Planet X!!


Well-Known Member
2012 will be the year of the goat, and whos our little friend the goat herder?? you guessed it its Osame Mea ban laydan and also then it will be the day of the rat in the hallmark calander I found in moms knitting cuboard dated from 1993 is what it said

so ya its gonna be crazy.:shock:


New Member
If anything big happens u can be sure that weed will be legal lol. I dont get why every1 wants the shit legalized though it doesnt really bother me if it is or not, im gonna smoke weed regardless. I think they should lessen the jail time and fines though, especially for small amounts.


Master of Mayhem
At about this time (four billion years ago) a planet, about four times the size of our planet Earth,broke away from another star system in deep space and started a long journey which finally brought it close to our solar system. The name of this planet was Nibiru. It brought with it four moons known as "Winds," the North Wind, the East Wind, the South Wind, and the West Wind. (Later, in extant writings, the Babylonians renamed the planet Nibiru, Marduk, which I will use for the remainder of this narrative.) Our solar system drew Marduk closer and closer because of gravitational forces, until it was trapped, forever to make the long journey to deep space and then back again around our Sun, coming clockwise into our solar system in proximity between Mars and Jupiter. The problem being there was already a planet (about twice the size of our Earth) orbiting between Mars and Jupiter! This planet was called Tiamat by the Sumerians (Teom, by the later Hebrews).
Tiamat had many small moons and one large moon named Kingu. Kingu was in the process of becoming a full planet in its own right, when Marduk and its moons entered the scene. And quite a scene it was! It was the start of a tremendous celestial battle, to be fought out on a titanic scale. As mighty Marduk swung in on an arc that put it on a collision course with Tiamat, Kingu (Tiamat's large moon) came between Marduk and Tiamat. One of the Winds (moons) of Marduk swung into position in front of Marduk to do battle with Kingu. Kingu took the first hit as Marduk's moon struck, and glanced off of Kingu, and now Marduk's moon was heading straight for Tiamat! Tiamat sent out terrible weapons of destruction toward Marduk's Moon, but to no avail...The Moon of Marduk struck Tiamat...cracked the mighty dragon Tiamat like a hard-boiled egg... left her there to languish... to wither in pain and humility: its life all but extinguished. Tiamat awaited her fate... Marduk was now ready (next in line) to strike her... but no! It was a near miss. Would Tiamat be spared?
Human Origins


Active Member
ok so i was just wondering how many people have heard of this so called planet that is surpossed to come around the earth in 2012.....from wut i have heard/read it is 5 times the size of the sun and will be creating 300 mph winds....and surpossedly 1/3 of the worlds population is surpossed to get killed in the i wanna hear wut u guys think about this and if u have any information feel free tho share.....:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
check this site out should help you with some of your questions


New Member
It's supposed to be visible just past the sun starting this year. My personal jury is still out on this Plant X thing.

It's supposed to pass between Jupiter and Mars I believe in 2012. It is supposed to cause a pole reversal. At one time, Alaska was on the equator, then the poles switched to where they are now.

I'm not sure what I believe as far as this is concerned, I do believe that something is going to happen in 2012, too many ancient people believed it to discount it in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here it is. Planet X/Nibiru is a brown dwarf. yes our solar system is a dual star system just like most are. a brown dwarf is kinda like a piece of charcoal... doesnt put out any light but is super hot. the gravitational pull is strong but it isnt actually getting that close to us(about the same distance from us as the sun). the 2012 thing as far as science goes is called a polar shift. on dec. 21 2012 aprox 4:13 in the afternoon our solar system will pass into the "southern" hemisphere of our galaxy. and just like the north and southern hemispheres here they magnetic fields are reversed. During a polar shift the magnetic north and south poles will shift by about 35-40 degrees, making alaska right about where the current equator is. Nice huh? whell no because the amount of energy released is expected to cause massive tsunamies, earthquakes, ect. last time this happened was aprox. 26000 years ago(the start of the last ice age). as far as 1/3 of earth dieing well 90% of the world's population lives within 100 miles of an ocean, and they say a 1 kilometer high tsunami can travel up to 10 kilometers inland and up to 50 up rivers ild say that sounds about right. And yes the mayan, aztec, egyption book of the dead, and chinese Iching all have the end time marked at 4:13pm dec 21 2012 lol look it up its kinda interesting.


New Member
Pretty interesting stuff DrGreen. I always wonder when they give times (4:13 PM) who's time are they on? Is that american standard eastern time? I wish they'd be more specific.


Well-Known Member
Pretty interesting stuff DrGreen. I always wonder when they give times (4:13 PM) who's time are they on? Is that american standard eastern time? I wish they'd be more specific.
yea ive wondered that too. lol i hope its my time so i can watch it all go down lol


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