Help check out idea for setup


Active Member
Hey guys! Interested in getting a hydro sytem started and I have been studying alot. I no you get what you pay for but I was wondering what you guys think about this setup off of ebay everythings included its inexpensive and I no its good to have a quality light. But do you think I should just wait until I have more money available to get a better system? Or can I get started with this and grow some decent weed? Let me no thanks....

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Yup, if you build it yourself you will know the setup front to back. Plus you can make improvements on it and change it all together without feeling like your wasting money.


Well-Known Member
Yeh that thing's a fuckin joke and 10 gallons will support at best 3 plants. Plus everything they got there isn't worth $50 let alone $130.