Caught Growing! PC Setup?!


Active Member
- you can use a pc fan or 2 to take fresh air into the PC grow box
- lar for reflective
- if you want to have a plant or 2 look into topping and triming the plant right
- use a 4 inch pot of find a contanor that won't let light through that is wide , long to give your plants a root ball that is more spred out insted of in a 4 inch put where the roots are in a smaller area

Like he said
'' I was taking my courses at the community college.... (for the day) '' meening he goes to college for the class(s) then comes home after class(s)

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i know you want advice on your grow cab. i m sory i have to try and get you to give this up ,talk to your father,


Active Member
i know you want advice on your grow cab. i m sory i have to try and get you to give this up ,talk to your father,
Why give it up? He just doesn't want me to go to jail, so he said do it in the backyard so if something happens, then I couldn't be blamed for it.

I know he doesn't have a problem with me growing it, he has a problem of me going to jail. I'm not putting him at risk, I'm putting myself at risk, plus I doubt I'll get caught with a "PC Grow", so theirs nothing to worry him about. But as long as he doesn't know, he can't be blamed in anyway if somehow magically I get caught by the cops.


Active Member
Also, I don't believe he really cares, just now he told me, "Why don't you move them in the backyard? Cause if the bitch says something to the cops I don't want you to get in trouble." His implying that he rather me doing it outside, not that I can't grow inside. The thing is, I know the bitch isn't, I know it for a fact, I will put my life on that. So I know he doesn't really have a problem with me growing, and I already put a plant in the backyard and he knows about it. My dad doesn't have a problem with me growing in doors really, his just worried because its "hot" that someone knows.


Well-Known Member
You know what that is dont ya,,,,,,Well thats just a blatent disrespect fur da law, is what dat is,,,,,,YUP,,,SURE IS....LMAO...


Well-Known Member
Summer times coming up which would be perfect to start an outside grow...but even if you do grow outside in the backyard, is it still on your property? because if there's a snitch running around your house/neighborhood or whatever, i'm pretty sure you're still liable for it.


Well-Known Member
A lot of holier than thou attitude here. I would bet most that are telling him not to grow are the same people growing against the wishes of others, themselves. I find it hard to believe that most are legit licenced growers here. Light one up and help the guy out if you can, instead of telling him what HE SHOULD NOT DO!


Well-Known Member
Well, i don't know if it's the holier than thou attitude, but i'm guessing some of the people have caught beat downs from their folks (me included) over stupid shit and don't want to let a rookie repeat their mistakes....anyway, good luck with whatever you decide man!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
A lot of holier than thou attitude here. I would bet most that are telling him not to grow are the same people growing against the wishes of others, themselves. I find it hard to believe that most are legit licenced growers here. Light one up and help the guy out if you can, instead of telling him what HE SHOULD NOT DO!
true a little bit of weed is always so much better then the relationship between a son and father:wall:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Okay, I still live with in my dad's home and decided to grow and started growing a week into this year. The problem is my father found out of my grow cabnit, (not by finding it) but by word of mouth of a bitch, long story, not explaining.

After coming back from college (community college), I was informed by my sister that he found out (text message) , and when I got home, he told me to get them out of the house. (Background info about my father, he smokes pot but "hides it" and believes that no one in the family knows)

We talked about it for a minute on our pool deck and he told me to get them out of the house and told me to plant them in the back yard. (Which is only 3feet since the pool deck.) Very funny... since I'm guessing he wants the plants?

Anyways, I'm now planning on doing a micro grow in a pc case and would like to get some opinions on the following:

PC Case:
Note:I'm removing the WHOLE CD Drive holder to make room in the case

New Fans x2: (x1 Intake x1 Out):

Light proof: By lining all sides with a "Sun Reflector" used on cars dashboards. (Is this going to prevent all light leaks?) Applied with spray glue.

Light proof fan (intake): Using a Black Mesh HEPA-A Filter for intake on both sides of the intake fan.

Light proof fan (exhaust): HEPA-A filter with Walmart made carbon filter (the one made with active carbon and the pencil metal cans)

Light: X1 42Watt CFL Maybe more, depends.

*Just need advice on everything, such are the fans CFM enough for the case size and such! Specs of size of case and fans are on the links.

*Update: Also whats the best way to power the fans? A PC PS (power supply) is not an option. So does anyone know a product to turn a fan into a wall outlet plug or such? If not I have an old phone changer, here are the specs: Output:5.0V=350mA

*Could I use that phone charger, and if I could, to power one of the fans? or both.

Also are there any fan controls that are cheap online that I could order?

Please & Thanks


Well-Known Member
The problem is my father found out of my grow cabnit, (not by finding it) but by word of mouth of a bitch, long story, not explaining.

I was informed by my sister that he found out
:dunce: 2 too many people already that know about your grow....word of mouth?!?:lol:

I can't get caught by the cops and I can't get all the blame since its in the backyard

Also some more background info my cousin has a pretty big grow room and my father probably doesn't want to take the risk on me going to jail for five years, since his seen first hand of my cousin having to "hide his grow" when it got hot.
how do you expect to keep your grow quiet when you put your cousins shit on broadcast.:wall:

his just worried because its "hot" that someone knows.
you want to continue with this plan even though its "hot".

i really think we need to make a "most ridiculous posts" thread. it could be good reading.


Active Member
If you are growing in his house, it doesnt matter wether its in your room or not, he will be held liable not you. He will go to jail, if its in your yard you risk a helicopter spotting your grow and still he goes to jail. Depending on your state, if your in the states. Some states have some pretty serious penaltys where growers go to jail longer then murderers.

Do your research and see if its worth it. Besides how much harvest are you going to get growing in a small little PC box, if the risk worth the gain?


Well-Known Member
If you want a good archetype to model your PC from, then go to and look in the Micro section a few pages back. There should be a thread by a guy named Mr. Micro called "The Nanomachine". It is the best PC setup I've ever seen. Check it out


Active Member
Thank you beginningbotanist420., and to the rest that have somewhat supported me.

To the people that are telling me not to: You people act like your agasint weed and growing it. My dad doesn't have a problem with it really, so that doesn't matter. And being caught is such a thing long way aways. I thought you too grow and don't care if its illegal, but I guess I was wrong. I thought you were people to help me, but put me down. I'm doing what I've planed on doing, and telling me not to, is a waste of time, either you can help me, or not.


Well-Known Member
a hard head makes a soft ass.. and "bubba" loves soft asses!
and purty mouths...:clap::clap:

i love it when they refer to our breaking the law when we refer to them getting caught breaking the law...theres a difference, were not going to get caught by doing stupid things.

best of luck OP, the world needs more weed barrons.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Thank you beginningbotanist420., and to the rest that have somewhat supported me.

To the people that are telling me not to: You people act like your agasint weed and growing it. My dad doesn't have a problem with it really, so that doesn't matter. And being caught is such a thing long way aways. I thought you too grow and don't care if its illegal, but I guess I was wrong. I thought you were people to help me, but put me down. I'm doing what I've planed on doing, and telling me not to, is a waste of time, either you can help me, or not.
then why start this thread. if your dad don't care then go and get you grow on, what you waiting on,xmas :-P