LibSpeak ...


New Member
How to speak Dummycrat

Ever wonder what the yammering and bleating libsheep mean when they whine and mewl? Well, our cryptographers at the VRWC HQ have just broke the code on the libsquats.

Libspeak: Our opponents refuse to compromise on this issue.

Real meaning: The Republicans refuse to do everything we want.

Libspeak: That charge is outrageous.

Real meaning: That charge is true but you shouldn't have brought it up in public.

Libspeak: We're united behind President Bush in this time of crisis for our country.

Real meaning: We're going to cut President Bush off at the knees every chance we get.

Libspeak: Honey I need a little quiet time right now.

Real meaning: I got drunk and drove a car containing a campaign worker I was boffing off a bridge. She's dead, the car is at the bottom of a tidal pool, and I have influential relatives to call and people to bribe before I call the cops so can you cut me a little slack?

Libspeak: Every vote must be counted in this election:

Real meaning: Except for the military vote because they tend to go Republican.

Libspeak: The era of big government is over.

Real meaning: But the era of Godzilla sized government is just beginning if I can help it.

Libspeak: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

Real meaning: We had sex on every piece of furniture in the White House.

Libspeak: I think we need to take a closer look at what's going on in this industry.

Real meaning: I think we need to strangle this industry with red tape and new regulations until it's so screwed up that we have to take over.

Libspeak: We must address the root causes of this problem.

Real meaning: We must not do anything to effectively address this problem. Instead we must raise taxes and pour dump trucks worth of money into whatever unrelated issue we have decided is the cause of the problem.

Libspeak: No justice, no peace.

Real meaning: Give us money and we'll find someone else to bother.

Libspeak: He's in the pocket of big oil.

Real meaning: He was once seen filling up the tank of his car with gas.

Libspeak: I didn't inhale.

Real meaning: I was so stoned that I thought I could fly.

Libspeak: I have no information about where my former intern is.

Real meaning: That's technically true. I told the guys I hired to kill her that I didn't want to know any details.


New Member
This is what you've come down to, abstract pathetic attempts at humor, Figures, you've lost it. I've seen it coming for some time and now you are a complete joke. Posting this crap and Ann cuntler, the last of your braincells have expired.


New Member
A joke? Hell man, I think that stuff is pretty accurate. Now, how about rebutting the items instead of just attacking the messenger?

And by the way, to date you've yet to intelligenty rebut ANYTHING in any of Coulter's articles I've posted.



New Member
A joke? Hell man, I think that stuff is pretty accurate. Now, how about rebutting the items instead of just attacking the messenger?

And by the way, to date you've yet to intelligenty rebut ANYTHING in any of Coulter's articles I've posted.

Beeeep, vooiiing suuuzzziill Buuurrrppp-buuurrrooop-baaaarrrrfffff. That's as intelligent as I can get when referring to Ann Cuntler, she is destroying your mind.


Well-Known Member
How to speak Dummycrat
Gee Vi your hatred is showing.

Ever wonder what the yammering and bleating libsheep mean when they whine and mewl? Well, our cryptographers at the VRWC HQ have just broke the code on the libsquats.And that would make Consevatives Lemmings? Funny How I san say conservative and not resort to name calling as the Author of this crap can not.

Libspeak: Our opponents refuse to compromise on this issue.

Real meaning: The Republicans refuse to do everything we want.

Like The Conservatives tried cooperating when they were in control of both houses for what was it? 12 years... Pot calling the Kettle Black I would say.

Libspeak: That charge is outrageous.

Real meaning: That charge is true but you shouldn't have brought it up in public.

Like Conservatives don't resort to the same tactic? Does Sen. Mark Foley ring a bell??

Libspeak: We're united behind President Bush in this time of crisis for our country.

Real meaning: We're going to cut President Bush off at the knees every chance we get.

Someone sure as hell needs to, he has gone from thinking he's a president to believing he's a monarch and that his power is absolute.

Libspeak: Honey I need a little quiet time right now.

Real meaning: I got drunk and drove a car containing a campaign worker I was boffing off a bridge. She's dead, the car is at the bottom of a tidal pool, and I have influential relatives to call and people to bribe before I call the cops so can you cut me a little slack?

Ahhh yes Chappaquiddick, Something that No Conservative can let go of.... No matter that it did happen what was it again? 38 years ago? You may not believe this but not many people including Democrats like Teddy (Hic Up ) Kennedy anyway.

Libspeak: Every vote must be counted in this election:

Real meaning: Except for the military vote because they tend to go Republican.

I wouldn't be so sure of that, It was Bush who had the Supreme Court put an end to the recounts... Funny how Dibold is owned by a Right Wing Interest, and many states refused to let these machines have a paper trail..
I think that the Libs were correct in saying that every vote is to be counted. Besides the Electoral College is an antiquated and out dated concept. People now days are better informed than they were when the Electoral College first came into being.

Libspeak: The era of big government is over.

Real meaning: But the era of Godzilla sized government is just beginning if I can help it.

Utter Bullshit Vi, The Republicans in the 12 years they had both houses spent money like drunken sailors way above par for the Liberals...
Time to pull your head out of your ass and see that the two major parties have changed places.

Libspeak: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

Real meaning: We had sex on every piece of furniture in the White House.

Like Bush isn't getting some of that Jungle Fever... All presidents did it, very few got caught... At least Bill Clinton's Blow Job Wasn't a matter of National Security like Valerie Plame's case and the cover up that went from there....

Libspeak: I think we need to take a closer look at what's going on in this industry.

Real meaning: I think we need to strangle this industry with red tape and new regulations until it's so screwed up that we have to take over.

No More like we need to do something before it cost too many American Jobs.... Regulations are good for the Worker and the Consumer... Get over it, Deregulation caused problems like Enron, Global Crossing ECT. Deregulation Does Not Work.... Reagan Was Wrong. Damn, why is it that Republicans are like Rednecks are about Dale Ernheardt when it comes to Reagan? Reagan Was a man, not a saint, not a prophet... He was foulable.

Libspeak: We must address the root causes of this problem.

Real meaning: We must not do anything to effectively address this problem. Instead we must raise taxes and pour dump trucks worth of money into whatever unrelated issue we have decided is the cause of the problem.

Taxes are going to have to be raised to pay for this war that Bush Saddled us with, I actually am beginning to believe that Bush Started this shit in Iraq to Fuck it up for democrats for decades to come. If you believe that this war will be paid for with out raising taxes, then your living in a Fool's Paradise.

Libspeak: No justice, no peace.

Real meaning: Give us money and we'll find someone else to bother.

More like people are getting sick and tired of corporate bullying and are fighting back.

Libspeak: He's in the pocket of big oil.

Real meaning: He was once seen filling up the tank of his car with gas.

Meaning that the person is wasteful, in this day in time, the last thing that car companies should be pushing is big gas hogs.... I actually welcome the New fuel standards... The Car Companies have been let off the hook far too long.

Libspeak: I didn't inhale.

Real meaning: I was so stoned that I thought I could fly.

OK you got me there, No one in their right mind would believe that lie, but Clinton was still a better President than Bush.

Libspeak: I have no information about where my former intern is.

Real meaning: That's technically true. I told the guys I hired to kill her that I didn't want to know any details.

If I were president of the United States, I would have them lined up out side of my door to give me blow jobs... (so would you Vi) ... No harm No foul.



New Member
Hey Med ...

You could take some lessons in rebuttalese from the Dankster.

Nice job Dank.


PS: It continues to amaze me how devoid of humor the ultra left is.


New Member
Hey Med ...

You could take some lessons in rebuttalese from the Dankster.

Nice job Dank.


PS: It continues to amaze me how devoid of humor the ultra left is.
Yeah I could do rebuttal, and probably do a damn good job. It's just that Ann Cuntler is so diabolical that I refuse to let her ranting drivel enter my mind space, to do so would give her credence and by not recognizing her I am doing my mind a favor. So when you post Ann Cuntler, don't expect rebuttal from me, not worth the effort. I see her name and move on to other posts. There are certain things in life you need not and that bitch is one.


New Member
that's pretty funny. but you could have reversed the roles of those speaking and it would have been just as true and funny.