Well where I am [south east] it's gettin quite nice weather wise.arrid im geting uset to it naw and you? lol. arrid got any out door plants going? as i mite put 2 or 20 out but its the fucking rain when will it stop?
you cant griw in snow. arrid its al my land i mite evein no sumone that grows by you? its a smal word. going by yor avater yor no kid?
my avatar is from boondock saints its a badass movie, if you havent seen it i would highly recommend it. veritas and aequitas means truth and justice in latin. any other bds fans out there? i know there has to be.
that one of the funyist fings iv everd hard and im not jokingyes arrids dream is to grow up to be a 3 ft tall midget that has his face punched in and when he gets a hard on and sees a hot his face scrunches up and his hair turns into a mop . lol lol
we have our dreams
hahahahahhahahaha.Arrid, your avatar creeps me out man...makes me a bit squeemish. You could make a horror movie with that dude touching peoples legs on the train and making that face. Oh god it's creepy lol
You've unleashed him yet again.lol thats the face of a guy who when its dark on a train hes grabin ass, grabin tits, looking up girls skirts, pulling girls panties off if there wearing skirts , and just doing weird things (inyet hot and hot ) lol then thats when the village people with fire come and step on his face