Wind Turbine Question???


Well-Known Member
Hey evryone, I have recently become very interested in creating some of my own energy via wind turbine (windmill). Atleast enough energy to run the grow lights!!! If I used a 400w wind turbine system, will the batterys charge be replaced as fast as it is used by the grow light with it being on 20 hours a day, or will it just need to be charged first??? Thanx for reading!!!
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Well-Known Member
Getting enough electric to run the lights might be tricky, enough to run the water pumps would be more feasible.

Just depends on where you are and if the windmill can provide enough power, you definitely need batteries to save the energy produced and then an invertor big enough to supply the amperage needed for the lights.

We need more info to make a decision but I'd start small and try to run the small things like the water pumps and work my way up. Lighs burn alot of electric.

Don't let me discourage you, do what you can and keep us posted because I'm also interested in alternative power and seeing what you can actually do with it.

I'll even give you some +rep for using your head.


Well-Known Member
I think your right on being more realistic on the expectations for this setup. The windmill I was lookin at on ebay was around $600.00!!! Im also looking into making my own solar panels, its suppost to cost you half as much as the pre-manufactured panels!!! I really wish I knew someone who has tried this before, I have a thousand and one questions!!!


Well-Known Member
Really it boils down to math, you have to figure out how much energy you can produce in a day with the generator, then you have to decide how much you can store in batteries and how much energy you waste trying to convert it back to 120 volts. Most of the free energy stuff is around 12 volts so you have to convert to 120, you waste a lot of electric doing that, then you have to figure out the load you will use on a daily basis to decide if you will produce enough. Plus you have to have a safe place for the batteries because they do explode from time to time. I'm no expert but I have read up some on the subject. They make it sound easy on TV butif it was so easy everyone would be doing it. The best way would be to use a fast flowing river to turn a generator, like half way up a mountain, you'd have your best luck with it. That's my 2 cents.

Brick Top

New Member
My advice would be to wait about 10 years or so. Possibly, with luck, the technology that would be needed to do it and to do it efficiently and cost effectively might exist by then.


Well-Known Member
My advice would be to wait about 10 years or so. Possibly, with luck, the technology that would be needed to do it and to do it efficiently and cost effectively might exist by then.
Solar cells are really the ticket but the problem with them is that they are only about 10% - 14% efficient, if they get up to around 40% efficient we will all be using them, except you'd put the electric companies out of business so they might have to keep it all hidden as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
Very good points everyone!!! I probably shouldnt invest my money into something thats not really effective or efficient. Just like led lights man, such a bad ass idea, but the technology is just not there yet!!! Thanks for your help everyone, I think i have made my decision!!!