BB & SSH Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
this is what my buddies blueberry turns out like. he has perfected it pretty well. it does taste better than most but not necessarily of berries. more earthy. it is covered pretty well in chrystals. it smells earthy to but not at all like premature bud. not like the plant. it does have some blue streaks in it a little. more like slight blue hues. basically the taste is overall its strong point and potentcy next. dry it doesnt seem to smell all that much.


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I've been over the bridge around Buffalo, Detroit ans Sarina. Or maybe this bridge think is just a ploy to through us off track?? Maybe your near London?


Well-Known Member
hydro. he kinda does a medium large setup so he never tried soil. maybe 40 medium sized of these plants so soil would be to hard to dispose of. but you would describe the smell as soily if thats a word. it was grown in dwc. ive never got it off him before because he also has the hempstar and so far that is the most potent i've every smoked. so i always bought it. he lives 40 miles away from me and is private so i dont see the grow at all often. but i know he does it because once in awhile i go there. he pays for the power and just does a big very basic setup. its good bud for sure. tastes nice.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I would like to know what mine are but it really doesn't matter as long as it's good. They are the free ones I got with an order. I didn't get anything out of the seeds I ordered. But so far so good, they are not quite done yet and are pretty good. Taste and high. And they are both different. The last one of the three that I started with I have clones of in flower now. I'm keeping her for a mother for now and will decide if she is good enough to keep using or order more seeds. So we can hook up at the Toronto Cup huh? Maybe greenearth will go too? Maybe his friend has a sister of friend she can bring.


Well-Known Member
the gm headquarters. funny i cant say i know what the toronto cup is? but damn that would be crazy. what is it? a mj block party or something?


Well-Known Member
im back with 4 gallon distilled water, 1 heiniken beer, 1 bud light beer lol i almost said 1 blueberry beer :)) , 1 plate of chinese food, some panties for the honey, and her sum food


Well-Known Member
ive been hearing allot about the seattle washington "worlds biggest hemp festivile" which is where are new drug czar is from... supposed to be fucking awesome up there and nobody gets busted even thou everyone openly smokes pot around cops.. i hear the only people that go down are the drunks...


Well-Known Member
never heard of it. far off for me. sounds def like a good time. wheres the new pics of the lady? lol but i'm not kidding. get them up!!


Well-Known Member
hey 1982 what is that medal doing on your name? Im thinking about donating some money so i can be staff or elite member... how much did that medal cost you


Well-Known Member
if you want to drive 4 hours to get there. ok ive heard of it. sounds like a good time and i might have to go. def gonna look into it. i gotta eat this craft dinner. when i get back i expect some lady pics. lol

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Man, you read my mind. For me it's 6 hrs to Buffalo or 11 to Detroit. And then what ever it is after that. But who cares we will be so high we won't know where we are anyway. So it probably won't make a difference if I went either way. I would rather go through Buffalo though, Nicer ride. What about you greenearth?