Polar Bears dying From Climate Change


New Member
I know it's almost too late if it isn't already. On top of that stupid whore Sarah Palin wants to kill them...what a fucking bitch!!!


Well-Known Member
man that is bad i hate hearing about this shit cause it makes me wanna go biserk and kill wasteful people and then ones causing these problems but i did not just say that so its all good

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
It just sucks cuz like....imagining them drowining, and their prolly like "wtf wheres all the ice?? oh yeah the humans fucked us!" dammit it makes me so mad and feel for the polar bears, they are brilliant animals....when they wait to attack their prey in the snow, they cover their nose so the black dot isnt seen by their victim, how smart is that! anyways yeah it totally sucks ass.


New Member
and yet people in government do things like this....

Palin is suing the federal government to prevent listing the polar bear as an endangered species


Well-Known Member
wtf do polar bears do anyway?

i was gonna say that... then i remembered that they possess some ridiculous gene that allows them to grow bone at will or some shit.


Well-Known Member
all animals have a purpose, it sucks when any animals are endangered species due to humans.
apparently not considering 99.99 % of all species that have lived on the earth are gone. Besides, I think humans have a lot less to do with global warming than youd think.


New Member
The reason Polar bears are in trouble is not because the climate is changing (naturally mind you... screw Al Gore). Polar bears have gone through changes before. It's because man occupies most of their space. In the past they would recede with the ice. We are the real problem. Mankind has caused the largest extinction of animals ever known. We are the disease. Ewww.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
This sure does suck.....:cry:
But this has been happening for 1000's of years, species come, but mostly species go.

I wonder if Polar bears could be transplanted to mainland, like Siberia, Northern Canada, isn't the South Pole part mainland? I don't know, probably just a pipe dream...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
apparently not considering 99.99 % of all species that have lived on the earth are gone. Besides, I think humans have a lot less to do with global warming than youd think.
Hmmm ok. Do you know how much oil we use daily? daily consumption was between 78 and 85 million barrels a day between 2002 and 2006.

...And thats only oil.

the worlds consumption of coal is about 6.2 billion tons annually.

Now tell me we dont contribute to global warning :roll:


New Member
It's one thing for a species to become extinct through natural reasons, but for humans to be the cause of the demise of so many things is tragic.

We're a plague upon this planet.

This sure does suck.....:cry:
But this has been happening for 1000's of years, species come, but mostly species go.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm ok. Do you know how much oil we use daily? daily consumption was between 78 and 85 million barrels a day between 2002 and 2006.

...And thats only oil.

the worlds consumption of coal is about 6.2 billion tons annually.

Now tell me we dont contribute to global warning :roll:
I said not as much as youd think. It has more to do with natural cycles, suns spots, etc. Besides Cow farts cause more co2 than transportation


New Member
OH you didn't actually believe that bullshit study did you? Cow farts? Cows were roaming this planet in giant herds for thousands of years before humans started using fossil fuels. Why didn't the cow farts cause any global warming then?

Amazingly enough cow farts didn't start "effecting" the climate until the complaining started about using so many oil related products, then the great cow study was produced to protect the pocket stuffers in DC.


Active Member
Humans are taking over, it's inevitable :wall:

Soon it will be just us, pets, lifestock and bugs with a few runt wild animals in the zoo.

Lets not kid ourselves.

I just hope that my great-great-great grandkids get my growing journal and there is any soil left, haha :weed:.