DIDN"T WATER in time


Active Member
my plant didn't get watered for a couple hrs. and when i checked on it all tha leaves were drooping. "all of them" almost flush with stalk. i got early signs that it was a female.

I water'd it immediately with some nutes and its looking like it was before all this. i was wondering did that cause "Alot" of stress. or tell me what could happend. i heard one guy said he would let his leaves droop a lil bit before watering. i need some input thanks.
if it wasn't in that state for a long period it shouldn't hurt it at all.I've had to go out of town before and when i returned they were all droopy,but within short hrs they will def be back to normal after watering.No worries unless your leaves are actually dried out
my plant didn't get watered for a couple hrs. and when i checked on it all tha leaves were drooping. "all of them" almost flush with stalk. i got early signs that it was a female.

I water'd it immediately with some nutes and its looking like it was before all this. i was wondering did that cause "Alot" of stress. or tell me what could happend. i heard one guy said he would let his leaves droop a lil bit before watering. i need some input thanks.

woah woah woah, are you saying that you water it every couple hours..I might of taken it wrong but it sounds like you water it once an hour lol. Its prob drooping because of over watering..THE #1 mistake noobs make.