12/12 start to finish?

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
I have always wondered if this would work? And if so how long untill the plant shows first signs of sex? Anyone here grow like that, and what are the drawbacks of going 12/12 start to finish?


Well-Known Member
It would work but ... Higher chance or Hermies and Males........It wouldnt show it's sex till it sexed.... 6 weeks maybe?


Active Member
I have always wondered if this would work? And if so how long untill the plant shows first signs of sex? Anyone here grow like that, and what are the drawbacks of going 12/12 start to finish?
Yes it would work.

It all depends on the conditions and strain of the plant till you see signs of sex, i havent done it before so i wouldn't know the exact time, but i would of thought about 3 weeks?.

The only drawbacks i can think of is it will not yeild as much as a plant that has been vegging for a while.


Well-Known Member
I'd veg for a month(18/6 or 16/8), then switch. You'll get nearly the same harvest time(grow duration), but a better harvest(yield).

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
Wow thanks for the quick responses, I had a problem with my t5 floros (dropped it :( ) and dont have the 50bucks to rebulb it atm would vegging under a 400w HPS be a problem?


Active Member
Wow thanks for the quick responses, I had a problem with my t5 floros (dropped it :( ) and dont have the 50bucks to rebulb it atm would vegging under a 400w HPS be a problem?
Na you shouldn't have a problem, how many plants??? it would be better to use a halide bulb for its blue spectrum, you will get a better rate of photosynthesis. However i have used HPS many times for vegging and never had a problem. ;-)

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ive done the 12/12 from start with bagseed and it does take longer to sex. although i had decent results but plants were pretty small when finished and i had no hermies at all.
the plants will respond better to the 12/12 if they are more mature before switching to 12/12. the more veg. you give will give you a much better yield.


Active Member
i followed a thread that a guy did 9 weeks 12/12 lighting with 15 plants from seed, two were male, he got over a pound of weed. its a really long thread cause it was a grow journal.

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
No plants involved yet. I just wanted some answers before I started. I just build a new grow cabnit, i bought the HPS for the new cabnet. I was growing start to finish in a closet with the t5s. It worked ok but i want more dense bud, and to move the operation out to the garage. I have better security, and more room to play there. But as i was attaching my lights to my lifters, string broke and there were meny tears.Now the cold weather has passed and i'm eager to start growing again. I think growing is more addictive then actully smoking lol. (I know the world is divided on the additictive properties of MJ however anyone can become addicted to something that gives you enjoyment)

ink slingin' in the 805

Well-Known Member
dude i wouldnt recomend it. im no pro but ive been thru a few harvests and i have tried 12/12 and was not happy compared to what i got from vegging it for only 2 weeks even. i personally veg to the fullest because i cut clones and dont mind the wait. vegging is not the most fun part but a near nessessity rather. just my opinion =)

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
Thanks for all the help, I think i'm going to set up my cfls that i used for undercanopy and around the edge lighting and see if i can veg under them, then start a few out 12/12, and see what happens *shrugs* got the space might as well try some stuff out right?


Active Member
Thanks for all the help, I think i'm going to set up my cfls that i used for undercanopy and around the edge lighting and see if i can veg under them, then start a few out 12/12, and see what happens *shrugs* got the space might as well try some stuff out right?
Hey yea im going to try this aswell, just as a lil personal experiment with two plants. Il grow one under 12/12 and veg one for 2 weeks then 12/12.
Il see how much longer it take to see signs of sex..ect.


Well-Known Member
12/12 from bag seed is the way to go....Im not gonna waste time trying to veg if its not good in the first place.....if he 12/12 run goes decent Ill take one of the clones from that batch and veg and see the results...


Well-Known Member
im doing 12/12 from seed as an experiment with five seeds i had laying around, im on day 14 of 12/12 and my five clones are forming buds already, especially the ko kush vs. the yumbolt anyways. . the five seedlings are lagging, one looks a lot better than the rest so im hoping a few more days and i'll know the sex.


Active Member
Over 35 grams/plant. Not bad.
ya and the guy used freaking colored party cups from start to finish, he had to water em 3 times a day but they grew to 5x the size of the cup, he admitted they were a lil top heavy but he had to fit em all in the room and had to harvest before he moved in two and half months.