NYC Sour Diesel?


Well-Known Member
I also think you should avoid the bag seed. You may end up spending 3 months or more of your time on something that is not worth the effort. You won't know what to expect from it and that is a pain. I would invest a little cash on some Sensi Skunk#1 or Super Skunk they both come in regular or fems and are not expensive and super easy to grow. They also finish in 45 to 50 days wich is as fast as it gets. the NYC Sour D isn't the best choice to start with but if you have it or can get it hold on to it cause it can be hard to come by. Thats why you want to get some grows under your belt so you don't mess up the Sour D. Just go to Sensi Seeds or Attitude and get some of the 2 I mentioned earlier you will be totaly happy with what you get. Also get yourself a good grow book like the MJ Growing Bible.


Active Member
Where is the NYC Sour Diesel coming from?

Ordering seeds isn't a big deal. I just wouldn't personally order them to my house if I was growing there. That is why the previous gent mentioned a PO Box.


Active Member
If seeds are well kept they'll be fine for years. NYC Diesels a breeze to grow and yields heavy if they're from SOMA seeds, if not I don't know. Germinate them and see. If you want to get 90% + females, place the seeds in a plastic bag with banana peels for two weeks. You may have to swith old peels for new after seven days but you want the peels to ripen and turn dark. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
If seeds are well kept they'll be fine for years. NYC Diesels a breeze to grow and yields heavy if they're from SOMA seeds, if not I don't know. Germinate them and see. If you want to get 90% + females, place the seeds in a plastic bag with banana peels for two weeks. You may have to swith old peels for new after seven days but you want the peels to ripen and turn dark. Good Luck

bullshit and bullshit. somas diesel blows. if you can find legit sour cutting then go for it. also that banana peels thing is bullshit aswell.


I know that this thread is really old, but I happened to come across it and am curious. I am a first time grower, and I traded a guy some stuff for some NYC sour diesel seeds. They all germinated, but then two of them died shortly thereafter. Two of them are looking really solid, have over an inch ofheight to them, and just look very healthy. The third one could make it or not. I am not sure.

Is it just the germination phase that is hard? Or are there other reasons that this strain isn't the best strain for a new grower?


as a first time grower myself i suggest you go with something that you already know the genetics of, and someone else has already perfected the flowering time so you can learn with something to guide you. I started with a kush strain and it has seem to handle everything i have done wrong and responds well when its right........ good luck!! and plus rep


as a first time grower myself i suggest you go with something that you already know the genetics of, and someone else has already perfected the flowering time so you can learn with something to guide you. I started with a kush strain and it has seem to handle everything i have done wrong and responds well when its right........ good luck!! and plus rep
Yep - In retrospect I shoulda done that. It is too late now though. They are planted and the deed is done. I am going to make clones off of the ones that are growing so I can keep experimenting with this strain. I have already laid down so much bread to get my grow area properly set up; and I am using organic nutes which are expensive. So I don't really want to order more seeds from least right now. So I will study and read my balls off as regards this strain and see how I do.


Yep - In retrospect I shoulda done that. It is too late now though. They are planted and the deed is done. I am going to make clones off of the ones that are growing so I can keep experimenting with this strain. I have already laid down so much bread to get my grow area properly set up; and I am using organic nutes which are expensive. So I don't really want to order more seeds from least right now. So I will study and read my balls off as regards this strain and see how I do.
theres some cool ass people on here that will help you out, post photos when possible as that tends to get you more accurate info and good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
purchesing seeds is risky business expecilly if your not smart enough to get them sent to a p.o. box...also if you grow swag from bagseed then thats all you'll grow from production seeds as well...i grow bag seed an it is just as flavorful an full of resin glands as if i spent money on production seeds...the only difference is i dont put some desiginer name behind it(nyc sour diesiel,godbud,lavender) i just call it great sensimilla
This guy knows his shit. salude


haha my curent first grow a bag seed 2 of them one acidently choped in half started under cfls and florecents now 600 watt hps for one plant it turns out my bag seed was sour d lol first grow the plants huge 3 feet tall and branchy with buds 3rd week flowering i am stoked that that was a hard strain to grow