most efficient/strongest way to smoke?


Well-Known Member
30 a week?

You must be:

Supported by someone else
or asian!
hahaha no no no things have changed since then!! I have a union job so there's this initiation thing and they took out $10 a week for 8 weeks and since then I've been getting plenty more money than that...and also, that was a bit of an exaggeration. I was probably a little bit peeved from having old ladies yelling at me because they can't find bar soap...


Well-Known Member
I have to say now, that gravs are where it's at. the only tricky part is making them so they milk up all the time. as weird as t sounds, it all has to do with placement. I've almost perfected it for my liking, but I make one hell of a grav. made two kids choke really bad with my gravs. the first one had a bad experience though. he thought my shit was laced with pcp. the other choked so hard he threw up. he was fine and really really high afer that, but then he threw up some more and said he felt like he was melting. we went to taco bell but he couldn't move so he layed down in the car.


Well-Known Member
what a head rush.
i havent seen this thread in a while.
gravity bongs rule.

i hold the world record for largest gravity bong ever hit by a human being.


Well-Known Member
what a head rush.
i havent seen this thread in a while.
gravity bongs rule.

i hold the world record for largest gravity bong ever hit by a human being.
yeah man, same here. I'm not sure why I clicked on it.

what was the hit out of? how big a bottle y'know?


Well-Known Member
yeah man, same here. I'm not sure why I clicked on it.

what was the hit out of? how big a bottle y'know?
an arrowhead 5 gallon with a hookah bowl on top in my buddys swimming pool.
i might have to go use the pacific ocean today, just to top myself.


Well-Known Member
an arrowhead 5 gallon with a hookah bowl on top in my buddys swimming pool.
i might have to go use the pacific ocean today, just to top myself.
holy shit dude!! haha that's pretty sick nasty man. I can't really handle anything bigger than a two liter bottle. I'm quite the lightweight to be honest. like on Christmas, I was at my buddy's house and he had some dank-ass bud and he made the greatest grav I've ever seen, and I took 6 gravs and that did me in reeeaaaal good. I was done after 2-3, but he's one of those people that always insist that you smoke more and even when you tell them you're done they go and light it up and they won't take it, fircing you to take the hit. I felt like I was melting on his floor as he was jamming out on his guitar for an hour haha.


Well-Known Member
an arrowhead 5 gallon with a hookah bowl on top in my buddys swimming pool.
i might have to go use the pacific ocean today, just to top myself.
holy shit dude!! haha that's pretty sick nasty man. I can't really handle anything bigger than a two liter bottle. I'm quite the lightweight to be honest. like on Christmas, I was at my buddy's house and he had some dank-ass bud and he made the greatest grav I've ever seen, and I took 6 gravs and that did me in reeeaaaal good. I was done after 2-3, but he's one of those people that always insist that you smoke more and more even when you tell them you're done. then they go and light it up and they won't take it, fircing you to take the hit. I felt like I was melting on his floor as he was jamming out on his guitar for an hour haha.


Well-Known Member
holy shit dude!! haha that's pretty sick nasty man. I can't really handle anything bigger than a two liter bottle. I'm quite the lightweight to be honest. like on Christmas, I was at my buddy's house and he had some dank-ass bud and he made the greatest grav I've ever seen, and I took 6 gravs and that did me in reeeaaaal good. I was done after 2-3, but he's one of those people that always insist that you smoke more and more even when you tell them you're done. then they go and light it up and they won't take it, fircing you to take the hit. I felt like I was melting on his floor as he was jamming out on his guitar for an hour haha.
i cant clear the whole thing.
i would need a 5 gallon lung capacity.

the best is glass on glass gravity bongs.
no real smoke filtration.
but clean hits.


Active Member
The best way to smoke is with a magnifying glass vaporizing doesnt compare. It has to do with how the sunlight burns the weed slowly but it also has something to do with the suns radiation. You will stop smoking at night. More of an up happy high than with a lighter or vaporizer as the synthetic heat just doesnt do the same thing. You will stop smoking lighter fluid it gives you way more cotton mouth and now you will see lighters were put in gas station to shorten your lifespan by evil petroleum companies. You must pray to the sungod and soak in his radiance or you will not be favored in battle. Smoking with a magnifying glass brings you closer to god. Make sure as much of your skin as possible is exposed to sunlight.


Well-Known Member
The best way to smoke is with a magnifying glass vaporizing doesnt compare. It has to do with how the sunlight burns the weed slowly but it also has something to do with the suns radiation. You will stop smoking at night. More of an up happy high than with a lighter or vaporizer as the synthetic heat just doesnt do the same thing. You will stop smoking lighter fluid it gives you way more cotton mouth and now you will see lighters were put in gas station to shorten your lifespan by evil petroleum companies. You must pray to the sungod and soak in his radiance or you will not be favored in battle. Smoking with a magnifying glass brings you closer to god. Make sure as much of your skin as possible is exposed to sunlight.
you know that butane is C4H10 and when it reacts with O2 it forms H20 and C02.

you drink water and you exhale CO2. I see nothing bad about butane. (OR anything that gives you more cottonmouth, sorry buddy.)

I like the idea about magnifying glass vaporizing but I was never able to get it to really vape. I got it to hit well but I think a vaporizer works ridiculously better than this. solar hits are nice when you're outside somewhere, they're wind proof :D


Well-Known Member
Is a gravity bong, what we call a "bucket" over here... basicaly a pipe (whe use a glass bottle's neck) taped to a large cooldrink bottle, bottom cut off, then submerged in a bucket of water with the whole mcgafter being picked up out of the water, pipe removed. Then push the bottle back into the water with your mouth covering the place the pipe was before....ending up with 2 litres of smoke in your lungs in one time?

Heheh, I did that once with a guy visiting from germany... coughed my lungs out, and then we just laid on our backs in the bathroom for an hour laughing our arses off....

Pleasant memory


Well-Known Member
Is a gravity bong, what we call a "bucket" over here... basicaly a pipe (whe use a glass bottle's neck) taped to a large cooldrink bottle, bottom cut off, then submerged in a bucket of water with the whole mcgafter being picked up out of the water, pipe removed. Then push the bottle back into the water with your mouth covering the place the pipe was before....ending up with 2 litres of smoke in your lungs in one time?

Heheh, I did that once with a guy visiting from germany... coughed my lungs out, and then we just laid on our backs in the bathroom for an hour laughing our arses off....

Pleasant memory
more or less. you don't really need the pipe, just a bottle with the bottom cut off, or 2 or more holes burnt in the bottom of the bottle. then you get a socket through the bottle cap, and that's more or less yer bowl. if done right, you can get hits like this.

but that's only a Poland Spring bottle in a pitcher full of water...


Active Member
Solar hit is better than vapor sun puts god in the weed. Smoke less better stone; puts the sting on it. Best way to get highest with the least amount of weed.


Well-Known Member
Gravity bong FTW Those things should be renamed Brain Smashers :hug:<-effects of gravity bong on a human brain:peace:
lol. idk, I'm not that big a fan of gravity bongs anymore. I used to like them, but everytime I take them, the high just feels more forced and such. idk, it's just not a nice feeling.


Gb all the way, it's easy to make and every bit of smoke that can possibly be used will be. Light it up my niggas!!