Ontario growers!!!


Well-Known Member
Yo Ontario growers, whats up! What is everyone growing this year? I'm near Toronto and I picked up some KC Brains TNR seeds and some KC 36 as well. I really want to pick up some lowriders or something, but ordering in the mail isn't my bag... I just buy from somewhere in the city. Anyways, enough about me... what about you fuckers? what's the plan this year?
Hey!! Growing himalayan gold and Nebula in the GTA this season! Where did you go to get seeds from a store around here?
dude no idea wat iam growing ill prolly try some bag seed, and get some clones, whens u guys starting to germenate urs? its -30 where iam tonight, but id say in a month or so i might start germinating the seeds, and than let them grow on my back porch for a bit? Is apirl 20th (420?) a good time for nothern ontario, well central ontario. I have grown for 3 threes, but everytime either started late, or used clones?
Hey growing some bag seed and maybe buy some clones later in the year. Gonna start april 20th (420) think its to soon? usually i just buy clones, right now its -20 here, iam in central ontario, but itll warm up. Also this will be my first year growing in ground, before this year i had grown in trees, wish me luck, and may the pot be with u guys!
Sacred Seed. They have all kinds of stuff there... I only picked up these ones because they're cheap and i'm on a tight budget lol. you doin it guerilla style or a back yard grow?
hey guys..im growing some big bang and some jack..well going to try anyways..im starting them inside and in the last week of may im going to tuffin them up..hopeing for a good warm season..i got my seed from a bank in niagra falls
i've got a few nebula going indoors right now, going to bring a few cuttings up north to the farm in may
Yeah ive heard a lot about sacred seed but i havent been there myself yet. Do they only sell seeds to people who are over 18 i think i heard that somewhere but im not sure
Hey, nice to know theres at least a few growers in Ontario :p
Yeah, Sacred is pretty cool, they've got some decent stuff and some alright prices. dont know how old you have to be to buy, but they didnt ask me for ID.
Hey, nice to know theres at least a few growers in Ontario :p
Yeah, Sacred is pretty cool, they've got some decent stuff and some alright prices. dont know how old you have to be to buy, but they didnt ask me for ID.
You gotta be 19, eh as long as you look old, get some tattoos haha. That's what I use to do when I was 16, I had like a couple tattoos, I'd go into some stores to get bongs and if they'd ask for an ID, I'd just pull down my sleeves and all that shit. haha I was tall back then too so.
im growing in qc and i got new purple power supper skunk early special and jock horror from nirvana
Got my grow on the go! Sacred seed provided me some Durgamata from Paradise seed and some KC36 from KC Brains! So far just popped my beans last wk and so far everyone is homogenous and lookin great! Anyone have reviews on these strains outside..........Overgrow the Goverment!!
i have 10 juicy fruit, 10 blueberry, and some big bud clones. Anyone else ever grown bigbud in southern ontario?
Awesome, guys. sounds like its gonna be a good year! Us Ontario growers gotta stick together. we should do a clone swap at Vapor sometime this summer.
I wanna go get some seeds from Ontario Seed Bank. I think they're on Lakeshore? I forget. But yeah, they seem to have some awesome prices. Anyone have good luck with seeds from there?
i bought some nebula from there , 100% germinated, if you if decide to go there bring cash its the only thing he'll accept. yeah they have awesome prices on seeds too.
Awesome, guys. sounds like its gonna be a good year! Us Ontario growers gotta stick together. we should do a clone swap at Vapor sometime this summer.
I wanna go get some seeds from Ontario Seed Bank. I think theyre on Lakeshore? I forget. But yeah, they seem to have some awesome prices. Anyone have good luck with seeds from there?
growen a shit load of trainwreck this year outdoors at a huge bush. what date should i start to bring the clones outdoor? there going in the ground just dont know when to