Well-Known Member
Should have asked this in that thread but not to be anal I'll answer here......
Sorry about that man. Thank you once again though!
Should have asked this in that thread but not to be anal I'll answer here......
Nice dog, but that picture is more identifiable/incriminating.. Just a thought..
Yep, whole different ball game. Guess it's time to define "cola". A cola is made up of ONE chunky stem aka "trunk" from which secondary lateral branching occurs. Flowers arise from the axils of these branches or where the leaf petiole attaches to a stem. IOW, a cola is a collection of buds from one main branch or "trunk", see the photos on the first page. Topping "my way" produces more than one main cola, up to 4. Any more than that induced by the infamous (and unreliable) FIMMing or topping high on the plant or LST does NOT produce a main cola but rather a series of outputs from the points where the branches/petioles attach to a stem, in the axils.
Just a few questions for you about some of those comments:
How is FIMming unreliable?
Hey UB after cutting above the second node and creating the new 4 main branches... could you cut those branches in the same fashion resulting in 16 tops?
16 tops thats crazy, your yield would be insane wouldnt it UB?
I've seen plants grow secondary root systems from broken shoots on plants toppled in wet ground.. Essentially the end of the cut closest to the plants cloned, and the plants (happened to two) grew kind of arched/LST'ed.. It was very cool, and the grower figures he got a better yield than he would have without the early season mishaps.. I honestly don't know if the root systems even benefitted the plant, or whether they merely didn't hurt it..Not necessarily. It's all about The Balance, as in having sufficient roots to support top growth, light distribution, total amount of foliage, etc. The 16 "colas" will be quite small.
How tall was the plant? (Mine will only grow to 24" or slightly less.)the first one i did had about 12 tops and yielded close to 4 oz dry
1. For starts, no one seems to be able to agree with the method. I'd like to know where you cut, at what point on the plant. AS depicted in a thread on Topping/FIMing, cutting thru some leaves and then attributing normal axial output to "the act" doesn't cut it with me (excuse the pun).
2. Some folks who FIM get no to very little output, some get up to 8 points of output if they slice thru a node. That's unreliable as opposed to my topping method which is pretty much 100% reliable.