I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances


Active Member
hey man i started smoking around 12 and jus move up to a more potent plant. started off with reggie then came k, then kush but now its grand daddy purp. as amatter of fact im smoking as we speak or type lol. but if ur wanting to get into other drugs try some of these pills (NINJA TURTLE, TRANSFORMER, BART OR HOMER SIMPSON OR THE MACINTOSH APPLES) they all have some kind of other drug in them. the apple is my favorite because 15 mins after u take it u feel like like ur floating every movment u make feels like u need anchors to hold u down. but get a big gallon of orange juice(you'll need it) lol


Well-Known Member
You honestly need to try DMT for a phsycodelic out of body experience.

Did you look it up??

If your serious you will at least look it up or am I just wasting my time trying to help you out.

If you dont want to do this them have some Kids.


Active Member
im not sure id try to eat the morning glory seeds from walmart

Though the chemical LSA is illegal to possess in pure form, the seeds are found in many gardening stores, however, the seeds from gardening stores may be coated in some form of mild poison in order to prevent ingestion or methylmercury to retard spoilage


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how long DMT lasts, I looked it up, but haven't really tried that hard
Salvia lasts around 10 minutes, but feels a lot longer, would totally recommend it Cuzzloco, it's an experience everyone should have at least once.


Well-Known Member
im not sure id try to eat the morning glory seeds from walmart

Though the chemical LSA is illegal to possess in pure form, the seeds are found in many gardening stores, however, the seeds from gardening stores may be coated in some form of mild poison in order to prevent ingestion or methylmercury to retard spoilage
I'm pretty sure you can get some organic ones on ebay.
But can't you wash the methylmercury off?


Well-Known Member
Awesome, how much are they?
It's cheap, I guess no more then a buck a pack, so a good trip would be 13 bucks!
I hear DMT is Good as well, you can buy some bark that has dmt in it and extract it, I'm not sure how or what root but my buddy was able to do it, with a bit of research I'm sure anyone can do it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've tried candy flipping with acid + MDMA, and hippy flipping (Mush + MDMA)
I actually like straight acid more than doing it with mdma, I seem to have better trips which is odd :P
I've thought of doing meth, but I've decided against it, I think I'd get too addicted.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I want to keep my head on straight and not get into junk I know I most likely wont be able to get out of.
but I'm always curious about experimenting.

thanks for +rep btw, Ill rep back, you've been a great help :)


Well-Known Member
DMT... say no more.... I'm sure you have youtube to look up some info on it...

THis shit makes acid look like coolaid.. except you don't go nuts while on it... your mind stays pretty much in tact...
What it does, is to instantly remove you from this world into... some other place/s, where you will be confronted by information that makes our normal world look like something put together by a todler.
It is a natural body neurochemical, and I'll send you one of my teeth if you can manage to get addicted to this stuff... actualy its quite handy for beating addictions I think...


Well-Known Member
cain toad licking lol..

nah theres lots of better sources tha that i just thought id be a smart ass lol...

ANC is on to something here lol


Well-Known Member
wow, I couldn't imagine that, the best trip I had was 12 hours straight :|
I'm thinking I'm going to try those seeds


Well-Known Member
I don't know why, but I'm getting bored of everything.

I don't know what to do next, I've tried these things;


I don't know what else to do, things I'm against are


Probably more, but I can't think straight.

Heres an idea..

Start going to the GYM. The better shape your body is, the better shape your mind is, the better the high you recieve. I honestly can not tell you how great the weed high is after a hard workout at the gym.

Im trying steriods as my next high... imagine being high for 4 months strait ;-)


Well-Known Member
Now here is the great thing about DMT...
although you may look like you are takeing a nap for 5 to 15 minutes.... the time you spend in there can feel like the equivalent of days... Each breath... if you are still aware of haveing a physical breathing body, feels like minutes appart. Allthough as seen from an observer, you are just haveing a nap with some REM.

When over, you are basicaly 100 back to baseline cognition before the hour is up, but noone would know you did anything 30 minutes after smokeing.


Well-Known Member
Now here is the great thing about DMT...
although you may look like you are takeing a nap for 5 to 15 minutes.... the time you spend in there can feel like the equivalent of days...
Am i the only one who thinks this is basically describing what its like to be brain dead? ...I will never understand the reasoning behind taking such extreme drugs. Why do that to yourself?


Well-Known Member
No, you are not brain dead.... your brain is going to experience more than you ever did, and operate at a level you would never have begun to conceptualise...

Sadly there are no real word or langueage in our world to begin to even start explaining what is out there, as it is in a dimension of light and information... Let me not start with the intelligent entities...