Um i newbie Can i use this light

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
I have a 500 watt floodlight and closet
its called ECONLIGHT 500E 117-8 MR7s P55 500w 250v Please need reply can i use for plant got crap all money xD

plant is about half a foot high at moment
Iv been useing the flood light about 6 hours a day for the last 2 days and a 100w lamp in my room for the rest and about 7 hours of darkness Cheers brothers


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro cant help you on the light u have but for a newb I would suggest some cfl(compact fluorescents). They are cheap and work wonders, plus you can put them close to the plant so the plant can you a great deal of the lumens that the light produces. They are by far the best light for a newb. They put out very light heat as well. Just a suggest bro. Anyways welcome to the forum, RIU is the best place to get help with any questions related towards marijuana.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Sorry bro cant help you on the light u have but for a newb I would suggest some cfl(compact fluorescents). They are cheap and work wonders, plus you can put them close to the plant so the plant can you a great deal of the lumens that the light produces. They are by far the best light for a newb. They put out very light heat as well. Just a suggest bro. Anyways welcome to the forum, RIU is the best place to get help with any questions related towards marijuana.
Cheers bro um with the light What should i look for any suggestions How close to the plants should the light be and how much do i feed it


those are halogen lights....they are great for heat, not good for a plants production..I would invest in some CFL setups


depends on the size of the planter and the medium used...yours could use a little more moisture in the soil...


that light is badnews....and yes add some more water to that, around the inside of the planter...just trying to even out the moisture levels in that planter...