this is what i listen to. nothing but badass music hahahaha...

Coroner, Jason Becker, Steve Vai, Agent Steel, Cranium, Dawn, Cacophony, Anthrax, Artillery, King Diamond, Gama Bomb, Sextrash, Assassin, Slayer, Exorcist, Hexenhaus, Holy Terror, Attomica, Megadeth, Vendetta, Nocturnal, Violator, Possuído Pelo Cão, Cryptic Slaughter, Wehrmacht, Spazztic Blurr, Metal Church, Skeletonwitch, Wolfpack Unleashed, Toxik, Tankard, S.O.D., Demolition Hammer, Faded Memory, Arch Enemy, Onslaught, Necrophagist, Obliteration, Broken Hope, Iron Angel, Necronomicon, Iron Maiden, Atrophy, Metallica, Overkill, Testament, Warbringer, Mercyful Fate, Mutilator, Violent Force, Xentrix, Mago De Oz, Hexx, System of a Down, Emperor, Mayhem, Sepultura, Sinner, Rotting Christ, Queen, Pink Floyd, Paradox, Pantera, Opeth, Motorhead, Led Zeppelin, D.R.I., Destroyer666, Volcano, Infernal Majesty, Lamb of God, Kreator, Laaz Rockit, Judas Priest, Guns N' Roses, Exodus, Exumer, Toxic Holocaust, Accuser, Destruction, Whiplash, Death Angel, Anihilated, Nuclear Assault, Death, Napalm Death, Sadus, Sodom, Forbidden, Hexen, Hirax, Black Sabbath, Suicidal Tendencies, Helloween, Danzig, Misfits, Vio-lence, Venom, Hibria, Dark Angel, Hellhammer, Dark Throne, Municipal Waste, Blood Feast, Black Chapel, Trivium, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Beatles, Biohazard, Yngwie Malmsteen, Leeway, Metal Storm, Autopsy, Blasthrash, Bonded By Blood, Cancer..... and more that i cant remember at the moment. lol