why is growing kept so quiet


Active Member
listen to this why does every one keep it so quiet we should all be growing without a care if police or so called govererment have got such a problem about what goes on and what has been going on for centurys why arnt they busting me its cause they dont give a hoot you aint killing no one and they know it and you americans are the biggest wet folk out the most powerfull country in the world and your all secretly growing your poxy plantsand ballsing it up asking for help no one thinks like me. so we will waste are time on this site saying how do i ? its simple plant one of gods seeds and it grows if someone would like to challenge me in what im saying you must mistergoverments pet so what you saying people!
listen to this why does every one keep it so quiet we should all be growing without a care if police or so called govererment have got such a problem about what goes on and what has been going on for centurys why arnt they busting me its cause they dont give a hoot you aint killing no one and they know it and you americans are the biggest wet folk out the most powerfull country in the world and your all secretly growing your poxy plantsand ballsing it up asking for help no one thinks like me. so we will waste are time on this site saying how do i ? its simple plant one of gods seeds and it grows if someone would like to challenge me in what im saying you must mistergoverments pet so what you saying people!

you make 0 sense..

why does every one keep it so quiet we should all be growing without a care

umm.. unless you have a med card, and you have a desire to be loced away, your statement is naive and very very immature.

why arnt they busting me its cause they dont give a hoot

call ur local PD and tell them your growing weed.. Im sure they will accomidate you

you americans are the biggest wet folk

Ok that just comepletely lost me

no one thinks like me.

God I sincerely hope not

if someone would like to challenge me in what im saying you must mistergoverments pet so what you saying people!



listen to this why does every one keep it so quiet we should all be growing without a care if police or so called govererment have got such a problem about what goes on and what has been going on for centurys why arnt they busting me its cause they dont give a hoot you aint killing no one and they know it and you americans are the biggest wet folk out the most powerfull country in the world and your all secretly growing your poxy plantsand ballsing it up asking for help no one thinks like me. so we will waste are time on this site saying how do i ? its simple plant one of gods seeds and it grows if someone would like to challenge me in what im saying you must mistergoverments pet so what you saying people!

Not a clue WTF you just said. But your probably correct that nobody thinks like you.
And if I ever do think like that?Someone needs to shoot me!Way too old to be playing "Rollie Pollie"or being Bubba's bitch.
listen to this why does every one keep it so quiet we should all be growing without a care if police or so called govererment have got such a problem about what goes on and what has been going on for centurys why arnt they busting me its cause they dont give a hoot you aint killing no one and they know it and you americans are the biggest wet folk out the most powerfull country in the world and your all secretly growing your poxy plantsand ballsing it up asking for help no one thinks like me. so we will waste are time on this site saying how do i ? its simple plant one of gods seeds and it grows if someone would like to challenge me in what im saying you must mistergoverments pet so what you saying people!

because we dont want to get in trouble with the law

Fuck dude
I have my med card, but I still do not blab about it. It is not the government that I am considering really, but the rat bast@ards that would break in and steal my stuff. That can happen regardless of the country you live in.
Yeah...what they said...along with ...always people out there looking to snag someones crop wihen they aint looking....And you got anymore of that smoke man..cuz Until toknwhiteguy broke it up...I didn't have a clue what you were trying to say! And I still don't !
I must be baked, cuz I actually thought I got what the OP was talking about...it makes no sense to me now.
is this kid real!!!!!! who the fuck says that shit, he must have a bamboo patch at his moms house!!!! LOL
Um because where I live, cultivation of marijuana carries an automatic felony charge.

And having a Felony on your record in the US is a big fucking deal. Means I would not be able to vote, decreases my chances of getting a good paying job, and I could never buy a gun.

Too easy to rag on this guy... Sure his concept of how it SHOULD be is 110% unrealistic, but it is 100% true. We SHOULD NOT be afraid to grow a plant, we should not be worried about our police, etc... I agree with that completely...

Of course, that's just not how humanity works... I will tell you how it works (from what Ive seen anyhow)

The masses want to be able to do something that is illegal.
The masses collectively never stand up.
The under dog stands up.
Out of the masses, 3 others stand up.
The government shoots the under dog in the back of the head.
The masses, including the previous three followers run home hysterically in fear of prosecution.

It's the same reason why an old woman can get robbed in the middle of the intersection, and nobody does anything... People only feel invincible when unified, alone they see their own mortality.
And having a Felony on your record in the US is a big fucking deal. Means I would not be able to vote, decreases my chances of getting a good paying job, and I could never buy a gun.

I wish all Americans were felons. LOL I mean, George Bush TWICE!!! I think having a voter card is more dangerous than a gun. lol