Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
just remember japanese are known for living LLLooonGGgggGgggGGGggGGGggGg. Main diet? guess.... it does have a rather acquired taste. but it's delicious. I could so go for some spicey tuna rolls Taki aki.. MmMMmMMmMmmMMmMm.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I went deep sea fishing 5 miles off Fort Lauderdale coast when I caught Barracuda & Kingfish that the restaurants were eager to buy it.... I heard of one guy catching a tuna and getting about $1000 for it... apparently a rip off.................. :wall:
nevver caught a barracuda but i caught king fish off the coast of new jersey trolling. when i went trolling in barbados island we were catching football size albacore and wahoos up to 35 pounds. the biggest fish i caught to date is 129lbs yellowfin tuna Mother fucker is almost as big as me in the picture.[/quote]

I just remember Captain Bligh.. our boat Captain was an ass.. knew is spots, still an ass... My friends hands were bleeding from the wire on the front part of lures yet Bligh wanted him to "feel" the real deep sea experience... at the end of the day we almost died from too much swill and sun.....:sleep::eyesmoke::sleep::eyesmoke:

I catch and release ..To me its the thrill of the hunt and the catch is winning ,, Then I toss em back .. But Ive never caught a TUNA .. The biggest fish I ever caught was a 35 lb striped Bass
Bass are a great battle.... I spent 45 minutes trying to land the Barracuda.. One broke the line right at the boat...:wall:

Once a year I get loads of it free from my family's annual month long deep sea fishing trip. I love it. I grill it, I blacken it, I eat it raw...:) I can live off of yellow fin. Great, I am hungry now.
I like fish, but I never tried any of our caught stuff... actually I got pissed when I saw "dolphin" on the menu at one place... I didn't know it wasn't the flipper type then... I just ordered some Miami Chili...... Had the squirts for two days... Now I'll jump in the fucking ocean and eat whatever............. can't be worse... well maybe the blue ringed octopus would be.. :dunce::dunce:

I heard that tips......:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
cudas are all over the place by my dads in KW FL
there was a really big one that always came up and down the canal....
we caught some little grunt, hooked him up and set him out..... caught the cuda within minutes ... about 5' ... let him go though ;)


Well-Known Member
Im in the mood for a REAL Mexican Burrito...

Not Taco Bell.

If your drunk on a cruise I guess you can blame your swaying on the ocean eh ?


Well-Known Member
dolphin (mahi mahi) are great eats !
trolling the ocean in florida is awesome .... ran across a whole school hanging out under a broke away channel marker in the middle of the ocean.
KILLED em that day ... had about 10 of em in the cooler 3'-5'


Well-Known Member
cudas are all over the place by my dads in KW FL
there was a really big one that always came up and down the canal....
we caught some little grunt, hooked him up and set him out..... caught the cuda within minutes ... about 5' ... let him go though ;)
They are amazing beasts... Have you ever seen the "Faces of death" videos..?? They have this segment where this dude is photographing cuda's and one comes through the school and bites the guys face....
Teach him to hide in a school of fish....
If you've never seen them.. check out "Faces of death" videos... grim freaky shit... especially the guy that parachutes into Gatorama...

Im in the mood for a REAL Mexican Burrito...

Not Taco Bell.

If your drunk on a cruise I guess you can blame your swaying on the ocean eh ?
MMMmmm...!! Love mexican scoff..............


Well-Known Member
If your drunk on a cruise I guess you can blame your swaying on the ocean eh ?
sometimes.. You build fishermen legs after being out there so many times lol.. I go fishing so much that i feel strange when i'm on land and feel right at home on a boat hitting rough seas. Rocks me to sleep everytime.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
sometimes.. You build fishermen legs after being out there so many times lol..

It was like that when I went fishing... I was siting in the crows nest seat and a screw was missing from the seat, so every wave I'd "thump" to the opposite side... took a while to get over the motion sickness..... thats hard when you're passing by those tall ocean going boats.... That fucks up your perception big time.......


Well-Known Member
sometimes.. You build fishermen legs after being out there so many times lol..

It was like that when I went fishing... I was siting in the crows nest seat and a screw was missing from the seat, so every wave I'd "thump" to the opposite side... took a while to get over the motion sickness..... thats hard when you're passing by those tall ocean going boats.... That fucks up your perception big time.......
The ocean is the most confusing place to be sometimes.
I love it though.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I went on a cruise once, it was the first time in years I went without smoking for over a week. Anyway, I felt completely fine on the ship, but came home, ripped a huge bong hit and vertigo hit me. So weird I felt like I was on a boat in rough waves... for like a day. Strange feeling. And Im out on the water alot and that never happened to me before.


Well-Known Member
my mother has vertigo. it took us 3-4 yrs to figure out . after numerous amounts of test and very confusing and worrying day about her.