

Well-Known Member
Is the scrog method better then growing just normal?
I got two hydro systems with 600w above each one and i was thinking about trying scrog, will i get better yields or...?


New Member
oh my god yes, i have no experience with scrog/sog but from what i have read up on it in this forum the past couple months its very effective for quantity & quality buds. Click on the "harvest a pound every three weeks forum" that has instructions and tips for SOG. I was actually in the process of doing the same thing i took cuttings yesterday and put them in a airtight bag with some water at the bottom for the roots, idk if thats gunna work but i didnt know what to do with the cuttings after i was told to cut some of the bottom portion of my plant off so i could get more dense buds towards the cola of my 3 plants, but anyhow once your cutting has a firm set of roots in the soil you can begin flowering right away, thats why you can get so many buds and they're all colas to. I heard it was best to take cuttings/clones right when its flowering time for your plants that way the process of flowering will be quicker but just as effective


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the tip Stickynp0t3nt2 im def gonna try it out hope it will give me a bigger and better yield :)


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of Scrog information and You Tube videos of it being done on the net.

Just Google "Scrog" and you will get everything you need to know.

And yes it is really cool! I am actually starting one right now so look for DOW's Scrog Grow Coming soon.... :)


Well-Known Member
Is the scrog method better then growing just normal?
I got two hydro systems with 600w above each one and i was thinking about trying scrog, will i get better yields or...?
Most definitely if you do it right and if ya don't you should still get at least what you would growing most other ways. So it's a pretty safe technique to try out I think. I'm on my first grow and everything's been great so far. Make sure to look at a lot of different setups and see what feels best for you. One of the cool things about scrog is that everyone seems to do it just a little differently.

What kind of hydro systems do you have? What are the specs for your room? What strains?