175 ppm? is that bad


Active Member
im thinkin i burned my plants so on a recomindation from they guy at the hydro store, i did 1/2 of the nutrients. 1:1:1 ratio. wich is,17.5 mL of advanced nute grow-micr-bloom, in a 40 gal. res. any ideas?
You seem to have some minor nute burn, I would back off a bit and see how it responds.


Active Member
i'm running 200 ppm on seedlings, hows your ph? Your o2? You res temp?
ph is 5.6 goes up about .4 over 12 hr. The o2? Im still new and dumb, so i bdid a google search and discoverd this ment oxygen. If you mean air flo, its very good. Other wise i dont know what you mean. And my res temp should be good. No more than 75 no less than 65. Stays nice and dark. Roots look grate. Cant wait to here back.


Active Member
They were vegging at 800 nicely, so i think. When i switched to bloom i might have burned them or somthing. But i fallowed the instructions. 860 ppm. And 5 days later, there getting more and more leaves getting hit by this shittyness. Actually ive ben dumping my res for the last couple nites. First down to 360ppm then down to 175.


Well-Known Member
They were vegging at 800 nicely, so i think. When i switched to bloom i might have burned them or somthing. But i fallowed the instructions. 860 ppm. And 5 days later, there getting more and more leaves getting hit by this shittyness. Actually ive ben dumping my res for the last couple nites. First down to 360ppm then down to 175.
Do you ever flush? You might be getting nutrient salts building up in your soil. Feed with plain PHed water every 3-4 feedings so you dont get nute build up that leads to nute burn. If its hydro its probably PH.

175 PPM is pretty damn low so I dont think your solution is too strong. Just too much build up or PH is way off.



Well-Known Member
I can't see how you'd be burning them at that ppm, and since I can tell the difference between hydroton and soil I know it's unlikely you've got significant salt build-up.

Is it hitting the older leaves first or the newer ones?

My guess is it would be from either a deficiency or pH induced lock-out of some kind.