Well-Known Member
Not gonna say there's a God, can't say there isn't. There are surely lots of things we don't understand.
You ever think maybe Kings and Queens needed more then just money to keep the peasants down.
They needed the fear of GOD to keep the masses at bay.
It's cleary dictated in Ancient Egyptian Culture.
Where kings and queens are believed to be deity's themselves.
That is where most of our modern religion really spawned from.
On a completely different note.
Have any of you sheep (religious people are sheep. If you claim the "lord" is you sheppard then yes your sheep!)
ever considered the idea that Jesus Christ was the bastard son of Mary and Joseph?
Because had Mary admitted to having pre-marital sex, Joseph would surely have been lynched.
Think about it. Joseph looked after Jesus "as if" he was his own.
He then went on to have more children with her.
The bible is full of good morals but so is the 3 Little Pigs!
Agree 100% on the origin of religion and it's use against the peasantry. Still in use today. Protestant work ethic is a scam. Toil on this earth and dog will reward you in the clouds, such BS.
OH PLEASEEEERich people are born into education. LOL!
Rich people are born with connections.
It's not what you know.
It's who you know.
Rich only associate with rich.
i.e. secret societies, Skull & Bones for 1 famous example
You seem to to be disillusioned by the word "rich"OH PLEASEEEE
Do you know how many wealthy girl friends ive had? ..Or how many friends i have that own businesses or their families own a business? I think i know a thing or two about rich people.
Im sorry if im coming off as a dick but Poor people are the most ignorant people on the earth. All they want is something for nothing. You have to work for everything in this life.
you sit there and pick at everything i say when in fact you are the ones with stereotypes... You are the Bigots, not me.
It surprises me that you even have friends/girlfriends, I feel bad for them for having to put up with your bullshit preaching all the time.OH PLEASEEEE
Do you know how many wealthy girl friends ive had? ..Or how many friends i have that own businesses or their families own a business? I think i know a thing or two about rich people.
Im sorry if im coming off as a dick but Poor people are the most ignorant people on the earth. All they want is something for nothing. You have to work for everything in this life.
you sit there and pick at everything i say when in fact you are the ones with stereotypes... You are the Bigots, not me.
It surprises me that you even have friends/girlfriends, I feel bad for them for having to put up with your bullshit preaching all the time.
You seem to to be disillusioned by the word "rich"
I'm not talking about peole who are well off
I'm talking about the rich bloodlines that have been running this world for years.
Not self made millionaires. The fucking so-called elite.
Ever hear about Bohemian Grove?
This shit is not stereotypical it's on camera!
Why has the church fought science throughout history?
im just making sure....Common sense, is far from "common"
You know, they used to point to the sky and call it the heavens.
Then we flew, and found clouds.
How high do we have to fly, before people get their heads out of the clouds.
Well i rest my case. You "BELIEVE" in nothing but yourself, so how does that make you any different than the wealthy? Do you think they believe in god? haha hell no because to believe in a religion is to believe in your people, to believe in the hearts of those that follow the same path of hope, hope of something better, not hope that i will get rich one day.You call title me whatever you wish. I'ld say I'm a "logical thinker".
I don't propose to know any answers.
But, that doesn't mean I believe in Santa Claus!
I feel sorry for people who are afraid to make that leap and apply science to their religion.
I'm open to new ideas everyday.
Honestly, Stephen King writes a better story then the bible.
You act like you can't live morally without religion. Religion has caused wars for thousands of year, we'd be better off without it.Well i rest my case. You "BELIEVE" in nothing but yourself, so how does that make you any different than the wealthy? Do you think they believe in god? haha hell no because to believe in a religion is to believe in your people, to believe in the hearts of those that follow the same path of hope, hope of something better, not hope that i will get rich one day.
Wealth is nothing. Money is nothing. Our minds are the key to everything we need, but when it comes to society and civilization, what is there to hold it together? RELIGION.
WRONG!You act like you can't live morally without religion. Religion has caused wars for thousands of year, we'd be better off without it.
bill gates was born into a middle class family, he is now the 3rd richest person in the world. saying that only the rich come from rich families is just stupid.Ok i told myself i wasnt going to get involved again but i must...
Have you ever thought about WHY the rich try to control the poor? Its because the poor will do anything to become rich! And they have no concern for themselves or others! ....Hmmm this sounds familiar
i dont understand why people put rich people down. Yes they dont like poor people, but thats becuase poor people DO NOT UNDERSTAND! They do not understand the nature of any type of government. Rich people are born into Education, thats why the rich protect the rich.
Again i can not stress the importance of religion because without the hope of a progress, without the hope of self worth to ones family and COUNTRY, We have nothing and we regress back to the wild wild west, or worse federalism.
I honestly can not believe how blind you all are.![]()
Well said man.bill gates was born into a middle class family, he is now the 3rd richest person in the world. saying that only the rich come from rich families is just stupid.
and i think the fact that you think that you have to believe in god to make progress in self worth in ones family and country, the world as a whole has a dim future. do you not realize that we arent just a bunch of land masses in a neverending sea anymore? that everyone isnt as far away as they used to be... if all we can ever depend on are our country and our families alone, the world will never truely be one.
if anything religion tears people apart, i know it tore members of my family away from me. if you are raised in an extreamly strict catholic house, and come out and say you dont believe in god, they might treat you like you just came out and said you were gay. religion is one of the few things in the world that can tear a mother from her son and turn a brother against his brother, and son against his father. religion is the devil.