More Flowering Questions


Active Member
Today is the 5th day of flowering and this is a picture of my plants before cleaning reservoir, and adding GH Floralicious nutrients and water. Can any of you guess how much I might yield off the looks of them, and cause I use 6 23 watt cfls? Also how much better could my yield be if I bought a 150 watt hps for this babies? Any additional advice appreciated.



Well-Known Member
cant really say by lookin at them, you can easily get and ounce per plant, you got enough CFL's and adding a 150 watt HPS will only better the yield


Well-Known Member
naw, haha again, its all up to you, they just about triple in size, so people just calculate that into how much space they have


Well-Known Member
I want to say they can more than triple in size. Isn't that a genetic thing? What if grows past the hood in flowering? Would it stll flower or would that branch die or jst stop growing?


Active Member
more light = bigger yield. i have 2 150 w hps for my 2 plants. But i mean the size of your plant also has a huge impact on how much bud you actually produce. if you have the money id say bump up to the hps


Well-Known Member
i think the small hps is the way to goo!

i have the 150whps and acouple cfls...i kinda wish i got the 250 now

it works greats but it all depends on you!