Why Vote Against Republicans?


Well-Known Member
i could agree more mr.red:) its easy to see that both parties suck ass. bush fucked up but look at Obama spending us into slavery. damn we need Ron Paul. i hope he runs for office again.


Well-Known Member
oh and ps, i voted for ron paul, in the primaries and the general.
that is at least one smart thing you did.
that being said you need to go look at what the federal reserve is spending and garauntee of your dollars off of budget.you might be shocked ,


Well-Known Member
that is at least one smart thing you did.
that being said you need to go look at what the federal reserve is spending and garauntee of your dollars off of budget.you might be shocked ,
one smart thing i did? you are truly an ignorant dickhead......


Well-Known Member
when clinton was president we had a balanced budget. the country itself will always be in debt.

thats why they turned off the debt counter when he was in office.
As a life long Liberal, Clinton managed to balance the federal budget, but our national debt climbed(albeit slower under Clinton)

We need to address our national debt sooner rather than later, this whole Keynesian economics is going to be the eventual end of the current USA.

But knowing all politicians(even Obama) they will just put this off until it cannot be held off any longer.

Then this country is in a world of hurting.


New Member
The only way that would happen is if the repukes gave all the dems the bird flu and held out on the anti-dote, not an un-forseeable prediction.
No, it's quite simple, by then it will be plain that he has bombed the country out. It is already apparent to myself, but then again, I'm usually ahead of the curve.

Even some democrat pols are starting to balk. Not all of the dem's are undereducated in economics it seems.

23 months.

out. :blsmoke:

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
The Rude Pundit

Proudly lowering the level of political discourse

Why Vote Against Republicans? Because Fuck Them:

America, the good ol' USA, is a country that was brought into existence by groups of terrorists and insurgents aided by foreign powers. Its first rallying document was the Declaration of Independence, a list of reasons why King George III and the British sucked balls. However, no matter what that hand-scrawled Declaration told the colonists, a good many people living in Massachusetts or Maryland could've bottom-lined it for you: "Why revolt against the British? Because fuck them, that's why."

The history of great movements in this nation, of any nation, is a tale of people who are finally, at the end of the day, so fed up with the status quo that all of the rational reasoning mounts and piles up until it all, in essence, comes down to "Fuck them." ("Them" being, of course, whoever the powerful are in a historical moment.) The French Revolution, the American civil rights movement, the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, all uprisings of the average person, through the ballot box, the legislative process, or the gun, against those who are dicking them over. Sure, sometimes it doesn't turn out for the best and sometimes things get even worse (see the media-manipulated Republican "revolution" of 1994 with its dunderheaded motto of "Throw the bums out"), but such is the end result of constant, endless disempowerment of the masses, the unending thrum of voices calling wrong what the people know in their guts is right.

Now, even through the deadening fog of Fox "News" rhetoric, multiple jobs, dying pensions, depleting health care, the waterboard effect of credit card debt, force-feedings of fatty foods, soul-killing reality TV, the entire cultural apparatus telling us we must want more and more stuff and shit, the dead-ends of public debate, government-instilled paranoia, dementia masking itself as religious faith, the unsubtle shove towards xenophobic isolation, an antagonistic corporate media, the vicious street-beating death of American intellectual thought, and Bush-worship masked as patriotism, through it all, man, all of it, we have come to this magnificent moment, frightening and exhilarating in its implications, where we, as a majority, are looking at the ruin and waste that surrounds us, piles of shit that we are told are mountains of gold, and we can finally, in this savage season of 2006, at long last come to say, "You know what? Fuck them."

Fuck them for trying to make us believe that America's acts of mass destruction, its bumblings into conflagration and apocalypse, in Iraq are actually just speed bumps, commas, if you will, on the road to a peaceful world of democratic nations bowing down to blow the cock of American hegemony.

Fuck them for holding themselves up as arbiters of morality and when they were confronted with a simple moral equation, they cast their lot with savages and genocidal maniacs. No, not the embryonic stem cell research vote, you backwards ass anti-science fundamentalist fucks. On torture and judicial rights, where even those who proclaimed themselves defenders of the detained and imprisoned ended up dancing like slut marionettes on a puppet pole in the Oval Office when it came down to actually, say, defending the detained and imprisoned.

Fuck them for making Americans fucking hated around the world, as if we're all ex-Nazis or, maybe more accurately, members of Pinochet's Chilean army back in the day, squandering the real triumph of America as a beacon of rights and fairness. However unreal that image was, it's better than being "that big ass country that tortures innocent people."

Fuck them for leaving New Orleans and the Gulf Coast to die, as if somehow those parts of the country were gangrenous toes that could just be cut off.

Fuck them for telling us we're too stupid or traitorous to understand what it is they're doing in trying to re-make the earth in their image, for keeping secrets in the name of their own security while literally and figuratively selling out ours.

Fuck them for lying to us about so goddamn much, about science, about their own policies, about what they actually, really were recorded saying, about what's genuinely important, like the out of control debt and the melting planet, instead trying to get us to think that, if a couple of guys wanna get married or if some pop singer's tit jumps out of her blouse, Godjeebus will smash the earth with his mighty Bible-club of divine justice.

Fuck them for...well, you know what? Just fuck them.

Fuck them all, all the Republicans in Congress, all members the conservative spooge-bucket brigade, all their corporate masters yanking on their nipple clips and shoving cold cash up their asses for their obeisance, all the liars and sinners and avaricious rats of the evangelical right, and especially all the wads of fuck in the White House. They all had their chance and they fucked it up. So fuck them.

When you walk into the voting booth on Tuesday, no matter where, with that rage burning in you, stab that motherfuckin' punch card, beat the shit out of that Diebold touch screen, and yell, "Fuck them" as you vote them into oblivion.

maybe we've reached a point in this America where it's time to fight or flee.

// posted by Rude One @ 10:17 AM| DiggIt!| Del.icio.us|
It seems that the useful idiots have become more brazen as of late.


Well-Known Member
The only way that would happen is if the repukes gave all the dems the bird flu and held out on the anti-dote, not an un-forseeable prediction.
All the repukes have to do is not be the dems. They were handed a losing hand and for some reason the dems went all in.
It's sadly true, it's only a matter of time before the bible belt is going to regain control.


New Member
All the repukes have to do is not be the dems. They were handed a losing hand and for some reason the dems went all in.
It's sadly true, it's only a matter of time before the bible belt is going to regain control.
Damn, that Bible belt again. I think the people have woken up to that crap. If those idiots would do as they preach, the US would be a much better place. Those are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. I say, No fucking chance they'll ever get another douchebag elected again, unless the second coming happens, and if that happens, there will be no need for presidents of any country.


Well-Known Member
here is my final two cents on this topic, we elect these people. if we are going to bitch why not do something about it? during my states republican convention prior to this last presidential election i had the pleasure of being the only waiter on shift at the restaurant adjascent to the main events for the party and also had the pleasure of getting slammed with all but five of the states delegates and their spouses walking in at once. being the loudmouth moderate i am i decided to talk my shit and tell them how i really feel about the republican ticket (basically that mccain is an old prick and nothing but a tool who would probably die in office leaving our country to be governed by an inexperienced beliefe pushing ex model) and to my complete surprise i came to find out that not one single person sitting in that room disagreed with me! i literally almost shat my pants. they hated mccain, they hated romney, they even thought huckabee was a chode! this of course prompted me to ask these people why they call themselves republicans. they all answered my question with another question, "how do all these bush people run around calling themselves conservatives? bush has gotta be the worst democrat i have ever seen!" i was astounded. all my life i thought all republicans were election stealing defecit raising corrupt bastards. a few of them stayed to talk to me and i was even more astounded as to what they had yet to say. ninteen of the 25 republicans that were sent to the rnc as well as most of our state office holding republicans were true die-hard ron paul republicans. all the people i talked to that night supported the legalization of marijuana and many of them helped to pass our medical marijuana bill that passes several years ago. not only that the ones from around the town i live in also helped to pass a certain county resolution that made the prosecution of people posessing marijuana their lowest priority.
after learning all of this i made sure to know who the good republicans of the state are and voice my support for them. i know us stoners are chronically lazy but shit legalization could be right around the corner if we all find out who is running that we share beliefs with and go throw a few hours towards their campaign. hell we all have the right to even run for a local office if we choose. i plan on trying for something local when i get out of college. we have a right to do what we want as long as it doesnt harm another individual or society. at least thats what i think and any politician who disagrees with me can fuck off....


Well-Known Member
here is my final two cents on this topic, we elect these people. if we are going to bitch why not do something about it? during my states republican convention prior to this last presidential election i had the pleasure of being the only waiter on shift at the restaurant adjascent to the main events for the party and also had the pleasure of getting slammed with all but five of the states delegates and their spouses walking in at once. being the loudmouth moderate i am i decided to talk my shit and tell them how i really feel about the republican ticket (basically that mccain is an old prick and nothing but a tool who would probably die in office leaving our country to be governed by an inexperienced beliefe pushing ex model) and to my complete surprise i came to find out that not one single person sitting in that room disagreed with me! i literally almost shat my pants. they hated mccain, they hated romney, they even thought huckabee was a chode! this of course prompted me to ask these people why they call themselves republicans. they all answered my question with another question, "how do all these bush people run around calling themselves conservatives? bush has gotta be the worst democrat i have ever seen!" i was astounded. all my life i thought all republicans were election stealing defecit raising corrupt bastards. a few of them stayed to talk to me and i was even more astounded as to what they had yet to say. ninteen of the 25 republicans that were sent to the rnc as well as most of our state office holding republicans were true die-hard ron paul republicans. all the people i talked to that night supported the legalization of marijuana and many of them helped to pass our medical marijuana bill that passes several years ago. not only that the ones from around the town i live in also helped to pass a certain county resolution that made the prosecution of people posessing marijuana their lowest priority.
after learning all of this i made sure to know who the good republicans of the state are and voice my support for them. i know us stoners are chronically lazy but shit legalization could be right around the corner if we all find out who is running that we share beliefs with and go throw a few hours towards their campaign. hell we all have the right to even run for a local office if we choose. i plan on trying for something local when i get out of college. we have a right to do what we want as long as it doesnt harm another individual or society. at least thats what i think and any politician who disagrees with me can fuck off....
Any transformation has to start at the state and local level. Find out who has the best platforms at a local and state level.

National is too regimented, too controlled by the RNC and DNC.


Well-Known Member

Republican SWEEP in 23 months. (write it down stoners) :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
So where is the republican sweep getting us as a country? Debt and the shitter, thanks to all who voted for sorry obama (you know the black guy everyone thought would fix it all)

obama supporters make me sick, keep drinking that coolaid suckers.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVFdAJRVm94 - I love this obama movie, relax it's a funny one from JibJab


Well-Known Member
Also making weed legal is NOT the top priority of our law makers, so stop acting like it should be, this country doesn't revolve around weed (like it does with most of us)
there are wars to deal with, the economy, and many many others.

I am VERY much a surpoter of making it legal but I also have my eyes and ears open and the top problem is not weed!
I hate plp that vote purely on what they WANT and not what the country NEEDS, that's why we have a fool for a president now, he made promises (weed being one of them) and he hasn't made good on anything at all other than CHANGE, but the change is your money to the gov hands, even more than before.

God the stupidity of it all.
Im not a republican by any means, I'm against alot they are for as well, I have no clue what I am anymore.
Taxing rich people is just stupid, have you ever been employed by a poor person? The fucker is running jobs out of this country.
That's ok tho, I really don't need to speak, Ill be silent from here on out and let oabam show you why not to drink his coolaid.

It's only a matter of time, less than 6 months into it and he has done worse than Bush thought of and his approval rating is steadly falling as so is our country, thanks again for voting for this fool.

im gonna stop before a good deal of you decide to dislike me, just like I've been teeling people around me, I told you it was coming.


Well-Known Member
Here is the problem.
The Dem's and Repub's OWN the debates.
It is almost imposable to get any media as a third party canidate.
If Ron Paul had run Libertarian nobody would have even noticed.
So if we "Fuck them" we have a defacto one party system.

Its our job to change the party.
From the Warfare party to the peace party.
From the police party to the freedom party.
From the party of deficit spending to the party of small government.
We have a real chance to change the party and indeed the country.
The old so called "Reagan Republicans" have seen their days. (Personaly I don't think Reagan would aprove of them)

We have a real mess in this country.
The country is sick.
I think it needs a doctor.
Paging Dr. Paul
Ron Paul 2012 if not "Fuck them"


OMG you liberal quack! Obama has caused more debt in 6 months than Bush did in 8 years ...You have no clue what the fuck your talking about! You people would vote for any liberal alive just to further your fucked up liberal adjenda! The facts are im left of center but i go by who would be best for Americans.And Nigbama is bad for Americans...Just keep your liberal nigbama loving opinion to yourself cause we dont want to hear it dicksmith..


Well-Known Member
OMG you liberal quack! Obama has caused more debt in 6 months than Bush did in 8 years ...You have no clue what the fuck your talking about! You people would vote for any liberal alive just to further your fucked up liberal adjenda! The facts are im left of center but i go by who would be best for Americans.And Nigbama is bad for Americans...Just keep your liberal nigbama loving opinion to yourself cause we dont want to hear it dicksmith..
so funny, however if you want people to take you somewhat serious, don't refer to people as "nig", being racist is how he got elected and to further it helps nothing.


Well-Known Member
when clinton was president we had a balanced budget. the country itself will always be in debt.

thats why they turned off the debt counter when he was in office.
You're ignoring the fact that Clinton was co-opted into balancing the budget by a Republican Congress that promised their constituents a balanced budget. They campaigned on several major issues, and the chief amongst those was a balanced budget.

It wasn't the Democrats that achieved a balanced budget, it wasn't the Republicans that achieved a balanced budget, it was the dead lock between them that created a balanced budget.

Besides, in just his first 6 months Obama has wasted Trillions, and is contemplating adding over a Trillion dollars to the National Debt over the course of his first year in Administration, with the first budget to be near 4 Trillion dollars.

The Theft executed via Income Taxes and Payroll Taxes only provides 1.7 Trillion or so. Another Trillion comes from Corporate Income Taxes, Excises and Tariffs. Obama, as far as Democrats go, sucks infinitely harder than Lewinksy did on Clinton's Dick.

To respond to the premise of this article, the Democrats, fuck them, too.