Can a plant survive on 4-5 hours of sunlight per day

Do you mean direct sunlight or just light in general? Cause if your asking if say you had some weed by some trees that partailly blocked the sun all but 5 hours then yes the would be fine. But if your saying you had plants that were getting light, peroid, for only 4-5 hours then Id say probably survive but they would be pretty rough looking and extremly small, and probably turn herm.
Hmm, I don't want that, yeah its like5 hours of direct sunlight and 2 hours each way of partial sunlight.
find a better spot that gets more light, in that little of light the plant will survive but will yield horribly and be a stringy plant.:weed:
find a better spot that gets more light, in that little of light the plant will survive but will yield horribly and be a stringy plant.:weed:
I had one last year with about 5 hours direct and 3-4 indirect and ended up with 1/2lb wet 2 ounces dry:twisted:
It'll grow fine(slower, smaller), unlikely to hermie unless it's in the genetics. Obviously more light would be better.