Where could I bring my buds to dry?


Active Member
I live at home with my parents and can not being any weed inside. When I get my plants trimmed. Where do you think I could stash the weed so it can dry in the darkness. Could i trust a friend? Could i leave it in my truck? I can not bring it inside.
check this i was going to use my storage locker like "self storage" the ones you rent cuz theres A/C and its like 70F in there (i live in Hawaii) but my brother let me dry it at his place. it wuld have worked out perfect thought! theres alarm on the storage and my own lock as well as video survellence and 24hr security. and alot of place cost $1 for the first month and no contracts.
check this i was going to use my storage locker like "self storage" the ones you rent cuz theres A/C and its like 70F in there (i live in Hawaii) but my brother let me dry it at his place. it wuld have worked out perfect thought! theres alarm on the storage and my own lock as well as video survellence and 24hr security. and alot of place cost $1 for the first month and no contracts.

I think you would have to worry about the smell if you dryed them at a storage unit. Or people seeing you. I would try to come up with a method for doing it at your grow spot. Maybe battery powered fans.
Maybe you can dry them out in a cardboard box, and bury the box in a hole outside?? just a thought.

What?? thats the craziest thing ive ever heard.

If you cant bring it in your (parents)house,or even on your (parents) property its gonna be pretty hard. I wouldnt trust anyone to dry it dont care who it is.I dont know what to tell you just wait untill you are older.
You should build a little lean-to tent out of a couple of sticks holding up a tarp stretched taught with guy ropes.

Face it like a tunnel allong the prevelent winds and hang the buds underneath it.

it only needs to be a couple of feet tall. Cover in branches to camoflage.
What?? thats the craziest thing ive ever heard.

Crazy enough to work my friend. Like in your back yard, just bury the box, and if its good enough nobody will ever know!

if its obviously you have buried something you could cover the top with something, and i dont know what.

Like if i was to do it, i would bury it in the back of my yard, and cover it was grass n shit, or a towel or something or other. give it a couple of days n dig that up, to put in curing jars!

Unless like im tripping out and it wouldnt work... :-?
Crazy enough to work my friend.

I dont know it needs to have some circulation so the buds dry evenly and you cant see if mold is starting to grow i dunno...doin this aint for the faint of heart i wouldnt risk it, but then again i have a place to dry so no need to worry
well i know im going to have to put the buds to dry in a cardboard box because that would be the easiest and I dont what to leave the buds to dry outside because the buds won't be as good. KEEP THINKING!!
You can build a solar food dehydrator, dry your buds in the sun, and seal them in canning jars. The cardboard box is not only moisture absorbent, it not air tight either. Once your buds are dried and sealed you can make sure they get extra dry. Opening the jars for a few hours ever day, during noon hours, and resealing them before the afternoon cools down. Do this several times and your bud will last all winter long. You can bury the jars or store them in the box.
