My area is full of old bill. They pulled me and two friends over the other day, took one of them away for a warrant. I hate getting pulled over by the police, when they check out my name, a long list of markers comes out over the radio... so anyone that is happening by gets to hear that on police records i'm an evil mo'fo'. It all happened years ago too.
When they pulled us, I had 2 dvd's in my hand that I was taking back to Blockbuster. I said to the pig, Why'd you pull us over? He said, Because we haven't seen you around before. i said, well if we're not suspected of any crimes what happens if i don't give you my name. He said, that's fine, but it opens up a whole new set of powers... I just left it at that, and gave the cunts my name.
Police state? fucking-a-right it is.