AK-48 Red D grow journal


New Member
thanks man!, used a 400w T5 flouro for flower, topped them (left 4-6 main branches left) at maybe 12"? and cutt off the bottom 1/3 a week into flowering.
used fox farm soil, ff food, and ff heavy ferts. CO2 bottle fed.

before Co2 i was getting 6-9oz off that light and on that grow (the last one) i got about 7-8oz off the 12 ak you see, i think it could have been better but it got really too dry at the end of the grow.

the phenos i played with smelled the same for the most part, and didnt really smell too much in flower at all even when you rub up against it. (my ww all you have to do is touch it an ur arm smells like skunk) taste wise i noticed 2 differences in the phenos, one more earthy/deisel/pine and one thats softer/fruity... the deisel one was the fastest and had the best bud structure.. i like the fruity one too just had shorter buds, more leaf, and took longer

sorry didnt mean to hijack a thread or anything.. its just a really neat strain, doesnt get enough credit. good luck!

yea i too have heard nothing but great things about the ak48...one question...i use coco coir/perlite,and i have monkye juice BLOOM...should i use bloom to veg?instead of the fish fert and seaweed im using now..all my plants have nutrients problems..its prolly due to my tap water or something..and they might have a deficinecy...so who reccomnds using the monkey juice bloom forumla for my vegging plants,since i dont have the veg formula?


Well-Known Member
... Had the odd Indica dominant pheno that could of been harvested in 7 weeks, especially in a hydro system. And had some phenos that could easily go for 10 weeks.
I am hoping for the indica pheno the finishes in "48 days"

whit all this said anyone here ever grow AK-48 or red d?
I have RD. Not happy. They are vigorous growers but some phenos are touchy. I f'd up and vegged for 8 weeks under 24/0 and have light stressed them so they through off a male flower here and there. Because of this I harvested at ~9 weeks and they may even need 11! Heavy yield but not frosty at all. I have 3 phenos. 1 more sativa influenced (looks like may be yours) One that is vey indica dom, and another who is caracterised by leaf tips curling no matter what you do (less light and keep dry) this one turned purple on the tops. All was made into hash. They are so vigorous I am having trouble letting them go, but it seems the hermis deal has been passed on to daughter clones:-(. The same thing has happend to my k-train and headband, needless to say they are on18/6 now. Night Shade fem, Ak-48, a G-13 Purple lady fem, and some power skunk have all cracked and are in rockwool to replace my mistakes. I cant give up on the k-train yet as it is really nice smoke. Lots of RD pics in my journal starting about page 10. I wish you better luck with them!



Well-Known Member
ok well a free way to cool ur light better would be to remove the side things and make holes in the top of the reflector(heat rises) and have the fan blow on the buld and the hot air escaping from the holes u made


Well-Known Member
I am hoping for the indica pheno the finishes in "48 days"

I have RD. Not happy. They are vigorous growers but some phenos are touchy. I f'd up and vegged for 8 weeks under 24/0 and have light stressed them so they through off a male flower here and there. Because of this I harvested at ~9 weeks and they may even need 11! Heavy yield but not frosty at all. I have 3 phenos. 1 more sativa influenced (looks like may be yours) One that is vey indica dom, and another who is caracterised by leaf tips curling no matter what you do (less light and keep dry) this one turned purple on the tops. All was made into hash. They are so vigorous I am having trouble letting them go, but it seems the hermis deal has been passed on to daughter clones:-(. The same thing has happend to my k-train and headband, needless to say they are on18/6 now. Night Shade fem, Ak-48, a G-13 Purple lady fem, and some power skunk have all cracked and are in rockwool to replace my mistakes. I cant give up on the k-train yet as it is really nice smoke. Lots of RD pics in my journal starting about page 10. I wish you better luck with them!


ya man i actually have red pistals! i am very excited did you encounter this while u were growing. FUCK my camara is around somewhere and when i find it i will post detailed pics of both. they are looking great.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man. The AK-48 crank! ... My last grow went well. Moving onto other strains now though. But she was good quality for reasonably priced seeds!

These were grown in soil (10L pots) - I think that was week 7 out of 8 and a half weeks total? - Can't really remember, smoked too much of it :P lol

can you tell me what your final yeild was?


Well-Known Member
ya man i actually have red pistals! i am very excited did you encounter this while u were growing. FUCK my camara is around somewhere and when i find it i will post detailed pics of both. they are looking great.
You can get your pistils to change color about anytime, just let the plant dry out, get them too hot etc. Early I would not consider it a good thing. Soon after harvest any remaining white hairs turn red.

as promised pics from a digital camera nice quality

week 5 flower going for 9 post away boys. also to a previous poster here is how i cool my light
I assume the Rd is in the orange homer bucket and the Ak-48 in the white?

either way they look good, the white bucket better...is she older?



Well-Known Member
yes white bucket is older by 2 weeks.

the AK is packing some serous weight now getting excited. most of the reviews i have read say that people flower ak for 7-8 weeks. i most likly am gonna go for 9-10.


Well-Known Member
yes white bucket is older by 2 weeks.

the AK is packing some serous weight now getting excited. most of the reviews i have read say that people flower ak for 7-8 weeks. i most likly am gonna go for 9-10.
One thing I have seen is if you harvest when they are how you want the trichs, by the time they dry they have gone past ie. harvest with all cloudy and some amber...finish with mostly amber. If you look at them under a scope, they are starting to degrade when they turn amber, become brittle and are more prone to fall off. Unless you are just wanting to sleep... I would say 56-60 days max, as I have seen others grow this and harvest at 7 and they advertize 48 days under ideal conditions...not my grow for sure. But then I like a heady high with my couch lock for mood elevation and anti-anxiety.



Well-Known Member
One thing I have seen is if you harvest when they are how you want the trichs, by the time they dry they have gone past ie. harvest with all cloudy and some amber...finish with mostly amber. If you look at them under a scope, they are starting to degrade when they turn amber, become brittle and are more prone to fall off. Unless you are just wanting to sleep... I would say 56-60 days max, as I have seen others grow this and harvest at 7 and they advertize 48 days under ideal conditions...not my grow for sure. But then I like a heady high with my couch lock for mood elevation and anti-anxiety.


ya thats a good point i looked at the trics this morning and some were cloudy and starting to turn cloudy in week 6. now i am used to growing strains that take 10+ weeks of flower.

i am probably gonna go 8.5 weeks which is about 60 days i forgot; because in all reality i have them under "optimum conditions"

i have the light about 8 in away
c02 enriched
feeding aggressively

guess we will see. i dont live where i grow so i wont be around for 2 weeks at which time i am going to flush then cut a week after.


Well-Known Member
ya thats a good point i looked at the trics this morning and some were cloudy and starting to turn cloudy in week 6. now i am used to growing strains that take 10+ weeks of flower.

i am probably gonna go 8.5 weeks which is about 60 days i forgot; because in all reality i have them under "optimum conditions"

i have the light about 8 in away
c02 enriched
feeding aggressively

guess we will see. i dont live where i grow so i wont be around for 2 weeks at which time i am going to flush then cut a week after.
Dude if you are enriching (and have cloudy trichs) you should be good at 7 weeks. Consider flushing for the two weeks you are not there and cut a few days later. 10-14 days flush is better IMO and would rather do 16 days with no nutes than only 1 week flush, they are starting to die as they approach being ready and transpire less (depending on heat i guess). But again it is all personal preference.



Well-Known Member
Nice 48 grow!
If you'd like to see an AK-48 in full swing, about a week from harvest, growing in a DWC system, using liquid cooled lighting, then click here

I have some close ups, and a weekly detailed smoke report (as I have been pre-harvesting a little testing material for myself...for scientific purcposes).
I really like the strain. Clones rooted easily.


Well-Known Member
ya thats a good point i looked at the trics this morning and some were cloudy and starting to turn cloudy in week 6. now i am used to growing strains that take 10+ weeks of flower.

i am probably gonna go 8.5 weeks which is about 60 days i forgot; because in all reality i have them under "optimum conditions"

i have the light about 8 in away
c02 enriched
feeding aggressively

guess we will see. i dont live where i grow so i wont be around for 2 weeks at which time i am going to flush then cut a week after.
Though after thinking about this, I looked at my RD indica pheno which is 6 weeks in flower and she is mostly cloudy but nowhere near done. I guess I really do not look before about 8 weeks normally and different strains. The RD trichs are very small and almost n one on the leaves, though the buds are large and sticky. I am hoping she will put on more trichs late?



Well-Known Member
ok these are week 6 + a day

she has really packed on some weight and getting close to harvest
She looks nice! Are your RD the same age? I have one that is 47 days today, I will put pics up in the "seldom scene garden" when the lights come on in a couple of hours.



Well-Known Member
She looks nice! Are your RD the same age? I have one that is 47 days today, I will put pics up in the "seldom scene garden" when the lights come on in a couple of hours.


no the red d is a bit younger and has a longer flowering time then the AK. i think i am going to cut the ak down at 8 weeks. but dont know for sure cause i havent checked trics yet. when i chech them i will be able to better guage a harvest time. she is only 6 weeks old i expect her to pack on even more weight; we will see.


Well-Known Member
no the red d is a bit younger and has a longer flowering time then the AK. i think i am going to cut the ak down at 8 weeks. but dont know for sure cause i havent checked trics yet. when i chech them i will be able to better guage a harvest time. she is only 6 weeks old i expect her to pack on even more weight; we will see.
Yeah I was forced to harvest the mother of my RD at 9 and I think she could go 11.
