Light green spots on my babies


Active Member
I have 4 seedlings growing and doing quite well. I have been watering with a mild fertilizer (miracle grow water soluable tomotoe food) since they first came up both through the leaves and soil. Last night I had to move them from my grow cabinet to my closet, but i still had grow lights on them. I just had to paint the outside of the cabinet and then add more lights. After I was done and had made sure all the paint was dry I put them back in with more light than they had before. I also sprayed the leaves with the same mild fertilizer I have been feeding them. Today I looked at them again and the 2 youngest have a few light green spots on them. It doesn't look serious, but is it nute burn by chance? or something else maybe? They edges of the leaves are all fine no wilting or discoloration just a few spots on the center of the top tier of leaves. The plants are all starting to develop a strong odor too so I would think that is a good sign beings as they are only 8-10 days old. Any help here is appreciated thank you.


Active Member
stop giving them nutes. seedlings do not need nutes, even weak ones.
Well here is the reason why. I already tried to grow these seeds in the same soil and they would come up grow 1 set of new leaves then stop growing or doing anything they also where not growing decent root systems. Once I began with nutes they started growing again but that was my first time growing and I did allot of things wrong including an overdose. This time I am using very low strength fertilizer to get them started and until yesterday they have loved it. Growing faster than shit and have great root systems. I know because I start them in clear plastic cups and can see when they reach the edges. with in one week they were needing to be transplanted to new containers. I can cut off the nutes for now but when should I start with nutes then? I mean I don't want my plants getting defficient any more than i want them burned, and like I said these seeds did nothing with out fertilizer last time.


Well-Known Member
id say slow on the nutes for a few days at least. what soil are you using, what is water ph, and what lights? on a side note, roots dont really dig on light, i understand wanting to see whats goin on in there but maybe put the cups your using in another cup to keep the light out.


Well-Known Member
id say slow on the nutes for a few days at least. what soil are you using, what is water ph, and what lights? on a side note, roots dont really dig on light, i understand wanting to see whats goin on in there but maybe put the cups your using in another cup to keep the light out.
It was caused by the misting with fertilizer. Its very easy to burn with foliar feed. Also the tiny little beads of water act as a magnifying glass burning the leaf surface.

Mist at the end of the day, and keep what ever solute very diluted.

Also though paint fumes can cause similar damage. Hope this helps, Lamp.


Active Member
the water is tap water about 7.1 ph and I let it sit at least 48 hours before use. The soil is miracle grow organic mix and my lights are 6 x 26 watt CFL's and 2 x 20 watt normal fluorescent lights, well indoor horticulture lights not normal but the old long tubes is what I mean.