Subways proffesionalism compared to other restaurants


Well-Known Member
so i was in subway last night, pretty high...

i go about things normal, order my sandwich. whilst she was making it, it suddenly hit me. the staff must get told to do things certain ways - in any company. now in subway, they make it they way you like and all of that, but also, i noticed that these restaurants are cleaner than any other fast food chain. i also realised that all their food is fresh. the customer service is great and on top of these things, i noticed that every time ive ordered from a subway, the person serving says "thanks, enjoy your sandwich, see you again"

that to me was icing on the cake. if u want to any other place like micky Ds, you'd walk into a filthy place with spotty teenages serving up your food, then when u do get ur meal, it probably wont look like it should after it had been under heat lamps for however long. i bet they wouldnt even give you the essentials with your meal, such as a straw, napkin etc.

subway rules :weed::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I've never been to subway but everyone who works in the quiznos by me is retarded or something. I go in there high asking for a turkey ranch and swiss and the bitch makes me a fucking classic italian sub. I'll have to try subway next time I get a sub.


Well-Known Member
I've never been to subway but everyone who works in the quiznos by me is retarded or something. I go in there high asking for a turkey ranch and swiss and the bitch makes me a fucking classic italian sub. I'll have to try subway next time I get a sub.

never been?!! :o

u tell that bitch to get ur order right or discount ur sandwich.


New Member
I like the oven roasted chicken breast on wheat. Yum. This is making me hungy, damn. Those meatball subs look really good too, but I've never tried one.


Active Member
Yes, subway does **** on most fast food joints in service
And price (FIVE $ FOOTLONGs!!). My favorite is the chickin pizziola with bacon. The lady at my subway hooks up up with extra everything! I think I know what I'm eating for lunch. Haha:hug:


Well-Known Member
I used to love subway and I will admit I miss it. But, I'm not quite ready to give up on the boycott over them giving phelps the boot.


Well-Known Member
subway is weak, I stopped going there after I went to quiznos ........hmmmm chick cabanorro.............................subway was pretty good 1994


New Member
so i was in subway last night, pretty high...

i go about things normal, order my sandwich. whilst she was making it, it suddenly hit me. the staff must get told to do things certain ways - in any company. now in subway, they make it they way you like and all of that, but also, i noticed that these restaurants are cleaner than any other fast food chain. i also realised that all their food is fresh. the customer service is great and on top of these things, i noticed that every time ive ordered from a subway, the person serving says "thanks, enjoy your sandwich, see you again"

that to me was icing on the cake. if u want to any other place like micky Ds, you'd walk into a filthy place with spotty teenages serving up your food, then when u do get ur meal, it probably wont look like it should after it had been under heat lamps for however long. i bet they wouldnt even give you the essentials with your meal, such as a straw, napkin etc.

subway rules :weed::hump::hump:

i know two "fella's" from highschool who work at the local subway - they never showered often in highschool, they still dont. ive seen them chew their nails behind the counter. i wouldnt eat there.

on the converse, i will eat at mcdonalds, burger king and arbies, under the strict rule of only going to the drive through...because we all know, if you can't see it it isn't there. :fire:


Well-Known Member
i always get the roasted chicken breast...american cheese.. lettuce on Italian herbs and cheese ..... fucking DELICIOUS !

foot long of course :)


New Member
I hate subway.. I used to have a bossman on the jobsite that loved to go to subway for lunch EVERY damn day.. I would rather pack a cold lunch meat sammy than go pay 6.00 a sammy for something I coulda just made at home.. Most of there shit is cold ( lately hey heat it up if you ask ) and just tastes like a cheap ass sammy uou can make at home.. The last item I ate from subway was a steak sammy.. I took a bite,chewed and swallowed but the fucking meat in my mouth was still connected to the damn meat I swallowed via a long ass pieceee of FAT!! I had a long ass piece of fat connecting the meat i swallowed to the meat I was still chewing!! I gagged so much that I almost fucking puked.
But Quizno's is a whole dif ball game.. Hot sammy's FTW.. My fav quiznos sammy is the one with turkey,ham,bacon ,fixins ( lett./tom. etc ) and french dressing.. forgot the name though.

fuck subway.. unless you wanna lose weight or w/e haha


Well-Known Member
Quizno's does kick Subway's ass...the chicken carbonarra is the hookup...they just lowered their prices by 20+% and they will add guacamole to any sandwich for no charge...and unlike subway they actually include meat on their sandwiches.


New Member
Yea the wife and I was hooked on the chick carbanarras for about a whole yr when they came out lol.. kinda got tired of em after we started making our own at home.. The Turkey/Bacon/Ham sammy w/ french dressing from Quiznos is awesome though..

MMMM MMMM MMM.... Toasty!


New Member
subway is like the "cheap ass bologna sammich" of restaurants IMHO.. lol.. Not even fried bologna either .. just cold ass bologna.. hahah