I dont know what happened this plant is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone ive just started growing my feminized white widow and it has been problem after bloody problem but here These plants are now starting to bend and grow horizontaly .

Can any1 tell me what happened or what sort reprecussions this may have



Well-Known Member
its just a baby trying to get the most out of the light its given

remember not to water until the soil is dry and maybe give it more light, but you'll be fine


Well-Known Member
either your light is too far.
or your fan is blowing it horizontal because its not strong enough yet.
good luck


Well-Known Member
Strecthed like crazy. Looks like you only have one CFL? Def need more light or get the light(s) closer pronto.

May have to start over as that plant is very lanky and probably having trouble supporting it's own weight ATM. My plant is 3 weeks in, maybe a little taller, but has 6 sets of true leaves and a lot thicker stems.

If you insist on keeping these going, throw a fan in there gently blowing on the stem and GET MORE LIGHT.


Well-Known Member
When you start seedlings leave enough space at the top of pot to add soil up to the bottom of the leaves to avoid the plant tilting/stretching... I'll assume you're using CFL... get them about 1" away. on a Y splitter if possible..and put plant right in the middle....
The only thing I see wrong with that plants is the stretch... the leaves look healthy enough..

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
you could stick a chopstick in the soil and tie your stem to it for support. you can keep cfls and florescents 2" from top of plant.


Well-Known Member
Okay every one is saying that the plant isnt getting enough light there are two 100 watt cfls over it and a third is coming 2moro i water them once a day and the cfls are about 2 inches away they seem to be growing to avoid the bulb and its incredibly weird .

But i dont have a fan blowing on them but there is an ok ventilation


Well-Known Member
Okay every one is saying that the plant isnt getting enough light there are two 100 watt cfls over it and a third is coming 2moro i water them once a day and the cfls are about 2 inches away they seem to be growing to avoid the bulb and its incredibly weird .

But i dont have a fan blowing on them but there is an ok ventilation
Not related to the stretching, but you shouldn't be watering every day. Better to water thoroughly on a less frequent basis. Water until a few drops start coming out the bottom and don't water again until the pot feels light (like it did before watering).

I would think 2x 26W CFLs would be enough to get seedlings going, definitely not enough to do a full grow with though. I do all my seed/veg work under 600W MH and they're never that stretched/spindly.

How long have these plants been growing?


Well-Known Member
Not related to the stretching, but you shouldn't be watering every day. Better to water thoroughly on a less frequent basis. Water until a few drops start coming out the bottom and don't water again until the pot feels light (like it did before watering).

I would think 2x 26W CFLs would be enough to get seedlings going, definitely not enough to do a full grow with though. I do all my seed/veg work under 600W MH and they're never that stretched/spindly.

How long have these plants been growing?

Hi thanks for your reply

They have been growing at around 12 days and i water them every day because ihave this really good soil that drains very well but thanks i will try water less


Well-Known Member
hi thanks for your reply it came in quite handy its hard to see but the pot isnt completely full and i put a little more soil and straitened the the stalks so now they vertical

Thanks again they look really healthy