My first attempt: I think the plant might die...


Active Member
During the start of March this year, I decided to grow a simple pot plant using some soil my grandmother uses for her garden flowers and a small ceramic pot. After obtaining the materials I planted two seeds not knowing what breed or kind they might have been. After the first couple of weeks, I began to see some progress with one of the seeds; sprouting out from under the soil and slowly flowering creating four leaves, two of which were bright green in the middle and light green on the outside tips. The other seed however had begun to spring up but, without unknowing sufficienties it died immediately. After trying to keep the one seed prospering, I have tried upgrading from a 12W CFL to a 20W CFL. Unsurely enough, the plant is continuing to droop and while it has been growing, two other leaves came out from the sides of the other former ones. Unfortunately both of them have turned yellow and have darkened on each of the sides. Today, March 23rd, I bought a test kit for checking the PH level, plant food/nutrients, and other materials for setting up my first grow box. I checked the PH level of my Tap water, which was the initial water I was using to make my plant grow, and it fell between 6.5 and 7.0. I believe thats ok. Reluctantly, I filled a spray bottle with some plant food and fed the plant today, along with providing it with a little more water since I haven't watered it in three days. I hope everything goes well in the next couple of days. Please comment if anyone should read this, and please give me any helpful tips if needed.
I purchased some small packets by Miracle Grow Singles (24-8-16). Is that bad? And should I spray the plant itself or just the soil?
You want to foliar feed with plain water, ph 6.5 to 7 like you said. From the sound of it, your plant is WAY to young to be adding any kind of nutes. Use water only, and DON'T over water it, its easy to do when they are this young.

Also, you mentioned the wattage of your cfl, but what's the color temperature? You want 6500k for veg, 2700k for flower. Anything between is a waste of time and resources.
I will definitely keep going with the regular watering...and no nutes. Thanks. However, all I have right now is a lamp (techinically used as a computer night-stand) with a Helical 20W 120VAC 60Hz 300Ma light sitting just on top of the plant. I haven't been able to make my grow box yet because of inefficient materials. I will soon, tomorrow possibly, purchase some white lining for the backdrop of the box. Then I can start to construct. As of right now, on the other hand, I purchased two N:Vision 120V 60Hz 42W CFL's from HD which will be hung on top of the box. Will this be the right bulbs for starting a grow box, in this manner? And if they are the right ones to use first, will they help the plant mature?
I will definitely keep going with the regular watering...and no nutes. Thanks. However, all I have right now is a lamp (techinically used as a computer night-stand) with a Helical 20W 120VAC 60Hz 300Ma light sitting just on top of the plant. I haven't been able to make my grow box yet because of inefficient materials. I will soon, tomorrow possibly, purchase some white lining for the backdrop of the box. Then I can start to construct. As of right now, on the other hand, I purchased two N:Vision 120V 60Hz 42W CFL's from HD which will be hung on top of the box. Will this be the right bulbs for starting a grow box, in this manner? And if they are the right ones to use first, will they help the plant mature?

Well, you got 42 watters, so theres a good amount of power there for the light. But you didn't mention the color temperature.

I've found, through my own mistakes, that in the past in my haste I've bought cfl bulbs for growing, and not taking the time to MAKE SURE what the color temp is. A lot of those bulbs that you can buy at Home Depot, Lowes, or Walmart, don't have the color temp listed. If you can't find the color temp on the package, DON'T BUY IT!! lol take my word for it...i got about 5 extras sittin around that i can't use lol
I didnt purchase the original ones I was using; the 20W's. I told my grandfather that I was growing and he just handed me two. But yes, they don't even say anything about how much K's they have. Currently, I swtiched one of the 20W's for one of the 42W's. Im not going to use both of them until I construct my box. Is that ok, to have one on top of the plant, plugged into the lamp? Also, earlier when I posted, I said two of the leaves were yellow with brown edges and all of them were drooping.......will they end up falling off or will they begin to grow efficiently? And how much of the 42W light should I use...8hrs? 12hrs? 24hrs? Even when I set up my box, how much light will I need for the plant to actually keep going?
Do you know exactly what soil it is you are using? If it is Miracle Grow, or another product like it, it has time released nutrients already in it. Every time you would water it, it would release more nutes. From the sound of your leaves, it seems like you have nute burn. :(

If you can, invest in Fox Farms Ocean Forest. It's what i use, and a lot of people on here use it and swear by it. :)

As for your lights, if you continue to use cfls, keep them 2-4 inches at most away from the top of the plant. I would use a 18 hour on, 6 hour off light schedule.
I didnt purchase the original ones I was using; the 20W's. I told my grandfather that I was growing and he just handed me two. But yes, they don't even say anything about how much K's they have. Currently, I swtiched one of the 20W's for one of the 42W's. Im not going to use both of them until I construct my box. Is that ok, to have one on top of the plant, plugged into the lamp? Also, earlier when I posted, I said two of the leaves were yellow with brown edges and all of them were drooping.......will they end up falling off or will they begin to grow efficiently? And how much of the 42W light should I use...8hrs? 12hrs? 24hrs? Even when I set up my box, how much light will I need for the plant to actually keep going?
Hey, no offense, but from what ive just read, your getting way too ahead of yourself. You have too little supplies and too little knowledge to start growing. Wait until your setup is set up before you start planting seeds. Id try my best with the seedlings u have now, but wouldnt do anything else until i knew i was good to go.
I totally understand. The plant I have now was sort of a surprise when it sprouted out of nowhere. However, I wanted to have all the supplies ready when I could finally/possibly get a hold of good seeds.\