sprite marijuana?


Well-Known Member
ok, so i was at my dealers house getting my normal pickup and i noticed something a little strange.
he had a bottle of sprite, wit a spray bottle top on the top of the sprite bottle.

right next to the bottle was a bunch of marijuana sitting on the table looked like it was just misted. i didnt say anything though just got what i needed and left.

i checked what i purchased wen i got home and it wasn't really to wet but was kinda sticky.
idk if this guy is scamming people or what. but if hes spraying the weed with sprite, is it safe to smoke? is it going to get moldy on me?


Well-Known Member
wow that would suck, burning sugar doesnt taste the best :( the shady ass is probably just adding weight to the buds. some guys do that so they can "pinch". i have seen dealers pinch then spit in the bag or something to get weight back up. idk what i would prefer spit or sprite. needless to say i never bought from the guy i saw spit after pinching tho. i would recommend the same to you if you have another option for your hook up.
i would think it would not get moldy if he just sprayed a bit. i say that because the bud is dry and will really suck in the extra moisture. obviously it wont hurt to keep your eyes on it, but i think you would be safe from mold. if it was soaked would be another story i think.


Well-Known Member
He is what is called up these parts bummping,has soon has someone knocks at the door he mists his weed and his will make 7gram into 10 gram give him a knock at the door head but the twat and take his stashand money.I DO NOT ADVOCATE VOILANCE BUT SOMETIMES IT'S NEEDED.


Well-Known Member
yea i understand so i technically got robbed huh
i just hope its not harmful to smoke?
would the sugar sprayed onto the MJ harm my lungs or throat when burned?


Well-Known Member
Lets just hope your dealer was too cheap to get a regular spray bottle and what you saw was a Sprite bottle full of water. It's still a sleazy practice, but better that smoking Sprite.


Well-Known Member
maybe hes like me and just uses random plastic containers for shit, i use a coke 2 liter to mix my nutes and water, doesnt mean im using it, and a sprayer will hook up to really any plastic bottle

if it was ok weed, your fine


Well-Known Member
yea but im just looking at the worse case scenario here so that i know i am safe in the long run after smoking it.
i just wanted ot make sure it was a for sure safe thing to do even if it was misted with sprite


Well-Known Member
yea but im just looking at the worse case scenario here so that i know i am safe in the long run after smoking it.
i just wanted ot make sure it was a for sure safe thing to do even if it was misted with sprite

i think this was all hypothetical, and your considering doing it with your BUD!



Well-Known Member
I think you will be fine if you smoke it. I doubt it will cause any harm. I have herd of people spraying their bud with different scents in order to charge a higher price. I doubt it will hurt you.


Well-Known Member
ASk him about it and if he gives you a lame ass excuse..then dont buy from him anymore and tell everyone who does buy from him what he is doing. thats pretty shady if he is bumping with sprite, or even water for that matter...

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya think about it if you cook suger in a pan and inhale the fumes as you cook it, it wouldnt harm you.


Well-Known Member
well as far as sugar being harmful, it wouldn't be. most growers mix sugar in molasses form to the water mix. sugar during flower actually increases the bud size 30% approx so you are smoking sugar anyhow to a degree.
i heard some effed up stuff about dealers putting little glass beads in pot now to up the weight. they look just like trichomes. some crazy shit goin on out there :(

fat sam

Well-Known Member
its safe, it might taste a little shitty but its fine, does he also sell crack?? they use that to puff that shit up to