growing in my roof advice please


Well-Known Member
good choice man sensi know their shit, and yeah its a big yielder man.

yeah im currently flowerin trainwreck/ktrain ( 600w hps) and vegging cheisel / ak48 / NL x Shiva (250w envirolite)

check my journal if ya want man:

all the best man start a journal stick around RIU is a good community, friendly n helps me a lot man
To be honest its just growing for me and me mrs. if thats what you mean ??? Yours set up sound tops mate, can't wait to see my outcome, just need seeds to arrive. whats this journal you talk of ??

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah hanging with ez rollers or i actually use shoelaces. means you can up the lights easily when your plants grow. yeah you might have to turn your lights on at like 3 am n have a walk round the outside of your crib see if its leakin light

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Tiles can let some light shine through the gaps so make sure you check it all over at night every now and then to make sure it stays light proof.