is mandatory, I've heard that it will be. But it's probably one of those things that isn't explained properly. I'll read as much as I can when I have time... this shit is massive and complex as always.
Government Youth...great, just what we need, a bunch of brain dead, government worshipping, freedom hating, imbeciles running around.


Well-Known Member
Government Youth...great, just what we need, a bunch of brain dead, government worshipping, freedom hating, imbeciles running around.
Yeah it's like a bunch of teens running around looking for bad guys while they think they're all powerful because they're part of the government. You know when police get those power trips? Image a teen.

Not a good situation if they are armed.


Well-Known Member
Ever read 1984? The Kids that lived a couple doors down from the main character. Little brats ended up turning in their own father for thought crimes. (All he did I think was tell them no) Gonna turn the kids into Government tools to control the parents. And the kids will be so proud they helped the country.

But I didn't see it being manditory I got no bitch (except spending money ofcourse) unless it is manditory or say you can't graduate high school without it.


Well-Known Member
Ever read 1984? The Kids that lived a couple doors down from the main character. Little brats ended up turning in their own father for thought crimes. (All he did I think was tell them no) Gonna turn the kids into Government tools to control the parents. And the kids will be so proud they helped the country.

But I didn't see it being manditory I got no bitch (except spending money ofcourse) unless it is manditory or say you can't graduate high school without it.
If they make it mandatory, most will probably refuse. If they try to force it... they'll have to talk to our guns. :cuss:

I don't like the age range of this. Under 18 is too young for national service. Give them time to grow first...
Also I think this is just an excuse to sign people up for military. They'll have millions ready to go overseas if necessary.


Well-Known Member
hah can people pony up and now and admit that Obama is gonna be dictator of this country? i hope someone shoots that mofo before we lose all our rights. sorry but thats how i feel.:(


Well-Known Member
Will not bet on Obama being dictator. Many thought Bush would be. He certainly set things up for himself. The apperatus is in place all there needs now is just the right catalist to propel us into Dictatorship. One neat little "event." I'm thinking it will be "Right wing wackos" Thats the Lefts ususal patsy.

As far as Chips go yeah right I'll believe it when I see it.
This will be for demestic security these will be trained demestic informents. Hope they arn't but I bet they will be like the Guardian Angels in Chicago.
Shooting Obama would only leave use with a pissed of Joe Biden fuck that hes worse then Obama. Same reason nobody off'ed Bush, President Chenny Anyone??
Best thing to do now understand Debt and our relation to the Federal Reserve. This system can't stand people are waking up more then I ever thought they would Freedom May still yet breath in this country lets see if People still want it.
Personally, I don't think the Majority do. I think they want their Momma's. They want to be told what to do and when they fall down they want Momma to kiss it better. Government isn't your momma and doesn't give a shit about you. Only what you can do for it.

Now I got no bitch if its some scheme to help people pay for collage thats fine (I guess). But I'll be damned if your gonna tell me I gotta do this shit to pass high school thats BS.

All I want is for them to leave people alone Let me smoke a bowl, Let me keep my guns (some of my guns where my grandfathers, Hands the fuck off) Don't regulate the internet, and stop debasing the money. Thats all, Just leave me alone.


New Member
Sorry, I'm good, we need no indoctrination here. I don't need microchipped, I'm not a pet, I don't need to go to "good citizen" camp.

The audacity of these fools, taking our money and then trying to use it to brain wash us? Sorry Jim no koolaid for me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm good, we need no indoctrination here. I don't need microchipped, I'm not a pet, I don't need to go to "good citizen" camp.

The audacity of these fools, taking our money and then trying to use it to brain wash us? Sorry Jim no koolaid for me.
But the politicians want your mind to belong to them...

How could you be so selfish and not let them steal it?


Actually, I'm probably a prime "candidate" for a "Good Citizen" camp. I'm too outspoken, think that the only time I should do what I'm told is when it's me that's telling me what I should be doing, and have a hatred for the government.

Of course that might have something to do with the fact that they have stolen 33% +- .5% of my income for the last 2 years in a row, which amounts to a shit load of money.

Though I'm not going to go and bear arms against the government, or go batshit crazy and start blowing shit up. I have too much to lose for that to be worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
Some Amendments proposed for this legislation

(1) H.Amdt. 38
by Rep. Andrews [D-NJ]
Amendment to make certain technical changes; allow interagency agreements between Federal agencies to support national service programs by approving the use of service positions in projects carried out by other agencies; clarify that the goal of reaching 250,000 volunteers is throughout all national service positions, not just AmeriCorps; and clarify that the Corporation should promote efficiency and eliminate duplicative requirements in applications and report back to the authorizing committees on its progress in doing so. Adds language to promote community based efforts to reduce crime and recruit public safety officers into service opportunities. Adds "severely economically distressed community" as a new definition. Includes a new activity under the Opportunity Corps focused on a musician and artists corps program that helps meet educational needs in low income communities. Incorporates language that would increase access to and participation in federally supported nutrition programs.

Proposed: Mar 18, 2009.

Amendment numbered 1 printed in House Report 110-39 to make certain technical changes; allow interagency agreements between Federal agencies to support national service programs by approving the use of service positions in projects carried out by other agencies; clarify that the goal of reaching 250,000 volunteers is throughout all national service positions, not just AmeriCorps; and clarify that the Corporation should promote efficiency and eliminate duplicative requirements in applications and report back to the authorizing committees on its progress in doing so. Adds language to promote community based efforts to reduce crime and recruit public safety officers into service opportunities. Adds "severely economically distressed community" as a new definition. Includes a new activity under the Opportunity Corps focused on a musician and artists corps program that helps meet educational needs in low income communities. Incorporates language that would increase access to and participation in federally supported nutrition programs.

(11) H.Amdt. 48
by Rep. Titus [D-NV]
Amendment to create a National Service Reserve Corps and requires an annual service requirement of at least 10 hours and/or annual training. A member of the National Service Reserve Corps is one who has completed a term of national service, fulfilled training, and will respond to national disasters and other emergencies. These individuals will be listed in a national database for the ease of immediate deployment in case of emergency.

Proposed: Mar 18, 2009. Accepted: Mar 18, 2009.

Amendment numbered 10 printed in House Report 111-39 to create a National Service Reserve Corps and requires an annual service requirement of at least 10 hours and/or annual training. A member of the National Service Reserve Corps is one who has completed a term of national service, fulfilled training, and will respond to national disasters and other emergencies. These individuals will be listed in a national database for the ease of immediate deployment in case of emergency.

Mar 18, 2009. On agreeing to the Titus amendment (A011) Agreed to by recorded vote: 339 - 93 (Roll no. 138). [View Details]

(12) H.Amdt. 49
by Rep. Miller [D-CA]
The amendments prohibits organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.

Proposed: Mar 18, 2009. Accepted: Mar 18, 2009.

Amendment to prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.

(14) S.Amdt. 688
by Sen. Crapo [R-ID]
To increase the borrowing authority of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and for other purposes.

Proposed: Mar 24, 2009.

(19) S.Amdt. 693
by Sen. Johanns [R-NE]
To ensure that organizations promoting competitive and non-competitive sporting events involving individuals with disabilities may receive direct and indirect assistance to carry out national service programs.

Proposed: Mar 24, 2009.
Accepted: Mar 25, 2009.

(40) S.Amdt. 717
by Sen. Landrieu [D-LA]

To add a foster care program to the national service corps program.

Proposed: Mar 25, 2009.
Accepted: Mar 25, 2009.


New Member
I predict a huge explosion in the number of teen pregnancies related to this. I'm sure women with babies will be excused from service. That leaves 2 options, get knocked up or go serve. WTF..........


New Member
I think it is a good Idea. Gives the underpriveledged a chance to go to college, and doing national service is not all that bad. Think of all the good they could do, clean up the cities, rat out drug dealers, do pro-bono work in courts, hospitals, clean up the national parks, etc. talking about mindfucking them into ratting on their parents is complete paranoia, Hitlerian bullshit. Leave it to the conservidiots to bring that up. BTW, a draft for military service is not part of the plan, but may be used in time of war. I say a draft is good, spread the death around. I am totally against war, but that being said, I believe that the rich kids should be required to serve on the front lines along with the poor. Most likely, that would slow the tendency to have wars, but there must not be deferments for the priveledged. If my kids have to go to war, so should Obamas kids, and all those congresmens kids, and all those CEOs kids.


Well-Known Member
I think it is a good Idea. Gives the underpriveledged a chance to go to college, and doing national service is not all that bad. Think of all the good they could do, clean up the cities, rat out drug dealers, do pro-bono work in courts, hospitals, clean up the national parks, etc. talking about mindfucking them into ratting on their parents is complete paranoia, Hitlerian bullshit. Leave it to the conservidiots to bring that up. BTW, a draft for military service is not part of the plan, but may be used in time of war. I say a draft is good, spread the death around. I am totally against war, but that being said, I believe that the rich kids should be required to serve on the front lines along with the poor. Most likely, that would slow the tendency to have wars, but there must not be deferments for the priveledged. If my kids have to go to war, so should Obamas kids, and all those congresmens kids, and all those CEOs kids.
Honestly I don't see a problem with this "learn and serve" program, as long as it isn't forced on anybody. If it is mandatory, THE RICH CANNOT BUY OUT OF IT.

I think they made it voluntary though. Apparently a lot of people complained about this bill. It's too open to be abused to hell and back.


New Member
Honestly I don't see a problem with this "learn and serve" program, as long as it isn't forced on anybody. If it is mandatory, THE RICH CANNOT BUY OUT OF IT.

I think they made it voluntary though. Apparently a lot of people complained about this bill. It's too open to be abused to hell and back.
I have to disagree. Just look what money and influence did for "W". I don't know how we could get the rich to comply with the draft as corrupt as the current system is. It is still good to be king.


New Member
Eventually it's going to turn into, "you can't purchase or sell food unless at least one family member is serving in the 'volunteer' good citizen corps".

Just wait, they haven't even begun to apply their stranglehold yet.


Well-Known Member

(14) S.Amdt. 688
by Sen. Crapo [R-ID]
To increase the borrowing authority of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and for other purposes.

Proposed: Mar 24, 2009.

Hm.. interesting... since the FDIC doesn't have nearly enough funds to cover the wave of bank failures coming...

As far as this bill.. throw it out.. we have PLENTY of private charities that offer the exact same opportunities.. those aren't funded by taxpayers and do not have the possibility of becoming mandatory... this on the other hand...

Purpose of government programs is always to SURVIVE and GROW..