Here is my ak-47!!!
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View attachment 357247( Iam very sure I have grown as much and as good of bud as you have bro), shove it smart ass. You are the one who acted like i was some fucking retard who didnt know what lst was and insulted my intelligence for no apparent reason(probably because you are just another blubbering suicidal thread terrorist) who has nothing better to do than harrass people giving techniques on a question I think you are clearly overthinking. He simple wants more buds on the top half of his plant, bending will expose this area to light, thus bigger buds!!!
Wow, impressive, you can grow auto flower strains, sounds tough to figure out when to flower those, huh?LOL! LOL...I care two flops about how good or how many grows you have under your belt. I lost track awhile ago, about 10 years ago....

...Once again, never insulted your intelligence, and no not a terrorist i just have a way of stating whats on my mind without causing an entire thread to get pissed at me. Want some advice?
Awesome, was I right on stating what you meant by your question, did you want to get more buds on the top half of your plant without topping, or lollipopping??? I hope I helped, I fought for your answer brotha!!! Good LUck.
"I fought for your answer"........LOL, wow is all i can say, its not your thread or grow, why are you fighting for someone elses grow, especially in a thread that was a basic question. Hell you could look in the growfaqs above to figure out to better increase your yield, or tye, or bend, or topp for that matter. You were no expert advice giver.
Is this your forum
Is this your
So I have just as much right to post on any thread as you do, so try and be a little more respectful of people, its not your place to say if someones comments are "needed" or not.
Thank you!
Here we go again!!! Your opinion is not needed, the debate is over and he has made his decision. Read the whole thread before posting wannabe!!! Your probably a noob who doesnt grow much, or hasnt at all, so you should think twice about even posting on a thread where EXPERT advice is needed, that clearly excludes you!!!
Actually maybe you are the wannabe, i can pull pics of some lowryder AK's off google. Techniqually you are also a newb, not that it matters what your post count says, ive seen plenty of people come in here and have 900 posts in three weeks....losers.

.....yet again this is by no means an expert question, def. a newbie question for someone just staring. So i guess that excludes you also...
Because, YOU ARE NOT AN EXPERT!!! And he needs expert advice, not just some newbs fucking opinion!!! Cry about it. and please dont try the bit where you act like you have been growing for years and have grown all these amazing strains!!! I have heard it too much of that shit..
Not an expert either...again...have you heard it too much in your own head? I only see it happening in this thread, not others, from people who wanna come in and run the show like they are Jorge himself. And only grow two plants that might yield a quarter.
Need my aproval for what, you can suck as much dick as you want!!! And I never asked you to explain anything, you asked me!!! And you whined not me, I simply added after you, stating that your opinion wasnt needed, which its not!!! And I didnt follow you anywhere, you just clearly have run out of terms and information to use and have nothing left you can say, so you do the typical, You cant stop me I will do what I want, and then finish by calling me a thread terrorist. Good lusk with your non exsistent grow, and oh yeah the sucking dick too!!! PEACE AND LOVE
Wow, you really need some etiquette for online posting. Here at RIU we discourage vulgar language and rude remarks in posts. Carefull...or ya might get banned! Just a warning....RIU is pretty strict these days on people that dont know how to act!
Those LOWRYDERs I posted on here where some of the best ak-47 pics on this site. And just for the record dumbby, I never said you were wrong just that your opinion was not needed, which its still not!!! I love getting people worked up,LOL!!! And wheres that six ounces at, even a louder lol!!! This is how I have fun by the way, I can go all day, keep em comin!!!
Wheres yours?............i'll wait for you to grow some real quick or do a google search.........go ahead......i can go all day tooo....
how am I looking like an idiot, Im simply arguing with you as you are arguing with me. As for my credibility, people know Im a dick but they know I have info, notice the avitar, they will still use my info over yours, even after this, guaranteed!!! Now go tend to your 3inch plants in your (medical grow).
" People know im a dick"....understatement...
what does you avatar of a rabid mutt have to do with your vast knowledge of growing cannabis? ANd dear god why would anyone take your advice over anyone elses? You have a big head buddy, and when you kill those imaginery ak's you got going in your head

, you'll see what i'm saying!
I also dont hold grudges, I will probably give you a +rep after we are done here, I usually do after an arguement, its just my way of doing things!!!
Not true, i received no +rep for arguing with you.... i want what i!!!
You need to back off dude, your ther one jumping on people, I was fuckin with this guy and he knows it. I gave hima plus rep, sounds like you need the help buddy, And I am only 24. Probably not as old as you, but I have been growing for 7 years now, I think I have a little experience with 18 grows under my belt... and for your information, the only gene pulled from the ruderallis is the autoflowering gene. Read up before you bash a strain!!! Me and many others can vouch for its potency, its yield is low, but its very understanding plant in extremely tight situations. So plz dude dont do this, I Im really not in the mood to do another arguement right now!!!
That explains it you are still a young punk.....but with some time you could be a decent guy!
Dude, you really need to learn to come correct in these threads. There is no reason to be an asshole about misunderstanding someone. Cant we all just get along? We are all here from different backgrounds with varying levels of knowledge. What works for you may not for some one else. You wilol find that if you forget about thinking you are the kingshit because you grew some OK crops, you can always do it better next time with the help of someone on here. Just remember that. I'm done arguing with you, i only come out of my friends and my grow journal's long enough to realize why i stick to a few growers on here and only them. because people dont know how to act. So good luck to you and may you grow the best nuggs ever in ganja land!!LOL!!!!

Peace lilmaf......